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it. The grand old Monarchies of Chaldea, Assyria, Babylonia, Media, Persia, and Parthia; the immemorial and at times well-nigh innumerable Empires that covered the surface of the immense tracts of country which we now very superficially call Hindostan, China, Corea, and Japan; weird Arabia and weirder Egypt and Africa; Greece the Magnificent and Rome the Almighty; ancient Germania, Scythia, and Scandinavia; the Toltec and Aztec and other lands of ancient America; the archaic inhabitants of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand, and of the Indian, Australasian, and Polynesian Archipelagoes-all are proven from countless and unmistakable monuments to have been, at some periods of their storied life, socially and religiously phallic to the backbone.

And then, when we turn our eyes more especially to the Sub-antique, Dark, and Medieval Ages in Europe, western Asia, and northern Africa, we find these countries the very hotbeds of Christian, Templar, and Mohammedan Phallism, while, as a matter of course, the same infatuation, in all its various aspects, from the mildest to the wildest, must have been flourishing in the other countries above mentioned with more or less continued success.

Moreover, and more remarkable still, not only is Phallism more or less rampant at this very day over most of the savage lands of the globe, but the civilized and semi-civilized adherents of the three great Modern Cults-Brahminism, Buddhism, and Christianity-are also, consciously, semi-consciously, or unconsciously, the adherents of either fundamentally or evolutionally Phallic Theologies and Religions.

Indeed, with the probable exception of the lands of Druidism and Parseeism, the phallic tidal wave has, at one time or another, not only as a religion in and of itself, overwhelmed all the countries of the world, but moreover so infiltrated itself through and through all the other mythological cults as they respectively arose, that long before they severally attained their culminations it had, literally speaking, completely phallicized their dogmas, their symbols, their sacraments, and a host of their ceremonies, and inoculated their

believers with the virus of the private orgy and the outra geously indecent public saturnalia.

Of course it will be uttterly impossible for us, within the limits of this necessarily short essay, to more than thus bestow a passing notice on the national and ethnological aspects of Phallism. Suffice it for the nonce to present a general descriptive view of the symbolism of the subject.

The "Male or Active Principle, Power, or Potency in Creation" was variously typified in different countries by the animal emblems, among others, of the Bull, the Calf, the Cock, the Ram, the Lamb, the He-Goat, the Deer, the Stallion, the Lion, the Elephant, the Leopard, the Tiger, and the Polyp; by the vegetable emblems of the Fir-tree and other Evergreens, the Pine-cone, the Fig-leaf, the Vine and the Grapecluster, the Soma plant, the Pomegranate flower, the Olive, the Oak and Oak-leaf, the Ivy, the Acacia, and the "manrooted Mandrake;" by the object-emblems of the letters I and T, the Cross, the Cross-road, the Tower, the Spire, the Steeple the Pyramid, the Pinnacle, the Minaret, the Obelisk, the Pillar, the Column, the Ship-mast, the Conical Stone, the Hermes conical and furcated Stumps and Hills, the Horned Crescent, Fire, Heat, Light, the Day, Wine, Delphic Exhalations and natural and artificial Aphrodisiacs; by the Thighs of the sacrificial victim; by the euphonic "Thigh" of the patriarch of the tribe, "good to swear by ;" by the undisguised image of the virile member, variously named the Phallus, the Fascinum, the Mentula, the Linga; by the Phallic Mannikin; by the exposed Membrum Erectum itself, by the Sodomites of the brothel and the Kadeshim or Catamites of the Temples; by the glorious and all-creative Sun and the red, impassioned planet Mars; by the Gods, Demigods, Demons, and Celestial Heroes variously called Ab, Abel, Abram, Ach, Adam, Adam Kadmon, Adonai, Adonis, Aides, Al, Allah, Amun or Ammon, Anu, Apollo, Asher or Assur, Baal, Baal-peor, Bacchus, Bel or Belus, Belphegor, Brahm, Brahma, Cadmus, Dionysus, Dispater, Edom, El, Emeph, Eros, Esau, Esculapius, Ether, Fricco, Helios, Hephaistos, Hercules, Hermes, Hesus, Horus, Hues or IHS (vulgarly and fraudently converted by the Church into "Jesus Hominum Salvator"), Jack, Jaganath

(miscalled Juggernaut), Jah, Jao, Jehovah (Jahvel, Jcue, Yahveh, or Yahoo), Jesus, Joss, Jupiter, Kronos, Mahadeva, Melkarth, Mercury, Noah, Odin, On, Osiris, Pan, the Paniski (Fauns, Satyrs, Sileni, Centaurs, Minataurs, Chimeras, etc.), Phtha, Pluto, Priapus, Prometheus, the Python, Saturn, Seth, Siva, Sol, Tammuz, Tau, Thor, Thoth, Urotalt, Vishnu, Vulcan, Woden, and Zeus: by the All-Father, by God, by the Celestial Love, and by the Holy Triad, Trinity, or "Three-inOne."

The Female or Passive Principle, Power, or Potency was typified by the Cow, the Adumbla, the Heifer, the Mare, the Doe, the Ewe, the She-goat, the Cat, the Rabbit, the Mouse, the Lizard, the Frog, the Tortoise, the Crab, the lubric Fish and Oyster, the Polypus, the Dove, the Pigeon, the Owl, the Sparrow, the door-nailed Womb, and the Egg; by the Fig, the Pear, the Myrtle, the Lotus and other aquatic plants, the Nelumbo, the Acanthus, the Corn-tassel, the Maiden-hair, the Pomegranate fruit, the Poppy-head, the Apple, the Citron, the Apricot, and the Barleycorn; by the letters O and (inverted) A, by the Square, the Circle, the Oval, the Ellipse, the Triangle, the Delta, the Horse-shoe, the Door, the Disk, the Vase, the Argha, the sacred Ark, the Open Boat, the Ship-hull, the Conch of Venus, the Chariot, the Egis, the Golden Fleece, the Assyrian "Grove," a Cave, a Chasm, a Ground Fissure or Cunnus Diaboli, a Hole (especially "the Hole in the Wall "), a Labyrinth, a Woman's Comb, the Tau-key, Bells and belljingling and bell-ringing, Water, Humidity, Darkness, Night, Love-philtres and Aphrodisiacs; by the undisguised figures of the Delphos, Omphe, Nymphe, or Yoni; by the Female Mannikin; by the exposed open Vulva; by the Prostitutes of the bagnio, the Bayaderes and Nautch Girls of the Festival, the Kadeshoth and Almas-Devadas of the Temple, and the Prophetesses and Pythonesses of the Oracle; by Mother Earth, the Consort Moon, and Venus (the star of the morning, of the evening, and of the sea); by the Goddesses, Semi-Godesses, Demonesses, and Celestial heroines variously called Alitta, Anäitis, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Astarte, Asura, Athene, Athor, Athyr, Beltis, Bilta, Bilta Nipruta, Ceres, Cybele, Danäe, Davkina, Dea Syria, Demeter, Derceto, Diana (the so

called Virgin Huntress as well as the Many-breasted Mother), Dione, Disa, Elissa, Enuta, Europa, Eva, Frea, Freya, Frigga, Gavessa, Ge, Gula Shala, Hea, Hera, Here, Hertha, Hippa, Io, Isa, Ishtar, Isi, Isis, Jacob (!), Juno, Kore-Persephoneia, Lakshmi, Libera, Maia, Mary, Minerva, Miriam, Multa, Mulita, Mylitta, Nana, Neith, Om, Ops, the Female Paniski (Dryads, Hamadryads, Naiads, Nymphs, Oreads), Persephone, Proserpine, Rhea, Rii, The Sacti, Sara, Saruha, Tanat, Tanith, Venus Architis, Venus Urania or the Celestial, Venus the Terrestrial, and even Vesta herself, Warmit Laz and Zirbanit; by the Celestial Mother, the Great or Universal Mother, the Celestial and Holy Virgin, the Lady and Queen of Heaven, the Queen of Fecundity and Fertility, the Queen of the Lands, the Queen of the Spheres, the One Great Queen; the Holder of the Scepter, the Beginning of the Beginning, the Beginning of the Heaven and Earth, the Star of the Sea, and the "Great Fourth," which, with the Holy Trinity (the sexual Asher, Anu, and Hea) made up the still Holier Quaternity— the Great Arba-il.

These two great classes of male and female conventional symbols and deities were often represented in conjunction with each other, and were thus emblematic of the Creator as the great Hermaphrodite or Androgynous Principle, Power, or Potency. Among these typicalities were Amazons, Androgynes, Gynanders, and Hermaphrodites; Bull-lions, Goat-Elephants, Chimeras, Griffins, Sphinxes, and other fanciful monstrosities, the Coiled Serpent or Serpents, the Hooded Snake, the Serpent-twined Egg, the Tortoise, the Scarabeus, the Buccinum, the Dolphin, the Tunny, and the Eel; the Myrtle and some other Evergreens, and several bisexual plants; the letter I in the O, the letter T on the O, the Crux Ansata or Handled Cross, the Systrum, the Cluceus, the Double Triangle or Delta, the Encir cled Triangle, "David's Shield," the Six-rayed Siar, the Masted Ship, the Pillar and Fountain, a Pit with a Post, a Key or Staff surmounted with a Half-Moon, Boiling Water, the Dawn, the Twilight, and the most powerful Love-potions and energetic Aphrodisiacs; the undisguised figures of a Triad sucked by the mouths of a Twin-Fish Oval, the Linga

between Two Curved Serpents, the Lingam or Lingam Yoni Altar; the Androgyne Mannikin; the artistic representation and the exposed living union of the Male and Female Organs; the male-garbed Priestesses of Diana, the female-garbed priests of Venus, and the Hermaphrodite drabs of the Harlotry and the Temple; the Conjunctions and Transits of the Heavenly Bodies, especially of Mars and Venus or the Moon; and the Androgynous (generic) Adam, Adonis, Ammon (Aum-On), Arba-il, Ashtaroth, Ashtoreth, Atys, AuroraMemnon, Baalath, Baalim, Bacchus, Devaki-Christna, Diana, Elath, Elohim, Fricco-Freya, Isis-Horus, Janus, Beardless Jove, Pan, Sacti and Babe, Bearded Venus, and last, not least, Virgin and Child.

There was still one more twin-aspect of Nature-the Creative and the Destructive-largely illustrated and interpreted by phallic symbols. In tropical and sub-tropical climates the Diurnal Sun, during a great part of the year, exercised a wilting, burning. destructive influence on the vegetable kingdom, and a life-depressing and often life-destroying influence on the animal; while the Nocturnal, Invisible Sun, so-called, seemed to exercise the contrary life-giving and life-restoring influence. So Adonis was fabled to reside during six months of every year with Venus, and the other six months with Proserpine. So the Bull, the Hawk, Castor and Pollux, Venus, Osiris, Ormuzd, Brahma, and Vishnu symbolized the creative element; and the Tiger, the Lion, the Cock, Mars, Typhon, Apollo, Ahriman, and Ar (the Boar that slew Adonis) emblematized the destructive; while the Sileni, etc., were made to represent still another element-the Neutral.

At this juncture in our short investigation we cannot resist the temptation of quoting a few paragraphs on the very core of Phallism from Dr. John Newton's masterly paper on the "Assyrian Grove:".

"As nothing on earth is more conservative than religion, we have still a world of symbolism existing amongst us which is far older than our sects and books, our creeds and articles, a relic of a forgotten, prehistoric past. Untold ages before writing was invented, it is believed that men attempted to

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