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Experiments on Glandered Horfes.


the mouth were continued two hours during the night. The 26th, the fame injections, and a purging clyfter.

The 27th, 28th, 29th, and 30th, the fame treatment was continued; the falivation was abundant; but the ftricture, in his jaws was taken off on the 28th.

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The 31ft, the obftruction in the glands began to diminish; and the animal drank water with nitre diffolved in it.

The 32d, the injections, and the nitrated drink, were continued to the 40th.

The 41ft, the running at the noftrils had increased; but the fulness of the head and falivation, were lefs. The animal was left quiet till the 46th day.

The 47th, I renewed the frictions, in dofes of an ounce; they were continued to the 57th.

The 58th, the fulness of the head took place again, and the falivation became copious. I reduced both by the fame means I had before employed. The obftruction and falivation were not fo confiderable in the English horfe. After having left them quiet for a month, I perceived that the glanders had increased in malignity. I went on another month, but without fuccefs. I then caufed the two animals to be killed. The opening of the nofe exhibited, in a greater degree, the fame ravages I have fo often mentioned. The infide of the mouth was a little inflamed; the excretory ducts of the falivary glands were increased in fize.


A charger, nine years old, with a fresh infection, was fubjected to the fame treatment as the two preceding ones. After the eleventh friction, the fulness of the falivary glands became fo confi

derable, the blood flowed to the head with fuch impetuofity, that it was impoffible for me to prevent the confequences. The animal died within twenty-four hours. It was not opened. Four other horfes were fubjected, in the course of the fame year, to the treatment of mercurial frictions, but without fuccefs.


A large draft-horse, seven years old, fufpected of having the glanders for fix weeks, and which had been previously under the care of


common farrier, was brought to the veterinary school, and treated as follows:

ift, He was blooded at the jugular vein, received fome emollient clyfters, and tafted nothing but white water during the fpace of twenty-four hours.

2dly, Voltaile alkali, or spirit of fal-ammoniac, was given, mixed with an infufion of angelica.root; taking care to keep him well covered in a warm ftable. This firft dofe quickened the circulation, and increased the degree of heat over the whole body, without exciting perfpiration. The next day I encreased the dose of alkali two drachms; ftill ufing the infufion of angelica. The drink was given at fix o'clock in the morning; at eight the pulfe was high; at ten the perfpiration was perceptible; at twelve the fweat was copious, and continued till fix o'clock at night. Two emollient clyfters were given in the course of the night. His drink was juft coloured with wheat bran. This treatment was obferved for the three following weeks. At that period I difcontinued the drink for a week; but the clyfters were ftill given. The 25th day, the running had a little diminished; but the lymphatic glands were harder.


Experiments on Glandered Horfes.

The 32d, the running was trifiling; the matter began to be transparent.

The 33d, I renewed the use of volatile alkali in the infufion of angelica, which produced only a fmall perfpiration. On the fame day, the noftrils were injected with a decoction of centaury, and gentian, to which was added a fmall quantity of vulnerary-water, and continued till the 44th. During all this time the fweats were fufficiently copious; the urine in fmall quantity, and of a reddish tint; the excrements hard and dry, in fpite of the daily ufe of emollient clyfters and white water. As the animal was much wafted and appeared weak, I left him to himself till the 54th, when the injections were continued, but with lime-water.

The 62d, the running difappeared entirely. The injections were continued for a week; at the end of which the medicines were discontinued. All this time, the cloths which covered the animal were washed and shifted every day; the greatest cleanliness was alfo obferved in every other respect. At the end of a month, he was fent to grafs in a low and marshy place; but after


months the glanders returned, and he was killed. I had no opportunity of opening him.


Four horfes, of various ages, differently diseased with the glanders, were fucceffively treated in the method juft defcribed; but without any fuccefs. The opening of the bodies prefented nothing extraordinary.


A large Swifs horfe, feven years old, employed in drawing boats on the river Rhone, having the confirmed glanders, was treated as follows:


ift, He was dieted for twentyfour hours, after which I made him take a dofe, compofed of fix drachms of aloes, two drachms of jalap, one drachm of fweet mercury, five drachms of nitre, incorporated in a fufficient quantity of honey. Two days after the purge, I made an incifion in the cheft; in which I introduced half an ounce of corrofive fublimate, which produced a temporary choaking. The running (of a reddifh ferofity, which commonly takes place after fuch an operation) became very abundant in a few days, because the horse was fat and full of humours.

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2dly, I caufed him to fwallow of liver of fulphur, half an ounce, incorporated with two ounces of honey; injections of lime-water were adminiftered to him twice every day.

This treatment was adhered to for the fpace of fix weeks; at which time the running had almoft ceased. It seemed, that the evacuation of the humour by the cheft had occafioned a fort of derivation, or revulfion. In place of the liver of fulphur, a bolus of balfam of turpentined fulphur was now given. It was continued for a month; at the end of which the horse had no running, and feemed to be well. He remained in that condition for two months, when the disease appeared again in a flight degree. The animal lived three years in the infirmary, where he ferved to carry out the bodies for diffection. He died of a confumption, the common cɔnfequence of inveterate glanders.


I followed the treatment above mentioned with five other horses, without having the good fortune of curing one of them; the particulars therefore do not deferve to be related. I have restored



Fortunate Releafe from a Tyger.

many horfes who were thought by fome to be glandered, becaufe they had no certain criterion for afcertaining the true glanders; but I will readily confefs, that I do not believe I ever fucceeded, but in one inftance, to a complete cure of that disease, although nobody, perhaps, has ever made. more attemps to attain it.




N perufing an odd Number of your valuable and entertaining work, a few evenings ago, over my bottle, as is ufual with

me, I happened to fall in with the diftreffing circumftance of Hector Munro, which immediately brought to my recollection the following extraordinary accident, which happened fome time fince at Midnapore, in the Eaft-Indies; its authority may may be depended upon, as it comes from a perfon of the greatest refpectability in that quarter; and by the infertion of which you will confer an obligation on,

Your's, &c.

A POOR Woman was carrying dinner to her husband, who was employed in cutting of wood in a tape, about a mile from Mr. Pearce's houfe; fhe was feized on the way by a tyger. Her cries were heard by her husband, who flew immediately to her affiftance: upon approaching the place, he beheld his wife in the clutches of the dreadful animal, who had her head in his mouth, and was dragging her into the jungle. Almoft frantic at feeing her in fo alarming a fituation, the honeft native,

regardless of danger, rushed upon the monster with his hatchet, and ftruck him twice. The beaft quitted his intended prey and retired growling into the woods. The woman was brought in: her head was hurt, but not dangerously; the received every poffible affiftance from the gentlemen of the faculty, and is at length perfectly recovered.

METHOD of HUNTING practifed
(Communicated by
by an American

SOON after the firft fettlement

of the Spaniards at Buenos Ayres, they brought over a few black cattle from Europe, which increafed prodigiously, by the plenty of herbage they every where met with, and are now increased to that degree, and are extended fo far into different parts of the country, that they are not confidered as private property; but many thousands at a time are flaughtered every year by the hunters only for their hides and tallow. The manner of killing these cattle, being a practice peculiar to that part of the world, merits a confiderable defcription. The hunters employed on this occafion being all of them mounted on horse-back, (and both the Spaniards and Indians, in that part of the world, are usually most excellent horsemen,) they arm themselves with a kind of fpear, which, at its end, inftead of a blade fixed in the ufual manner, has its blade fixed acrofs; with this inftrument they ride at a beast and surround him, when the hunter that comes behind him ham-ftrings him; and


Method of Bunting in Patagonia.

as after this operation the beaft foon tumbles, without being able to raise himself again, they leave him on the ground, and purfue others, whom they ferve in the fame manner. Sometimes there is a fecond party, who attend the hunters, to fkin the cattle as they fall; but it is faid that, at other times, the hunters chufe to let them languish in torment till the next day, from an opinion that the anguish, which the animal in the mean times endures, may burst the lymphatics, and thereby fa cilitate the feparation of the skin from the carcafe: and, though their priest have loudly condemned this most barbarous practice, and have gone fo far as to excommunicate those who follow

yet all their efforts to put an
entire ftop to it have hitherto
proved ineffectual.


never fail of fixing the noofe about his horns. The beaft, when he finds himself entangled, generally runs; but the horfe, being fwifter attends him, and prevents the thong from being too much ftrained, tilla fecond hunter, who follows the game, throws another noose about one of his hind legs: and this being done, both horfes (for they are trained for this practice) inftantly turn different ways, in order to ftrain the two

thongs in

contrary directions; on which the beast, by their oppofite pulls, is prefently overthrown, and then the horses ftop, keeping the beaft ftill upon the ftretch. Being thus on the ground, and incapable of refiftance (for he is extended between the two horfes), the hunters alight, and fecure him in fuch a manner, that they afterwards eafily convey him to whatever place they please. They in like manner noofe horfes and, as it is said, even tygers: and however ftrange this laft circumftance may appear, there are not wanting perfons of credit who affert it. Indeed, it must be owned, that the addrefs both of the Spaniards and Indians, in that part of the world, in the use of the lafh or noofe, and the certainty with which they throw it, and fix it on any intended part of the beaft, at a confiderable diftance, are matters only to be believed from the repeated and concurrent teftimony of all who have frequented that country, and might reasonably be queftioned, did it rely on a fingle report, or had it been ever contradicted or denied by any one who had re

Befides the number of cattle which are every year flaughtered for their hides and tallow, in the manner already defcribed, it is often neceffary, for the ufes of agriculture, and for other pur pofes, to take them alive, without wounding them: this is performed with a moft wonderful and almost incredible dexterity, and principally by the ufe of a machine, which the English, who have refided at Buenos Ayres, generally denominate a lafh. It is made of a thong of feveral fathoms in length, and very strong, and with a running noofe at one end of it; this the hunters (who in this cafe are alfo mounted on horfeback) take in their right hand, it being first properly coiled up, and having its end oppofite to the noofe faftened to the fad-fided at Buenos Ayres. dle; and thus prepared, they ride at a herd of cattle. When they arrive within a certain diftance of a beat, they throw their thong at him with fuch exactnefs, that they VOL. VII. No. XLI.

The cattle which are killed in this manner, are flaughtered only for their hides and tallow, to which fometimes are added their tongues; but the reft of their Hh flesh


Account of the Public Games of Greece.

flesh is left to putrify, or to be devoured by the birds and wild beafts. The greatest part of the carrion falls to the fhare of the wild dogs, of which there are immenfe numbers to be found in that country.



YOUR. very flattering acknowIledgment of my communication, in your last month's Magazine, has induced me to fend you a continuation agreeable to promife. My laft, I believe, clofed with a defcription of the Quoit ufed by the ancients; I fhall therefore purfue my courfe with a few prefatory, remarks on the exercises of boxing and wreftling, previous to entering more fully into an account of the four public Games of Greece.

Boxing was fometimes performed by combatants having in their hands balls of ftone or lead. At first their hands and arms were naked and unguarded, but afterwards furrounded with tongs of leather, called ceftus, which at the first were fhort, reaching no higher than the wrifts, but in course of time were enlarged, and carried up to the elbow, and fometimes as high as the shoulders; they at length came to be ufed not only as defenfive arms, but to annoy the enemy, being filled with plummets of lead and iron to add force to the blows. The ceftus was very ancient, being invented by Amycus, king of the Bebrycians, who was cotemperary with the Argonauts, as we are informed by Clements of Alexandria.Thofe that prepared themselves for this exercife, ufed all means they could contrive to render

themselves fat and fleshy, that fo they might be better able to endure blows, whence corpulent men or women were ufually called pugiles.

In the exercife of wrestling, the combatants endeavoured to throw each other down. At first they contended only with ftrength of body; but Thefeus invented the art of wrestling whereby men were enabled to throw down thofe who were far fuperior to them in ftrength. In later ages, they never encountered till all their joints and members had been foundly rubbed, fomented, and fuppled with oil, whereby alt ftrains were prevented. The victory was adjuged to him that gave his antagonist three falls, which is fufficiently proved by the epigram upon Milo, who, having challenged the whole affembly, and finding none that would venture to encounter him, claimed the crown,-but, as he was going to receive it, unfortunately fell down, whereupon the people cried out, that he had forfeited the prize; then Milo

Arofe, and, ftanding in the midft, thus cry'd,

"One fingle fall cannot the prize decide, "And who is here can throw me t'other two?"

But of wrestling there were two forts, viz. the one which is already defcribed, and another, where the combatants ufed voluntarily to throw themselves down, and continued the fight upon the ground, by pinching, biting, fcratching, and other various ways of annoying their adverfary, whereby it often came to pafs, that the weaker combatant, who would never have been able to throw his antagonist, obtained the victory, and forced him to yield; for in this exercife, as in boxing alfo, the victory was never


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