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Extra Sporting.

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near Freewood in Bradfield, and killed him almoft inftantly.About an hour after found another fox at Munfey's park, who went away for Bull's Wood→→→→ then to Hammond's groves made a head, and came to Thorpe Wood, from whence back again to Munfey's park; the hounds then divided, and fix couple of them went away with a fresh fox to Bradfield, through Heffet, nearly up to Woolpit wood, from thence to Drinkftone, where he made a head, and was killed at Heffet; the hunted fox made again for Bull's wood, turned and ran through Cockfield Old Park, to Lawfhall, and was killed near Sir Thomas Gage's, at Staningfield.

-There was a very full field, and the death of two brace and a half of foxes in one day, at this season, is confidered a very extraordinary instance in the annals of sporting.

On the 5th of February, this gentleman's hounds found another fox at Eaft and Deer wood, at a quarter before one o'clock; they took him one turn round the cover, and then went off for Charles Hall wood, towards Mockinger, in the parish of Ringfhall, left the cover to the right, and pointed away for Battisford, Barking, Badley, and Combs, croffed the Stowmarket Navigation at Badley Mill, through the two Creetings, the two Stonhams, Gipping, Mendlesham, Brockford, Thwaite, Wickham Skeith, Thornham, and Finningham; and, after a glorious chace of two hours and a quarter, they pulled him down near Wefthorp Lodge. What is remarkable in this long woodland chace is, that though the fox ran through eighteen different rithes, he never paffed through any cover, after he left Charles Hall wood.



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Feb. 3 The Duke of Northumberland's hounds run a fox to a place called Bunker's-hill, near Alnwick, into a very large furze cover, where they loft him in an earth that no one knew of. When the fportfmen returned home, five of the old hounds were mifling; not coming in that night, it was thought that they were gone off with a fcx by themfelves. Several men were fent in fearch of them to all the earths and crags for 20 miles around, but in vain. The cover where the fox was loft was then searched again, and in digging about two yards deep, one was discovered; feveral yards further three more were found, all faft in the earth together, and ten yards deeper, the fifth hound was dug up. They were all dead.


Feb. 10.

A fox which has long infefted

country about Thornham Hills, and baffled the neighbouring hunters, was, on Monday fe'nnight, pursued by a pack of hounds belonging to the different gentlemen of Oldham. The dogs had chafed a hare about feven miles, when they ftarted the fox at Thornham Hills, about ten in the morning: he ran through Royle, Hopwood, and Langeley, and was loft for a few minutes, but recovered in a place called Middleton Park; from thence to Heaton, Perftwich, Whitefield, Radcliffe, Bury, Whittle Hills, and Heywood, when he was again loft, but found and purfued to Trubb Smithy, where he was taken about half paft five in the evening, after a chafe, according to the best calculation, of upwards of fifty miles.

Ludlow, Feb. 19. On Tuesday laft, the excellent pack of harriers belonging to the

Dean of Canterbury, and Mr. Beddoes, uncoupled on Seelton Foreft, ftarted a hare among the farze, which immediately made to a thick cover; went through, and took the river Quency; from thence to Woolfton, along the hills, and up the Steep of Longment; threw out even the adepts in hunting; fhe then led them through all thofe deep and tremendous receffes to the Devil's Mouth, which poor pufs paffed, and immediately fell a victim to her purfuers: only nine couple were ftaunch enough to partake of her; and out of a numerous fet of well mounted foxhunters, only two were able to be in at the death; they had three hours and a half hard running, without once being at fault, or receiving the leaft affift


On Friday, the 19th of February, Mr. Child's hounds met at Madeley Hills, near Lord Tracey's, at ten o'clock, and foon after found a fox, which, after a fevere run, went to ground betwixt Kinlet and the Clea Hills; at the fame time a fresh fox was halloo'd away, and the hounds being laid to him, he ran by Kinlet, Higley, Chelmarfh, croffed the Severn, through Dudmafton Covers, by Coton, the Four Ashes, and by Leaton, where Mr. Mofeley joined the hounds, and killed him before he could gain the earths at Swin Common, near Lord Dudley's, at half past fix o'clock in the evening. Mr. Mofeley took the hounds to his house, and in about half an hour afterwards the huntfman came up, with a fresh horfe; no perfon had been with the hounds for the laft hour and half; Mr. Child, upon Mellon, and a large field, being entirely done up.


A Treatise on Farriery.

TREATISE on FARRIERY, with ANATOMICAL PLATES. (Continued from page 180.)


A SIMPLE fever is an accele

rated motion of the blood, attended with other fymptoms of a fever, while all the internal parts continue found, and there is no inflammation or inflammatory tumour that may occafion it.

This is the mildeft and leaft dangers of all fevers, and is generally owing to a fuppreffed perfpiration which increases the quantity of humours, and thereby requires an increased effort of nature to throw them off, and to remove the obstructions; whence a feverish habit will follow, which, if taken in time, by affifting the endeavours of nature, it may go off without any bad confequences. There is nothing fo likely to caufe this fever as a fudden refrigeration of the body after it has been violently heated. The matter that should be carried off by perfpiration is a recrement, and therefore, when retained in the veffels, it cannot be friendly to the blood, but raise commotions therein, and that more or lefs as the horse is otherwise in health.

The fymptoms of a fimple fever, are a loss of appetite, in fuch a manner, that the horfe only nibbles his hay as if he did not like it, and he is fo restlefs as to be continually ranging from one end of the rack to the other: he has a beating of his flanks, a rednefs of his eyes, and drynefs of his tongue, which is fomewhat parched; and his ears and feet are hot cold, as in complicated fevers, but are almost as warm as the rest of his body: he is not coftive, but his dung by internal VOL. VII. No. XLI.


heat is dried into fmall balls, and is feldom or never greafy: his urine is of a high colour, and is fometimes voided with difficulty: he feems to be fond of water, yet drinks but little at a time, and often.

In the cure of this fever, which arifes from too great a quantity and too rapid a motion of the blood, bleeding is certainly the first intention; and the longer it is neglected, the, more vifcid and acrimonious is the blood rendered, by diffipating its more thin part, condenfing the globules, and heating the ferum to fuch a degree as to turn it into a kind of jelly. The acrimony of the oleous and faline parts of the blood will be increafed more and more, infomuch, that the blood will be at length highly contaminated, and fo far depraved as to be unfit for the vital purposes.

The quantity of blood to be taken away must be in proportion to the ftrength of the horse, the intenseness of the fever, the heat and the violence of the symptoms. Generally three pints or two quarts may be fufficient; and if the fymptoms are not abated by the first bleeding, it fhews a neceffity of repeating the operation, efpecially if he refuses to feed However, it is fafer to take away too little than too much.

When the horfe is difpofed to drink, it will be always proper to let him have a fufficient quantity to keep his blood well diluted; otherwife, as the preternatural heat diffipates the thinner part, without a fufficient quantity of fluid, the ferum of the blood will be concreted into a jelly. This fhould be made with warm milk and water mixed with a little oatmeal. He may likewife have the following drink or drench. Take

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A Treatise on Farriery.

Take camomile flowers, elder flowers, hyffop, and liquorice root, of each half an ounce; of faltpetre, two ounces; pour two quarts of water on these ingredients, to make an infufion like tea. It may be sweetened with fugar or treacle, or honey, and make it a little tart with a spoonful or two of white wine-vinegar, which will tend to allay the heat. The horfe may have three hornfuls of this drink four times a day


His diet fhould be fcalded bran to keep his body open, and he may be allowed half a quartern three or four times a day, if he will eat it. But if he refufes it, let him have raw bran sprinkled with water. He should never have much hay given him at a time, for that may caufe him to loath it; but now and then a handful of choice hay may tempt him to eat. Sometimes a horfe will take a little hay out of the hand, when he does not care to lift his head up to the rack, efpecially if he has been ufed to be fed that way.

Besides bleeding and the nitrous cooling drink, it will be proper to inject cooling, emollient, and laxative clyfters, even at the very beginning, to bring away the hardened dung which is frequently pent up in the inteftines, and to discharge any bilious, acrid matter, which might enter into the blood through the lacteals. Befides, they are a kind of relaxing fomentation to the bowels, and promote the excretion of


Take mallows, marfh-mallows, both dried, camomile flowers, bay berries, and sweet fennel feeds, of each an ounce; boil them in a fufficient quantity of water to three pints, and then add four ounces of Epfom falt, a pint

of linfeed oil, and half a pound of treacle: mix them for a clyfter.

Likewife laxative purges are very useful to cleanfe the guts from the filth that lurks therein. But in this cafe purges with aloes must be omitted, as being too hot; instead thereof, if four ounces of Epfom falt is diffolved in a futficient quantity of water, and mixed with four ounces of the folutive fyrup of rofes, and given as a drench, nothing can be more fafe or cooling; nor can there be any objection against it, because it is fimple, for generally, the fimple medicines are the best. And if thefe directions are carefully followed and obferved, you need not fear the speedy cure of any fevers

of this fort.

The figns of recovery are the horfe's eating fcalded bran, and picking a little hay, which when he does, you will have nothing to do but to take care of him, and let him be well nurfed; and then you will have no need of troubling him with any more medicines. For though a horse continues to heave at the flanks, this is no bad fign, efpecially if you find him cool all over with a return of his appetite. He fhould now be taken into the air every day, and be led about in the hand. He should likewise be allowed plenty of clean ftraw to lie down on, and then all your care is at an end.

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A Treatise on Farriery.


blood, in the nervofo-membranous | vinegar, and sweeten it with fu

parts; and unless it is removed in time, by the benefit of nature and art, will bring on a fatal inflammation.

This difeafe chiefly attacks horfes that are young and full of blood, at any time of the year, but principally in the fpring and fummer. It only differs from the

gar, honey, or treacle; make this warm when you give it the horfe. He may have three hornfuls four times a day.

The horfe's body should be kept open with emollient clyfters, for there is nothing worse than coftivenefs in all diftempers of this kind. On all other accounts, he

former by the violence of the fymp-may be treated in the same nanner

toms, and a greater degree of heat. When its progrefs is not stopped, it often feizes the head, or fome of the noble vifcera, as has appeared by opening of the horfes after death.

The indications of cure are, to free the vital parts from the congefted blood; to abate the heat of the blood and humours; to allay the inordinate motion of the folids; to difcufs the ftagnating and cor. rupted humours, and procure a free circulation, by recalling the blood to the external parts.

Therefore we must begin the cure, by taking away a fufficient quantity of blood. The impetuous orgafm of the blood and juices must be allayed by diluting, cooling and nitrous liquors; therefore the drink in the former fection will be very proper, made fufficiently acid with good white-wine vinegar. Or, in the country, where a fufficient quantity of whey can be had, he may have whey made acid with fyrup of lemon juice, or with the juice of a lemon, and fweetened with a little fugar: or, inftead of thefe, he may have the following infufion:

Take the leaves of male speedwel, carduus benedictus, fweet fennel feeds, water Germander, and faltpetre, of each two ounces; pour two quarts of water on these ingredients, and when the infufion is cold, ftrain off the liquor; then make it agreeably acid with

as in the former fection.

Take the dried leaves of mallows and marsh-mallows, of each two ounces; camomile flowers, and sweet fennel feeds, of each an ounce; of water, five pints; boil them to the confumption of a pint; then ftrain off the liquor, and diffolve in it half an ounce of faltpetre, and a handful of common falt. This done, pour in a pint of linfeed oil, and mix them for a clyfter, to be injected



A PLEURISY and peripneumony are inflammatory fevers which arife from the ftagnation of the blood in the bronchia of the lungs, or in the branches of the vena fine pari in the pleura. They are attended with a fharp pain in the fide, difficult breathing, immoderate heat, a strong quick beating of the heart, and a cough. The pleurify generally feizes one fide only: but the peripneumony or inflammation of the lungs, generally feizes both fides of the lungs at once.

The caufe may be any thing that impedes the free circulation of the blood through thefe parts, either by plenty of thick humours, or by thin acrid humours, which irritate the veffels to a fpaftic conftriction, and fo hinder the free paffage of the blood; efpe



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