Abbildungen der Seite
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sembly to pass a bill, waving their
objections to the proprietary instruc-
tions, 527. Remarks on his adminis-
tration, IV. 102. His misunderstand-
ing with the Proprietors, VII. 171.
DESAGULIERS, his experiment, proving
that no pernicious vapors arise from
hot iron, VI. 57.

DE SAUSSURE, on the attraction of
mountains, VI. 371; X. 274.
DEUX-PONTS, Prince de, applies to
Franklin relative to commercial rela-
tions between Bavaria and the United
States, IX. 526.

Dialogue between Franklin and the
Gout, II. 194. Between X. Y. and Z.,
concerning the present state of affairs
in Pennsylvania, object with which it
was written, III. 84. Between France,
Spain, Holland, Saxony, and America,
V. 116.

Diamond Necklace, affair of the, X. 231.
Diary, Franklin's, extracts from, I.579.
DICKINSON, JOHN, Preface to the Speech
of Joseph Galloway in reply to, IV.
101. His "Farmer's Letters" quoted,
251. Extract from one of his speeches
in reference to Franklin, VII. 268.
Dictionary, Spanish and Arabic, pub-
lished by the Royal Academy of His
tory of Madrid, X. 309. Need of a
commercial, 352.


DIGBY, Admiral, communicates
Washington the opening of negotia-
tions for peace, IX. 380.
DIGGES, T., his interview with Mr.
Adams, on the subject of negotiations
for peace, IX. 186. Nature of his
mission, 191. His embezzlement of
money designed to relieve American
prisoners, IX. 15, 341.

Discoveries, importance and extent of
modern, II. 73.

Diseases, effect of cold air in, VI. 386.
Disputation, advantage of modesty in,
VI. 325.

Dissenters, respecting the charge of per-
secution brought against the Ameri-
can, II. 113. Benefits likely to result
to the, from a change of the proprie.
tary government of Pennsylvania to
a royal one, IV. 83. Their rights in
Massachusetts and New Hampshire,


[blocks in formation]

Dolls, playful remark on, VIII. 374.
DOMIEN, account of, V. 348.
Dove, his success in conducting the
English School in Philadelphia, II.

Dreams, art of procuring pleasant,
II. 172.

Drinking, remarks on, addressed to
Abbé Morellet, II. 222. The same
translated, 225.

DUBOUrg, Barbeu, his Translation of
Franklin's writings on electricity,
noticed, V. 180. His parallel be-
tween the theories of Nollet and
Franklin, 514. His translation no-
ticed, VI. 408. His edition of Frank-
lin's writings mentioned, VIII. 117.
Duelling, remarks on, X. 107.
Du FAYE, his vitreous and resinous
electricity identical with the positive
and negative states, observed by
Franklin, V. 177.

Dumas, Charles W. F, account of,
VIII. 162. Franklin's opinion of
some of his writings, 163. Instructed
to ascertain whether the European
courts are disposed to aid the colo-
nies, 164. Irritation of Sir George
Grand with, 448. His difficulties
with the Spanish ambassador, 452.
Respecting his appointment and ser-
vices, 498.

Dungannon Resolutions mentioned, X.

Dunkers, their religious opinions, I.


DUNLAP, WILLIAM, mentioned, VII.

DUNNING, JOHN, appears as counsel for
Massachusetts before the Privy Coun-
cil, VIII. 110.

DUPONT, his Table Economique men-
tioned, VIII. 405.

DURAND, alluded to, VII. 357.
DURIVAL, explains the advance of a
million of livres by France in 1777,
X. 269.

Dutch Church, at New York, effect of
lightning on the, V. 277.

Duties on Exports, impolicy of, IX. 38.
Duties on Imports, Abbé Morellet ob-
jects to, X. 315. Why levied in the
United States, 346.


Eagle, Bald, a bad representative of
the United States, X. 63.
Earth, the, when dry, a non-conductor
of the electric fluid, V. 208. Strikes
into the clouds in thunder-storms.
And not the clouds into the, 305.
Will dissolve or mix with air, Vİ. 128.
On the advantages of the different

strata of the, 212. Cooling of its sur-
face by evaporation, 216. Suggestion
of Franklin as to its conformation, 443.
Its magnetic character, 445. Que-
ries on the theory of the, 575.
Earthquakes, opinion of the learned
as to the cause of, VI. 1. That the
cause of, is the same with that of
thunder and lightning, 3. Dr. Wood-
ward's theory of, 4. Mode of making
artificial, 8. Various kinds of, 9. Of
one in Sicily, 10. In Jamaica, 11.
East, mode in which the trade of the,
was once carried on, IV. 30.
East India Company, its pecuniary dif-
ficulties, VIII. 24, 29. Its distress,
33, 34.

Easton, account of a conference with
the Indians at, VII. 125.

Economical Project for employing sun-
shine instead of candles, in the city
of Paris, II. 227.

Economy in expenditure, importance
of, VII. 346.

Economy of Life, Essays on the, II. 1.
Ecton, birthplace of Franklin's father,
his visit to, VII. 178.

Edict by the King of Prussia, ironical,
IV. 399. Again, VIII. 90, 91.
Edict of Nantz, effect of the revoca-
tion of the, IV. 33.

Edinburgh Courant, passages from the,
relating to emigration, examined, IV.

Education, its value in promoting the
strength and virtue of a community,
VII. 48. Remarks on Dr. Smith's
Scheme of, 65.

EDWARDS, DAVID, his death, VII.


concerning the Revival of Religion in
New England, referred to, VII. 9.
Elective Franchises, enjoyed by the small
Boroughs in England, referred to,
II. 489.

Electrical Battery, Franklin's construc-
tion of an, V. 202.

Electrical Jars, on the mode of coating,
V. 299.


Electrical Machine, simple and conven-
ient form of an, V. 188. On that
of Mr. Nairne, and its effect on the
eyes of animals killed by it, 479.
Electricity, general account of the
early discoveries of Franklin in, V.
173. Of its identity with lightning,
Of ascending thunder, 178.
Explanation of positive and negative,
185. Of the electrical kiss, 187. Of
the Leyden bottle, 196. Qualities of
glass in reference to, 200. Of the
Magical Picture, 203. Explanation
of the causes of thunder-gusts, 211.


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Mode of firing gunpowder by, 225
Opinions and conjectures concerning
the properties of the electrical matter,
227. Pernicious effects of the elec-
trical fluid, 228. Suggestions respect-
ing the electrical atmosphere, 230.
Similarity of its effects and those of
lightning, 237. Its power in fusing
metals, 233. Accident occurring dur-
ing an experiment in, 255. Unlimit-
ed nature of the force of, 258. Air
a non-conductor of, 261. Experiment
to discover more of the qualities of
262. Its effect in producing mag-
netic virtue, 263. Its presence in the
clouds, 279. Suggestion of a region
of electric fire above our atmosphere,
234. Experiment in, at Marly, 289.
Direction of the fluid, and utility of
rods, 311. Proposed experiment to
measure the velocity of, 316. Some
experiments in, 330. Turkey killed
by, and its effect upon the operator,
346. Points in which it agrees with
lightning, 350. Its effect in cases of
paralysis, 359. Of the tourmalin, 363.
Reason for believing that the air has
its portion of the common stock of,
369. How its density at different
heights may be ascertained, 370. Long
retained by the Leyden bottle, 380.
That heat is produced by, 389. Of
the fogs in Ireland, 409. Various
qualities of, 414. Analogy between
magnetism and, 450. Apparent pro-
duction of magnetism by, accidental,
451. Of a mode of rendering meat
tender by, 456. Mode of killing ani-
mals by, 457. Effect of a shock of,
on Franklin, 481. Effect of a vacu-
um on the passage of, VI. 413.
Electrics contain the greatest quantity
of the fluid, and attract and retain it
longest, V. 242. Difference between,
and non-electrics, 259.
Elements of Criticism, Lord Kames's,
noticed, VI. 263. Again, VII. 241.
Elephants, conjecture as to whether
they are natives of America, VI. 275.
Description of some bones of, 276.
ELIOT, JARED, notice of, VI. 79. His
tracts on husbandry referred to, VI.
113. Again, VII. 51. Franklin's
opinion of them, 56.
ELIZABETH, Queen, character of her
government, II. 283. Act of, respect-
ing libel, 288.

ELPHINSTON, JOHN, his translation of
the Latin verse, applied by Turgot to
Franklin, VIII. 539.

Emblematical Representation of the
state of Great Britain and her colo-
nies, IV. 456. Alluded to, VII. 313.
EMBSER, Professor, his account of


the Bipontine edition of the classics,
IX. 126.
Emigration, effect of the facility of, on
the rate of wages in Europe, II. 443.
To whom it might prove beneficial,
470. Examination of a proposed act
of Parliament for preventing, IV. 458.
No legislation required in reference
to, 461. Nor likely to be effectual,
462. Nor politic, 463. Injustice of
such legislation, 464. From Scotland
to the United States, IX. 486. That
it multiplies instead of diminishing a
nation, X. 131.

EMMONS, NATHANIEL, his discourse on
the present of Franklin to the town
which bears his name, X. 159.
Enabling Act of Parliament alluded to,
IX. 314, 315.

Enemy, on the means of disposing an,
to peace, VII. 216.


Englund, intelligence of the people of,
VII. 246. Facility of travelling in,
296. Disposition of the people of,
VIII. 177. See Great Britain.
English Language, how to render
study of it more general, X. 415.
English School, Sketch of an, II. 125.
Engraver, Franklin's remarks to a
French, on a print commemorating
American Independence, VIII. 277.
Enthusiasm, advantages of, VII. 453.
ENVILLE, Duchess d', her death, X. 295.
troduces Mr. Gallatin to Franklin,
VIII. 454.

Ephemera, an Emblem of Human Life,
II. 177. Circumstances under which
it was written, VIII. 473.

Episcopal Church, of the ordination in
England, of American clergy of the,
X. 109. Remarks on the practicabili
ty and expediency of establishing a
bishop in America, 202.

Essays on Religious and Moral Subjects,
and the Economy of Life, II. 1.
ESTAING, Count d', his military char-
acter, VIII. 306. And judicious con-
duct, 307. His character, 457.
Ether, experiment with, to produce cold
by evaporation, VI. 213.
Europe, opinions in, respecting the
American war, VIII. 494. Prevail-
ing spirit of liberty in, X. 321.
EVANS, CADWALLADER, promotes the
culture of silk, VII. 454, 485, 512,
527, 535.

EVANS, JOHN, is appointed deputy-gov.
ernor of Pennsylvania, III. 160. At-
tempts to unite the territories and the
province, and disagrees with the As-
sembly, 161. Expresses to the As-
sembly the resentment of the pro-
prietary, 179. Refers to the charter

of privileges as the only rule of gov-
ernment, 181. Protects Logan, the
Secretary, against the Assembly, 185.
EVANS, LEWIS, his map of the middle
colonies referred to, IV. 326. Again,
together with his Essays, VI. 110.
Mentioned, VIII. 125.

Evaporation, of cooling by, V. 379.
Of oil, VI. 129. Production of cold
by, 200. Experiment with ether, for
producing cold by, 213. Cooling of
water by, 214. And of the body, 215.
Surface of the earth and vegetation,
216. Same subject, 255.
Examination of Dr. Franklin, in the
British House of Commons, extracts
from its Journals on the subject, IV.

Exchange, true principles of, II. 199.
On the par of, 400.

Excise, difference between an, on con-
sumption, and a duty on importation,
IV. 181.

Executive department of the plan of
union in 1754, III. 37.
Exercise, comparative view of various
kinds of, VIII. 12.

Exportation of provisions, difficulties
arising from the act of Pennsylvania,
relative to the, III. 485.
Exports, impolicy of duties on Ameri-
can, IX. 38.


Fahrenheit's thermometer, how grad-
uated, VI. 568.

Fair Play, respecting the French indem-
nity for the brigantine, VIII. 476.
Faith, utility of, VII. 75. Remarks
on, 184.

Famine, provision made in China
against, II. 381.

FARISH, his account of stilling waves
by oil, VI. 355.

Farmer's Letters, quoted, relative to
the carelessness with which acts of
Parliament are passed on the subject
of the colonies, IV. 251. Franklin's
preface to the, 257. Lord Hillsbor-
ough's opinion of the, VII. 391.
FAUCITT, WILLIAM, mentioned, IX.

Felons, on the transportation of, to
America, II. 495.
FENELON, his remark to the Pretender
quoted, II. 279.
Fermentation, generation of wind by,

VI. 196.

[blocks in formation]

the Science of Legislation, X. 233.
His death, 359.
Filosofia Frankliniana, Toderini's ac-
count of, VI. 351.

Finances, American, their condition in
1780, VIII. 460. Remarks on, 507.
Their disordered state in 1781, IX.

FINLEY, President, his experiment,
showing the inflammability of the sur-
face of certain rivers in New Jersey,

VI. 416.

Fire, a cause of earthquakes, VI. 2.
Some of its properties, 37. Certain
phenomena of, 239. On securing
houses from, 332. Construction of
the French houses in this respect,
333. Suggestion that it exists in a
subtile fluid, 454.

Fireplaces, account of the Pennsylva-
nia, invented by Franklin, VI. 35.
Old fashioned, 38. Those designed
to warm the air as it enters the
room, described, 39. Description of
the Pennsylvanian, 44. Manner of
using it, 50.

Fisheries, condition of the, at the close
of the revolutionary war, II. 465.
Mr. Livingston's vindication of the
claim of the United States to the, on
the Banks of Newfoundland, IX. 135.
Of indispensable importance in a
treaty with Great Britain, 381. Dis-
position of Great Britain to cede
them to the United States, 405, 408,

FITCH, JOHN, his steamboat, X. 232.
Certificate of Rittenhouse respecting
it, 233. Again mentioned, 363.
Five Nations, History of the, referred
to, VII. 18.

Fixed Air. See Air.

Flanders, Franklin's tour in, VII. 229.
Flemish Ships, of the capture of, by
American privateers, IX. 368.
FLETCHER, BENJAMIN, is appointed
governor of New York and Pennsyl-
vania, by the same commission, III.
136. His controversy with the As-
sembly of Pennsylvania, 137. Threat-
ens to annex the province to New
York, 139. Admits the principle of
the Quakers upon the subject of bear-
ing arms, 143.

Flies, their tenacity of life, VI. 382.
Flora, representation of Franklin to
the Admiralty court at Cherbourg re-
specting the prize, VIII. 453.
Florida, difficulty of finding settlers
for, IV. 355. Parliamentary grants
for, 369. Government of East and
West, as erected by royal proclama-
tion, 375.

FLORIDA BLANCA, Count de, gives

Mr. Jay a copy of Sir J. Dalrymple's
Memoir, VIII. 547.

Fluid, thoughts on a universal, and its
character, VI. 458. Application of
this idea to the explanation of some
phenomena of heat and cold, 459.
Fogs, electricity of, in Ireland, V. 209.
Suggestion as to their connexion with
cold seasons, VI. 456.
FOLGER, PETER, his writings, I. 8, 9.
Food, proper quantity of, II. 86.
Foreign ministers, salaries of, IX. 401.
FORTH, his secret mission, IX. 205.
Fort Pitt, conference with the Indians
at, IV. 345.

Forts, erection of, in the back settle-
ments, an inadequate protection
against the French and Indians, IV.

A few likely to be useful, 15.
Proposal to prevent the erection of, in
the colonies, 21.

FOTHERGILL, JOHN, his conversation
with Franklin on the restoration of
harmony between Great Britain and
the colonies, V. 10. Communicates
to Franklin the result of conferen-
ces upon the Hints for accommoda-
tion, 55. Attends Franklin during
his illness, VII. 150. His account of
Franklin's examination before the
House of Commons, 312. His death
and character, VIII. 529. His ef-
forts to prevent the war with the Uni-
ted States, 532. His character, IX.
493. Dr. Lettsom's Memoirs of, X.


Foundlings, their number in Paris, X.
133. Of hospitals for, 143, 174.
Fox, CHARLES JAMES, Secretary of
State, sends Mr. Grenville to Paris to
arrange the preliminaries of a treaty
of peace, IX. 267. Claims for his
department the power to treat, 336.
Resigns, 360, 365. His coalition with
Lord North, 490. Franklin's esteem
for, X. 1.

Fragment of Polybius, Sir W. Jones's
supposed, VIII. 543.

France, efforts to engage the Indians
in the cause of, III. 8. Conduct of
the Indians in her interest, IV. 7.
Respecting cessions of territory by, 8.
Facilities enjoyed by, for harassing
our frontier, 14. Evils which would
result from leaving her in possession
of Canada, 16. Of the aid given by,
for the purpose of producing disaffec-
tion in the colonies, 44. Check upon
their growth, which would be the re-
sult of her continued possession of
Canada, 46. Invalidity of her claim
to lands of the Six Nations on the
Ohio, 329. Compliment paid to
Franklin in, for his electrical writ-

ings, VI. 162. Of travelling, and
women in, VII. 359. Interest taken
in American affairs in, 470. Com-
missioners to, appointed by Congress,
VIII. 190. Supplies of military stores
furnished by, 191. Her conduct in
regard to the United States, 235.
Remarks on the treaty of commerce
with, 239. War of England with,
would be fatal to the reconciliation
of the former with America, 253.
Her good faith commended, 281. War
between England and, 293. Mr. Ad-
ams's view of her faith, 324., Alli-
ance of the United States with, an
obstacle to peace with Great Britain,
312. Objections to quitting the al-
liance with, 316. Character of the
people of, 327. That a truce between
Great Britain and the United States
would be for her interest, 332.
projected invasion of England by, 379.
Of the aid given to the United States
by, 423. Importance of the alliance
with, 439. American feeling towards,
479. Of the aid furnished by, to
meet the drafts of Congress, 499. In-
structions to Franklin to procure a
further loan in, 526. Further loan
made by, to the United States, IX. 1.
Declines the mediation of Russia and
Austria, 4. Of supplies to the United
States by, 32. Advantage to, of em-
ploying a large naval force in this
country, 100. Feeling in America
towards, 104. Her concurrence ne-
cessary in the negotiations for peace,
141. Relations of the United States
with, 174.

Of a

The United States not to
treat without, 203. Great Britain
proposes a separate treaty with, 204.
Canada offered to, to induce her to
treat, 210. Answer of the court of,
to the offer, 210, 213. Her aid to the
United States for 1782, 260. No aid
given to the United States by, till
their independence was declared, 274.
Of the obligations of gratitude for
her aid, 281. Debt of the United
States to, 383. Substance of the pre-
liminary articles of peace between
Great Britain and, 442. Application
of Robert Morris to, for a loan, 445.
Preliminary articles of peace signed
between Great Britain, Spain, and,
473. Her good faith in reference to
the treaty, 533. Her financial diffi-
culties, X. 28. Placed by the United
States on the most favorable footing
in regard to commerce, 138. State

of affairs in, in 1787, 318. In 1788,
355. Revolutionary proceedings and
distracted state of affairs in, in 1789,
387, 409.

FRANCIS, JOHN W., his Life of Colden
cited, VI. 18, 19.
FRANKLIN, ABIAH, mother of Benjamin,
1.7, 13. Her death, VII. 58.

His Life. Good fortune which ac-
companied him through life, I. 2. Res.
idence of his ancestors, 3. His resem
blance in character to one of his un-
cles, 5. His second cousin Samuel
Franklin, 6. Marriage of his father, 7.
His birth, 8. His occupations in child-
hood, 10. Account of his father, 11.
Death of his parents, and their monu
ment, 14. His early reading, 15. His
ballads, 16. Intimacy with John Col-
lins, 17. Reads the Spectator, 18. Re-
sorts to a system of vegetable diet, 19.
Becomes fond of argument, 21. Writes
for his brother's newspaper, 23. Ex-
amined before the Council for a pub-
lication offensive to the Assembly, 24.
Determines to leave his brother, 27
Goes to New York, 28. Accident on
his journey to Philadelphia, 30. Ar-
rives in that city, 33. Visits Andrew
Bradford, the printer, 35. Lodges
with Mr. Read, 37. Is advised by
Sir W. Keith to set up in Philadel-
phia, 38. Returns to Boston, 39. Sir
W. Keith's proposal declined by his
father, 40. Who consents to his re-
turn to Philadelphia, 41. Visite Gov-
ernor Burnet of New York, 43. Is
promised assistance by Sir W. Keith,
45. Abandons the use of animal food,
47. Of his associates, Osborne, Wat-
son, Ralph, 48. Their exercises in
composition, 49. Determines, by the
advice of Keith, to visit England, 52.
Sails for London, 53. Discovers that
he has been deceived by Keith, 55.
Being without money engages to work
for Palmer, a printer, 56. Prints a
tract upon Liberty and Necessity,
Pleasure and Pain, 57. Frequents a
club, consisting of Dr. Mandeville
and others, 57. Disagrees with, and
separates from Ralph, and removes to
Watts's printing office, 59. His tem-
perate habits, 59. Mode of living, 61.
His skill in swimming, 63. Engages
in mercantile business with Mr. Den-
ham, 65. Returns to Philadelphia, 67.
His plans of business broken off by
the death of Mr. Denham, 68.
gages to superintend Keimer's print-
ing establishment, 69. Is ill treated
by Keimer, 71. And separates from
him, 72. Engraves the plates for
New Jersey paper money, and prints
the bills, 73. His moral and reli-
gious views, 74. His new version of
the Lord's Prayer, 77. Enters into


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