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ed by striking out in line 4 on page 3, the words "that the statements therein made are true, and" and that as so amended the said Proposition No. 18 be adopted. MULFORD WINSOR,


Mr. Cunniff moved, seconded by Mr. Webb, that the recommendation of the Committee of the Whole on Substitute Proposition No. 18, be adopted.

Motion carried by the following vote:

Ayes-Baker, Bolan, Bradner, Cassidy, Coker, Colter, Connelly, Crutchfield, Cunniff, Cunningham, Feeney, Franklin, Goldwater, Ingraham, Jones, A. M., Jones, F. A., Keegan, Kinney, Lovin, Lynch, Moeur, Moore, Morgan, Orme, Osborn, Parsons, Roberts, Short, Sims, R. B., Simms, Mit., Standage, Tovrea, Webb, Weinberger, Winsor, Wood, Mr. President. Total 37.

Nays-Cobb, Cooper, Curtis, Ellinwood, Hutchinson, Jacome, Kingan, Langdon, Scott, Tuthill, Wells. Total 11. Excused-Doe, Pusch, White, Wills.

Substitute Proposition No. 18, ordered engrossed and have a third reading.

On motion of Mr. Webb Convention adjourned to 9:30 a. m., November 11, 1910.




Convention Chamber.
Phoenix, Arizona, November 11, 1910.
9:30 a. m.

Convention called to order by the President.
Roll call as follows:

Present-Bolan, Bradner, Cassidy, Connelly, Cooper, Crutchfield, Cunningham, Feeney, Hutchinson, Ingraham, Jacome, Jones, A. M., Jones, F. A., Keegan, Kingan, Kinney, Langdon, Lovin, Lynch, Moeur, Moore, Morgan, Orme, Parsons, Short, Sims, R. B., Simms, Mit, Webb, Weinberger, Wood, Mr. President.

Absent-Coker Colter, Cunniff, Curtis, Ellinwood, Goldwater, Osborn, Roberts, Scott, Standage, Tovrea, Wells, Winsor.

Excused-Baker, Cobb, Doe, Franklin, Pusch, Tuthill, White, Wills.

Prayer by the Chaplain.

Minutes for November 10, 1910, read and approved.

The sergeant at arms announced that Mr. Cobb, Mr. Coker, Mr. Colter Mr. Franklin, Mr. Scott, Mr. Wells, Mr. Winsor, Mr. Osborn, Mr. Roberts, and Mr. Standage had taken their seats.

Mr. Short, Chairman of the Committee on Printing and Clerks, announced that the majority and minority reports on Proposition No. 82 had been printed and returned.

Convention went into Committee of the Whole, the President calling Mr. Bolan to the Chair.

Mr. Jones of Yavapai moved, seconded by Mr. Lynch, that the majority and minority reports on Proposition No. 82 be made a special order of business in Committee of the Whole for the morning session of November 14, 1910.

Mr. Cassidy moved to amend to make Proposition No. 82, special order for Committee of the Whole at morning session November, 12, 1910.

Mr. Cunningham moved to amend to make Proposition No. 82, special order for Committee of the Whole at 2 p. m., November 11, 1910. Amendment lost by the following


Ayes-Cunningham, Ingraham, Jacome, Jones, F. A.. Kingan, Langdon, Lovin, Lynch, Moeur, Morgan, Roberts, Short, Winsor, Mr. President. Total 14.

Nays Bolan, Bradner, Cassidy, Cobb, Colter, Coker, Connelly, Cooper, Crutchfield, Feeney, Franklin, Hutchinson, Jones, A. M., Keegan, Kinney, Moore, Orme, Osborn, Par

sons, Scott, Sims, R. B., Simms, Mit., Standage, Webb, Weinberger, Wells, Wood. Total 27.

Absent-Cunniff, Ellinwood, Curtis, Goldwater, Tovrea. Excused-Baker, Doe, Pusch, Tuthill, White, Wills. Amendment of Mr. Cassidy carried by Viva voce vote. Motion of Mr. Jones as amended by Mr. Cassidy, carried by following vote:

Ayes-Bolan, Bradner, Cassidy, Connelly, Cooper, Cunningham, Feeney, Ingraham, Jacome, Jones, F. A., Keegan, Kingan, Kinney, Langdon, Lovin, Lynch, Moeur, Morgan, Parsons, Roberts, Short, Weinberger, Wells, Winsor, Mr. President. Total 25.

Nays-Cobb, Coker, Colter, Crutchfield, Franklin, Hutchinson, Jones, A. M., Moore, Orme, Osborn, Scott, Sims, R. B., Simms, Mit, Standage, Webb, Wood. Total 16.

On motion of Mr. Hunt the Committee of the Whole stood at recess for fifteen minutes, during which an invitation was extended the Copper Queen band of Bisbee, Arizona, to occupy seats in the gallery.

On reconvening, Mr. Cunniff moved, seconded by Mr. Feeney, that the committee extend a vote of thanks to. the Copper Queen band for music furnished during the recess; carried by a rising vote.

Mr. Hunt moved, seconded by Mr. Webb, that the committee proceed to the consideration of Proposition No. 143; carried.

Mr. Tovrea moved, seconded by Mr. Cunningham, that the committee recommend that Proposition No. 143 be indefinitely postponed.

Mr. Webb moved, seconded by Mr. Osborn, to amend that when the committee arise it recommend that the minority report on Proposition No. 143 be adopted.

Mr. Cunningham moved, seconded by Mr. Kingan, to amend by striking out all on page 1 of the minority report, beginning with the word "Provided" on line three.

Mr. Franklin moved, seconded by Mr. Cunniff, that further consideration of Proposition No. 143 be postponed until the report of the Committee on Matters for Separate Submission on similar matters is before the Committee of the Whole.

Motion lost by the following vote:

Ayes-Bolan, Cooper, Cunniff, Curtis, Franklin, Hutchinson, Jacome, Kingan, Lynch, Moore, Wells. Total 11.

Nays-Cassidy, Cobb, Coker, Colter, Connelly, Cunningham, Ellinwood, Feeney, Ingraham, Jones, A. M., Jones,

F. A., Keegan, Kinney, Langdon, Lovin, Moeur, Orme, Osborn, Parsons, Roberts, Scott, Short, Sims, R. B., Simms, Mit, Standage, Tovrea, Webb, Weinberger, Winsor, Wood, Mr. President. Total 31.

Absent-Bradner, Crutchfield, Goldwater, Morgan.

Excused-Baker, Doe, Pusch, Tuthill, White, Wills. Motion of Mr. Weinberger that the committee arise and report progress lost by a rising vote of 17 to 21. Amendment of Mr. Cunningham to strike lost by rising vote of 20 to 20.

Amendment of Mr. Webb lost by the following vote:

Ayes-Cassidy, Colter, Connelly, Feeney, Ingraham, Jones, F. A., Moeur, Orme, Osborn, Scott, Short, Simms, Mit, Standage, Webb, Winsor. Total 15.

Nays-Bolan, Bradner, Cobb, Coker, Cooper, Cunniff, Cunningham, Curtis, Ellinwood, Franklin, Hutchinson, Jacome, Jones, A. M., Keegan, Kingan, Kinney, Langdon, Lovin, Lynch, Moore, Parsons, Roberts, Sims, R. B., Tovrea, Weinberger, Wells, Wood, Mr. President. Total 28.

Absent-Crutchfield, Goldwater, Morgan.

Excused-Baker, Doe, Pusch, Tuthill, White, Wills.

Motion of Mr. Tovrea to indefinitely postpone carried by following vote:

Nays-Bolan, Bradner, Cobb, Coker, Cooper, Cunniff, Cunningham, Curtis, Ellinwood, Franklin, Hutchinson, Jacome, Jones, A. M., Keegan, Kingan, Kinney, Langdon, Lovin, Lynch, Moore, Parsons, Roberts, Short. Sims, R. B., Tovrea, Weinberger, Wood, Mr. President. Total 28.

Nays-Cassidy, Colter, Connelly, Feeney, Ingraham, Jones, F. A., Moeur, Orme, Osborn, Scott, Simms, Mit, Standage, Webb, Winsor. Total 14.

Absent-Crutchfield, Goldwater, Morgan.

Excused-Baker, Doe, Pusch, Tuthill, White, Wills.

Mr. Webb, moved that the committee arise and report progress.

Amendment of Mr. Cunniff to add that the committee recommend that Proposition No. 143 and reports thereon be indefinitely postponed, carried.

Motion of Mr. Webb, amended by Mr. Cunniff, carried. The President resumed the Chair.

Mr. Bolan, Chairman of the Committee of the Whole made the following report:

Mr. President:

Phoenix, Arizona, November 11, 1910.

Your Committee of the Whole begs leave to report it has

has had under consideration Proposition No. 82 and Substitute Prposition No. 82 and recommend that Proposition No. 82 and Substitute Proposition No. 82 be made special order for Committee of the Whole at the morning session, November 12, 1910. Your Committee has also examined Proposition No. 143 and the substitute therefor, and recommend that Proposition No. 143 and substitute therefor be indefinitely postponed.


Recommendation of Committee of the Whole on Proposition No. 82 and Substitute Proposition No. 82 adopted, and placed on calendar of Committee of the Whole for morning session November 12, 1910.

Motion of Mr. Cunningham to adopt recommendation on Proposition No. 143 and substitute and indefinitely postpone said Propositions adopted by following vote:

Ayes-Bolan, Bradner, Cobb, Coker, Cooper, Cunniff, Cunningham, Curtis, Ellinwood, Franklin, Hutchinson, Jacome, Jones, A. M., Keegan, Kingan, Kinney, Langdon, Lovin, Lynch, Moore, Parsons, Roberts, Short, Sims, R. B., Tovrea, Weinberger, Wood, Mr. President. Total 28.

Nays-Cassidy, Colter, Connelly, Feeney, Ingraham, Jones, F. A., Moeur, Orme, Osborn, Scott, Standage, Winsor. Total 12.

Absent-Crutchfield, Goldwater, Morgan, Simms, Mit,


Excused-Baker, Doe, Pusch, Tuthill, White, Wills.

The sergeant at arms announced that Mr. Tovrea, Mr. Ellinwood, Mr. Cunniff, Mr. Curtis, had taken their seats. during the session of the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Bolan moved that the Convention adjourn to 9:30 a. m., November 12, 1910.

Mr. Winsor moved to amend to adjourn to 2:30 p. m., November 11, 1910. Amendment lost by the following vote: Ayes-Cassidy, Connelly, Cunningham, Ingraham, Jones, F. A., Kinney, Moeur, Short, Weinberger, Winsor, Mr. President. Total 11.

Nays-Bolan, Bradner, Cobb, Coker, Colter, Cooper, Cunniff, Curtis, Ellinwood, Feeney, Franklin, Hutchinson, Jacome, Jones, A. M., Keegan, Kingan, Langdon Lynch, Moore, Orme, Osborn, Parsons, Scott, Sims, R. B., Stan dage, Tovrea, Wood. Total 27.

Absent-Crutchfield, Goldwater, Lovin, Morgan, Roberts, Simms, Mit, Webb, Wells.

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