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the alien imposts upon British shipping. The restrictions which clogged the partial concession of the trade made by this country to America, in 1822, had been professedly made the foundation of the act of Congress of 1823; but by the act of 1825 these restrictions were done away; and, if the United States were really desirous of establishing in commerce that freedom and reciprocity, of which, in their diplomatic documents, they professed to be the most liberal adherents, nothing remained to justify the continuance of limitations which even originally were founded on unwarrantable pretensions. The United States, however, did not think proper to accept of the more liberal offer which was now made to them, although to retain the alien duties imposed in 1823, and to claim the admission of her produce on the same terms with that of the mother-country, was in fact to demand every thing of Great Britain and to give nothing in return. They refused to abate any thing of what was required by that act of congress, an obstinacy obviously most unreasonable and unjust, and which could have no other result than a prohibition of the intercourse which they refused to accept on the same terms with the rest of the world, and on which alone it could fairly be asked. So far was congress from being inclined to repeal or relax the restrictions imposed by its act of 1823, that, during the present session, when that assembly had full knowledge of the act of parliament of 1825, a motion for the repeal of the discriminating duties was rejected after debate. The consequence was, that, in

July of this year, the colonial harbours were directed, by an order in council, to be shut against American vessels after the 1st of December ensuing. The British government would have been justified in excluding them immediately, and without any more specific notice than was given by the law itself; especially as it had not come into operation till the expiry of five months after its enactment, and had already been the subject of consideration both to the government and to the legislature of the United States. From the 5th of January, 1826, when the operation of the act commenced, American vessels ought, in strictness, to have been excluded; but as, in point of fact, they had still been admitted, it was thought due, perhaps, to the courtesy to be expected from one friendly nation towards another, to give the United States a new warning, a prorogated period, an additional opportunity of becoming just and reasonable. The American government now felt the difficulties in which they had involved themselves; their trade with the colonies was at an end, and yet they were unable to discover any feasible pretence for having refused to retain it upon conditions actually much more fair and beneficial than the terms upon which they had hitherto enjoyed it. They resolved to submit the whole matter to congress in its ensuing session, that body having already, during the present year, in full knowledge of the act of 1825, refused every proposal to modify or abolish the limitations of their act of 1823; and the American secretary of state, and their minister at London, in the communica

tions which they were now com pelled to make to the British government, complained at great length, and most querulously, that the latter should have regulated the trade by an act of parliament, instead of renewing those nego tiations for arranging it by treaty which had been begun in 1824. This was a strange complaint in the mouth of a government, which more than three years before had actually regulated this very trade by an act of congress which rendered it impossible for them to negociate; an act, moreover, on explicit compliance with every one of whose requisitions, their envoy had insisted as a preliminary to negotiation, while this demanded compliance was both impudent and absurd, and an absolute bar in the way of any treaty about the matter. It was the United States themselves who had shut the door against treaty; they had done, and, after being made fully aware of its consequences, they persevered in, an act which had rendered negotiation nugatory; an act by which her executive was bound, and its hands tied up. Their public functionaries were not at liberty to exercise their own discretion; the law had prescribed a preliminary requisite as a sine qua non in any arrangement; that requisite was one to which neither Great Britain, nor any other independent nation, could listen for a moment, and which no country but the United States had ever had the coolness to propose; and it would have been a mockery, unworthy of the dignity of the British government, to treat with the executive power of America upon a basis which the supreme authority of the latter disavowed. The

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American ministers might now be convinced of the absurdity and extravagance of their demands, and be willing to recede from them, but they could not recede : these demands had been made by congress, and fixed by the law; it was congress that had to recede; and, so far from showing any dis+ position to do so, it had, in this very year, refused to listen to a proposal for repealing those discriminating duties which its ministers said, in the instructions to their envoy at London, they, for their parts, were willing to see abolished on both sides. In the calm and reasonable, but decided language of Mr. Canning to the American envoy, "It is not made matter of complaint, by the British government, that the United States have declined conditions, which other nations have thought worthy of their acceptance. It is on the other hand, not the fault of the British government, if the United States have suffered the time to pass by, at which it might have been an object of greater importance to this country to induce the United States to come into their proposals. The United States exercised, upon this point, a free judgment, and they can, on their part, have no reason to complain that Great Britain, after allowing ample time for maturing that judgment, is contented to abide the result of their decision. But the British government further owes to the spirit of frankness which it wishes to cultivate in all its relations with the United States, to declare, that, after having been compelled to apply to

"Mr. Clay's instructions to Mr. Gallatin, 19th June, 1826.

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In South America, the progress of events was far from being favourable to the consolidation and tranquillity of the new governments. The imprudent contest into which Buenos Ayres had entered against Brazil, for the possession of the Banda Oriental, assumed a more distinct character in appearance, without, however, leading to any important result, while it injured commerce, and laid burthens upon the national resources which they were little able to bear. On the last day of 1825, admiral Lobo, who commanded the Brazilian squadron in the Plata, declared Buenos Ayres itself, as well as all the ports and coasts of the republic occupied by its troops, to be in a state of blockade; and he prepared with his fleet to enforce it against the capital, allowing foreign vessels fourteen days in which to load and take their departure. This step was immediately followed, on the 2nd of January, by a decree of the executive, government of Buenos Ayres, for issuing letters of marque and reprisal against the emperor of Brazil-a decree in which his majesty was accused of having rejected all means of hostility recognized as legitimate by the rights of war, in Mr. Canning to Mr. Gallatin, 11th September, 1826

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endeavouring to seduce countries from the nations to which they belonged, so that the republican government was thus under the painful necessity of allowing the lamentable practice" of privateering against the ships of a power with which it was at open war! The executive issued, at the same time, a manifesto, intended as a proclamation of war, but which did not set forth any ground of quarrel, was full of declamation, abuse, and bravado, and incited the Brazilians to rebellion, by calling upon them to follow the example of Buenos Ayres. In this document, the emperor was charged with having usurped a principal part of the territory of the republic." in the most worthless and infamous manner recorded in history," with having laid upon its citizens a tyranny, cruel in itself, and exercised by vile and contemptible instruments; with having united, in order to invade it, "whatever elements he could tear from his unhappy vassals, to draw vengeance, desolation, and death, upon its territory." The republican hatred of royalty, and of European royalty, flamed forth in the concluding invocation "Brave men, who have given independence to your country, take down your swords: A king, born on the other side of the seas, insults our repose, and threatens the honour of our children. To arms! fellow-citizens, to arms!" In the fury of their indignation, the patriots of the Plata seemed to forget that, to whichever party in this unfortunate contest, Monte Video and its territory ought to be adjudged upon a historical deduction, yet Don Pedro had been the party attacked, when he was


in full possession of the territory; found more than sufficient occu

that the Monte-Videans had
possessed, and had exercised the
same right with L
to rise
in revolt against the authority of
Spain, and, in the course of the
contest, had submitted to Brazil, to
whom they had since been subject;
that if Buenos Ayres claimed the
Banda Oriental, because it had once
formed part of the vice-royalty of
La Plata, the same principle would
justify a war against Paraguay,
and those provinces of Upper
Peru which had been just formed
into the new republic of Bolivia
for all of these provinces had once
belonged to the vice-royalty; that,
at all events, there was no stronger
reason for going to war in 1825 than
in any preceding year; and that
it was most imprudent to engage
in such a contest without due pre-
paration, and without even the
means of securing the command of
the rivertnom comprom


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prostrating neutral rights, and therefore wholly inadmissible on the part of the the government of the United States. The [ however, was disregarded, and the Brazilian vessels of war, cruising about the mouth of the bay The principal mischief of the although they could not shut up blockade was, the interruption its harbours, produced a total which it gave to trade, and even suspension of business in the that was only partial, so inefficient capital, while all descriptions of while all was the small force of the Bra provisions, and of foreign imports zilian admiral. The length to which rose one half in price. The stag he had carried the right of block nation of trade at once cut off the ade, compared with the paltry ordinary sources of the public means which he possessed to en- revenue, and disabled the people force it, drew from the Ameri- from meeting the burthen of ex can consul a strong remonstrance traordinary imposts. bas bsol against such a violation of "one The republican fleet was much of the fundamental rules of the weaker than even that of Brazil ol law of blockade, as professed and it consisted of two brigs of wars practised by the government of and eleven gun boats; and the the United States." Admiral Lobo's unimportant actions which took declaration of blockade embraced place between these flotillas were an extent of maritime coast of merely skirmishes, by which nob more than twenty degrees of thing was effected on either sides latitude; and the maritime force The republican squadron was employed to enforce it amounted under the command of commodore to a corvette, a couple of armed Brown, who hoisted his flag on brigs, and some gun-boats, which board one of the brigs on the 14th & VOL. LXVIII. [2 C]

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of January, with the design of attacking the enemy, clearing the river, and even shutting up admiral Lobo, with his superior force, in the harbour of Monte Video, On the 15th, the squadron got under weigh for the island of Martin Garcia, situated where the Uruguay joins the Plata, which the Brazilians had taken possession of, and had fortified with a battery of fourteen guns, and a garrison of two hundred men; but, before they had proceeded far, the Brazilian squadron, consisting of three corvettes, three schooners, three gunboats, and a cutter, came in sight. Notwithstanding the enemy's superiority in point of force, admiral Brown bore down upon him as soon as he got in sight of the city. The beach was lined with spectators, and many volunteers put off in boats to join the patriot squadron. An action seemed inevitable. The two patriot brigs, together with a gun-boat, were closing with two of the Brazilians, while the remaining gun-boats were closing with the Brazilian admiral's ship, the rest of the Brazilian force being near at hand. At the moment when they had got within half-gun shot, and the commencement of the action was looked for, admiral Lobo tacked, and stood off, the remainder of his squadron following him in his retreat. The patriot squadron chased them for a short distance, and then, returning, took a new position. The Brazilians continued their course down the river for some time, but having united their force, they again returned, having formed themselves in two divisions. In an hour, the two squadrons were again within gun-shot of each other, and the multitude on shore,

entertained no doubt but that they would enjoy the view of a naval battle, when the Brazilian admiral again put about and withdrew. On the 9th of February, commodore Brown again left his anchorage to attack them, and, on his approach, they retired up the river. He followed them to within about three leagues of Colonia, on the left bank of the Plata, and, having come up with them, fired a broadside, which was immediately returned by Lobo, who, with another corvette, lay on each side of Brown, and continued the engagement for about an hour. During all this time, Brown suffered severely, his own brigs keeping out of the way a considerable distance to leeward. Finding this, he set sail and came in sight of Buenos Ayres, where he was again obliged to come to action, and. sustained a running fight for three hours. The Brazilian squadron then stood down the river to refit, and the Buenos Ayres squadron, having saved the gun-boats, rẹn turned into the outer roads for the same purpose. In other engager ments of the same indecisive character which took place during the summer, the republican commander had reason to complain of the same backwardness in his consorts, which, on this occasion, had left him almost unsupported to sustain the enemy's fire. On the 19th of October he got under weigh, having given orders to the commanders of the other vessels to follow him for the purpose of passing the Brazilian squadron; but, after they had passed the bar of the harbour in safety, and had every probability of accomplishing their design, the other vessels of the fleet left the admiral to pro

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