Pro. This was well done, my bird; Thy shape invisible retain thou still : The trumpery in my house, go, bring it hither, Ari. I go, I go. [Exit. Pro. A devil, a born devil, on whose nature Re-enter ARIEL loaden with glistering apparel, &c. Cal. Pray you, tread softly, that the blind mole may not Hear a foot fall : we now are near his cell. For stale to catch these thieves.] Stale is a word in fowling, and is used to mean a bait or decoy to catch birds. STEEVENS. • Nurture can never stick ;] Nurture is education. -all, all lost,] The first of these words was probably introduced by the carelessness of the transcriber or compositor. We might safely read are all lost. MALONE. * And as, with age, his body uglier grows, So his mind cankers:] Shakspeare, when he wrote this description, perhaps recollected what his patron's most intimate friend, the great Lord Essex, in an hour of discontent, said of Queen Elizabeth:-that she grew old, and canker'd, and that her mind was become as crooked as her carcase:"-a speech, which, according to Sir Walter Raleigh, cost him his head, and which we may therefore suppose, was at that time much talked of. This play being written in the time of King James, these obnoxious words might be safely repeated. MALONE. 5 - the blind mole may not Hear a foot fall:) This quality of hearing, which the mole is supposed to possess in so high a degree, is mentioned in Euphues, 4to. 1581, p. 64: "Doth not the lion for strength, the turtle for Ste. Monster, your fairy, which, you say, is a harmless fairy, has done little better than played the Jack with us. 6 Trin. Monster, I do smell all horse-piss; at which my nose is in great indignation. Ste. So is mine. Do you hear, monster? If I should take a displeasure against you; look you,Trin. Thou wert but a lost monster. Cal. Good my lord, give me thy favour still : Be patient, for the prize I'll bring thee to softly, Trin. Ay, but to lose our bottles in the pool,Ste. There is not only disgrace and dishonour in that, monster, but an infinite loss. Trin. That's more to me than my wetting: yet this is your harmless fairy, monster. Ste. I will fetch off my bottle, though I be o'er ears for my labour. Cal. Pr'ythee, my king, be quiet: Seest thou This is the mouth o' the cell: no noise, and enter: Ste. Give me thy hand: I do begin to have bloody thoughts. Trin. O king Stephano! O peer! O worthy Stephano! look, what a wardrobe here is for thee !" love, the ant for labour, excel man? Doth not the eagle see clearer, the vulture smell better, the moale heare lightlyer?" REED. 6 has done little better than played the Jack with us.] i. e. He has played Jack with a lantern; has led us about like an ignis fatuus, by which travellers are decoyed into the mire. 7 Trin. O king Stephano! O peer! O worthy Stephano! look, Cal. Let it alone, thou fool; it is but trash. to a frippery:-O king Stephano! Ste. Put off that gown, Trinculo; by this hand, I'll have that gown. Trin. Thy grace shall have it. Cal. The dropsy drown this fool! what do you mean, To doat thus on such luggage? Let's along, Ste. Be you quiet, monster.-Mistress line, is not this my jerkin? Now is the jerkin under the line : now, jerkin, you are like to lose your hair, and prove a bald jerkin. Trin. Do, do: We steal by line and level, and't like your grace. Ste. I thank thee for that jest; here's a garment for't: wit shall not go unrewarded, while I am king of this country: Steal by line and level, is an excellent pass of pate; there's another garment for't. what a wardrobe here is for thee!] An allusion to an old celebrated ballad, which begins thus: King Stephen was a worthy peer -and celebrates that king's parsimony with regard to his wardrobe. 8 - we know what belongs to a frippery :) A frippery was a shop where old clothes were sold. Fripperie, Fr. The person who kept one of these shops was called a fripper. Strype, in his life of Stowe, says, that these frippers lived in Birchin-lane and Cornhill. 9 under the line:] An allusion to what often happens to people who pass the line. The violent fevers which they contract in that hot climate, make them lose their hair. Perhaps the allusion is to a more indelicate disease than any peculiar to the equinoxial. Shakspeare seems to design an equivoque between the equinoxial and the girdle of a woman. It may be necessary, however, to observe, as a further elucidation of this miserable jest, that the lines on which clothes are hung, are usually made of twisted horse-hair. Trin. Monster, come, put some lime' upon your fingers, and away with the rest. Cal. I will have none on't: we shall lose our time, And all be turn'd to barnacles, or to apes2 Ste. Monster, lay-to your fingers; help to bear this away, where my hogshead of wine is, or I'll turn you out of my kingdom: go to, carry this. Trin. And this. Ste. Ay, and this. A noise of hunters heard. Enter divers Spirits, in shape of hounds, and hunt them about; PROSPERO and ARIEL setting them on. Pro. Hey, Mountain, hey! Pro. Fury, Fury! there, Tyrant, there! hark, hark! [CAL. STE. and TRIN. are driven out. Go, charge my goblins that they grind their joints With dry convulsions; shorten up their sinews With aged cramps; and more pinch-spotted make them, Than pard, or cat o' mountain. 1 2 Ari. Hark, they roar. put some lime, &c.] That is, bird-lime. to barnacles, or to apes-] Skinner says barnacle is Anser Scoticus. The barnacle is a kind of shell-fish growing on the bottoms of ships, and which was anciently supposed, when broken off, to become one of these geese. This vulgar error deserves no serious confutation. • With foreheads villainous low.] Low foreheads were anciently reckoned among deformities. * A noise of hunters heard.] Shakspeare might have had in view "Arthur's Chace, which many believe to be in France, and think that it is a kennel of black dogs followed by unknown huntsmen with an exceeding great sound of horns, as if it was a very hunting of some wild beast." Pro. Let them be hunted soundly: At this hour Lie at my mercy all mine enemies : Shortly shall all my labours end, and thou Shalt have the air at freedom: for a little, Follow, and do me service. ACT V. [Exeunt. SCENE I. Before the Cell of Prospero. Enter PROSPERO in his magick robes ; and ARIEL. Pro. Now does my project gather to a head : My charms crack not; my spirits obey; and time Goes upright with his carriage. How's the day? Ari. On the sixth hour; at which time, my lord, You said our work should cease. Pro. When first I rais'd the tempest. How fares the king and his ? I did say so, Confin'd together In the same fashion as you gave in charge; 5 - and time Goes upright with his carriage.] Alluding to one carrying a burthen. This critical period of my life proceeds as I could wish. Time brings forward all the expected events, without faultering under his burthen. STEEVENS. 6 - till your release.] i. e. till you release them. MALONE. |