Abbildungen der Seite
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Animals, the ages of, 189.

Australian Turkey, 191.

Antiquity of America, 214.

Isaac Penington, 269. 274.

Babylonian discovery, 270.

Blind as a mole, 271.

Blackfeet indians, 282.

Buttons, 297.

Butter and cheese, 317.

Barrels by machinery, 319.

Bible Association of Friends, annual report, 324.

Birds' nests and eggs, 326.

Bending timber, 327.

Busy and growing place, 338.

Bee moth, the, 349.

Books, 79. 351.

Burning of the transport Europa, 367.
Barometer, the, 382.

Burrough, Edward, anecdote of, 383.
Boston notion, a, fire alarm, 398.
Balloon, earth's appearance from a, 406.
Bass, seining of, 408.

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coloured persons, 253. 374.

Address on slavery, to Sovereigns, &c., from London

Yearly Meeting, 254.

Asylum, Friends, 37th annual report, 262. 266. 275.
Ardent spirits, what they have done, &c., 260.
Abyssinian monkeys, 287.

A country of pests, 288.

A right concern, 298.

American steamboats on the Amazon, 310.

Address to Christendom, 330.

Artesian wells, 338.

Antiquities, 349.

Arctic winter, 351.

Adulteration of vinegar, milk, &c., 358.
Admonition, 363.
Astral wonders, 366.
Ancient book, 370.

Africa, the expedition to Central, 371.
Agriculture of Palestine, 373.
Animal life in the tropics, 395.
Annexation of Cuba, 399. 402.

Africa, remarkable journey in, 402.
Ancient relics, 405.

A word to the church, 414.

Breaking up of a Negro school, 15.
Balloon ascension, 71.
Babylon, 103.

Biographical sketches of Ministers, Elders, &c., 116.
124. 132, 140. 147. 156. 163. 172. 179. 188. 195.
213.220. 228. 243. 251. 259. 267. 276. 285. 291.
300. 309. 315. 325. 332. 340. 348. 356. 364. 373.

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