THE Proprietors of the New Edition of the State Trials in Twenty-One Volumes Royal Octavo, compiled by the late Thomas Bayly Howell, esq., and brought down to the year 1783, in presenting to the Public the First Volume of THE CONTINUATION of that Work, beg leave briefly to state the measures which they have felt it their duty to take, in order to supply the loss of that gentleman.
In consequence of the severe illness under which, even from the commencement of his labours, the late Mr. Howell suffered, the active assistance of a zealous and able coadjutor was rendered indispensably necessary to the carrying on of so arduous an undertaking as that in which he was engaged, and the progressive decay of his health disabling him for the conduct of the Work, the execution of this laborious duty depended chiefly upon the exertions of his Son, under whose immediate and exclusive superintendance the latter Volumes were given to the Public.
From a consideration of these facts, and fully impressed with the importance that the State Prosecutions of the interesting and eventful era, at which the Work is now arrived, should be recorded in such a manner as to preserve to the State Trials that high reputation which they now enjoy as a Book of legal and historical authority; the Proprietors felt that they could in no way better consult the interests of the Work, and the public utility to be derived from it, than by prevailing upon the Gentleman, who had so highly contributed to its execution, to superintend its future progress.
In announcing, therefore, THE CONTINUATION of the State Trials by T. J. Howell, esq., the Proprietors feel confident that the Public will participate in their satisfaction at the arrangements which they have been enabled to make for its speedy and successful completion.