the wills of various persons. I am also in a par ticular manner indebted to the kindness and atten, tion of the Rev. Mr. Davenport, vicar of Stratfordupon-Avon, who most obligingly made every inquiry in that town and the neighbourhood, which I suggested as likely to throw any light on the Life of Shakspeare. 66 I deliver my book to the world not without anxiety; confcious, however, that I have strenuoufly endeavoured to render it not unworthy the attention of the publick. If the researches which have been made for the illustration of our poet's works, and for the differtations which accompany the present edition, shall afford as much entertainment to others, as I have derived from them, I shall confider the time expended on it as well employed. Of the dangerous ground on which I tread, I am fully sensible. Multa funt in his studiis (to use the words of a venerable fellow-labourer 6 in the mines of Antiquity) cineri fuppofita dolofo. Errata poffint esse multa à memoria. Quis enim in memoriæ thefauro omnia fimul fic complectatur, ut pro arbitratu suo poffit expromere? Errata poffint effe plura ab imperitia. Quis enim tam peritus, ut in cæco hoc antiquitatis mari, cum tempore colluctatus, scopulis non allidatur? Нас tamen à te, humaniffime lector, tua humanitas, mea industria, patriæ charitas, et SHAKSPEARI dignitas, mihi exorent, ut quid mei fit judicii, fine aliorum præjudicio libere proferam; ut eâdem via qua alii in his studiis folent, insistam; et ut erratis, fi ego agnofcam, tu ignofcas." Those who are the warmest admirers of our great poet, and moft Camden. conversant with his writings, best know the difficulty of such a work, and will be most ready to pardon its defects; remembering, that in all arduous undertakings, it is easier to conceive than to accomplish; that "the will is infinite, and the execution confined; that the defire is boundless, and the act a flave to limit." MALONE. Queen Anne Street, East, END OF VOL. I. 166 J. PLYMSELL, Printer, Leather Lane, Holborn, London. |