"their ignorance, who chose that circumstance to " commend their friend by, wherein he most fault"ed: and to justify mine own candour, for I loved "the man, and do honour his memory, on this fide idolatry, as much as any. He was, indeed, ho"nest, and of an open and free nature, had an "excellent fancy, brave notions, and gentle expref"fions; wherein he flowed with that facility, that " fometimes it was necessary he should be stopped: "Sufflaminandus erat, as Augustus faid of Haterius. "His wit was in his own power; would the rule of "it had been so too. Many times he fell into "those things which could not escape laughter; as " when he said in the person of Cæfar, one speak" ing to him, 'Cæfar, thou dost me wrong.' "He replied: • Cæfar did never wrong, but with juft caufe.', "and such like, which were ridiculous. But he The Merry Wives of Windsor, indeed, and Romeo and Juliet, and perhaps Love's Labour's Loft, our author appears to bave altered and amplified; and to King Richard II. what is called the parliament-scene, seems to have been added; (though this last is by no means certain ;) but neither will these augmentations and new-modellings disprove what has been afferted by Shakspeare's fellow-comedians concerning the facility of his writing, and the exquisite felicity of his first expressions. The hafty sketch of The Merry Wives of Windsor, which he is faid to have composed in a fortnight, he might have written without a blot; and three or four years afterwards, when he chofe to dilate his plan, he might have composed the additional scenes without a blot likewise. In a word, fuppofing even that Nature had not endowed him with that rich vein which he unquestionably poffessed, he who in little more than twenty years produces thirty-four or thirty-five pieces for the stage, has certainly not much time for expunging. MALONE. "redeemed his vices with his virtues; there was " ever more in him to be praised than to be par "doned." As for the passage which he mentions out of Shakspeare, there is somewhat like it in Julius Cæfar, but without the absurdity; nor did I ever meet with it in any edition that I have seen as quoted by Mr. Jonfon.3 Befides his plays in this edition, there are two or three ascribed to him by Mr. Langbaine, which 3 - nor did I ever meet with it in any edition that I have Seen, as quoted by Mr. Jonson.] See Mr. Tyrwhitt's note on Julius Cæfar, Act III. fc. i. Vol. XVI. MALONE. * Befides his plays in this edition, there are two or three ascribed to him by Mr. Langbaine, The Birth of Merlin, 1662, written by W. Rowley; the old play of King John, in two parts, 1591, on which Shakspeare formed his King John; and The Arraignment of Paris, 1584, written by George Peele. The editor of the folio 1664, fubjoined to the 36 dramas published in 1623, seven plays, four of which had appeared in Shakspeare's life-time with his name in the title-page, viz. Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 1609, Sir John Oldcafile, 1600, The London Prodigal, 1605, and The Yorkshire Tragedy, 1608; the three others which they inserted, Locrine, 1595, Lord Cromwell, 1602, and The Puritan, 1607, having been printed with the initials W. S. in the title-page, the editor chose to interpret those letters to mean William Shakspeare, and ascribed them also to our poet. I published an edition of these seven pieces some years ago, freed in some measure from the gross errors with which they had been exhibited in ancient copies, that the publick might fee what they contained; and do not hesitate to declare my firm perfuafion that of Locrine, Lord Cromwell, Sir John Oldcastle, The London Prodigal, and The Puritan, Shakspeare did not write a single line. How little the booksellers of former times scrupled to affix the names of celebrated writers to the productions of others, even in the life-time of such celebrated authors, may be collected from Heywood's translations from Ovid, which in 1612, while Shakspeare was yet living, were ascribed to him. See Vol. X. p. 321, n. 1.* With the dead they would certainly I have never feen, and know nothing of. He writ likewise Venus and Adonis, and Tarquin and Lucrece, in stanzas, which have been printed in a late collection of poems.5 As to the character given of him by Ben Jonfon, there is a good deal true in it: but I believe it may be as well expressed by what Horace says of the first Romans, who wrote tragedy upon the Greek models, (or indeed tranflated them,) in his epistle to Augustus: * Mr. Malone's edition of our author's works, 1790. - naturâ fublimis & acer : "Nam spirat tragicum fatis, et feliciter audet, i.. } As I have not proposed to myself to enter into a large and complete criticifm upon Shakspeare's works, so I will only take the liberty, with all due fubmiffion to the judgment of others, to observe some of those things I have been pleased with in looking him over. His plays are properly to be diftinguished only into comedies and tragedies. Those which are called histories, and even some of his comedies, are really tragedies, with a run or mixture of come make ftill more free. "This book (fays Anthony Wood, speaking of a work to which the name of Sir Philip Sydney was prefixed) coming out so late, it is to be inquired whether Sir Philip Sydney's name is not fet to it for fale-fake, being a usual thing in these days to fet a great name to a book or books, by sharking bookfellers, or snivelling writers, to get bread." Athen. Oxon. Vol. I. p. 208. MALONE. 5 -in a late collection of poems.] In the fourth volume of State Poems, printed in 1707. Mr. Rowe did not go beyond A Late Collection of Poems, and does not seem to have known that Shakspeare also wrote 154 Sonnets, and a poem entitled A Lover's Complaint. MALONE. dy amongst them. That way of tragi-comedy was the common mistake of that age, and is indeed be 9. are really tragedies, with a run or mixture of comedy amongst them.] Heywood, our author's contemporary, has stated the best defence that can be made for his intermixing lighter with the more ferious scenes of his dramas: "It may likewife be objected, why amongst fad and grave histories I have here and there inserted fabulous jests and tales favouring of lightness. I answer, I have therein imitated our historical, and comical poets, that write to the stage, who, lest the auditory should be dulled with ferious courses, which are merely weighty and material, in every act present some Zany, with his mimick action to breed in the less capable mirth and laughter; for they that write to all, must firive to please all. And as fuch fashion themselves to a multitude diversely addicted, so I to an univerfality of readers diversely disposed." Pref. to History of Women, 1624. MALONE. The criticks who renounce tragi-comedy as barbarous, I fear, speak more from notions which they have formed in their closets, than any well-built theory deduced from experience of what pleases or displeases, which ought to be the foundation of all rules. Even fuppofing there is no affectation in this refinement, and that those criticks have really tried and purified their minds till there is no dross remaining, still this can never be the cafe of a popular audience, to which a dramatick representation is referred. Dryden in one of his prefaces condemns his own conduct in The Spanish Friar; but, says he, I did not write it to please myself, it was given to the publick. Here is an involuntary confeffion that tragi-comedy is more pleasing to the audience; I would ask then, upon what ground it is condemned ? This ideal excellence of uniformity rests upon a supposition that we are either more refined, or a higher order of beings than we really are: there is no provifion made for what may be called the animal part of our minds. Though we should acknowledge this paffion for variety and contrarieties to be the vice of our nature, it is still a propensity which we all feel, and which he who undertakes to divert us must find provifion for. We are obliged, it is true, in our pursuit after science, or excellence in any art, to keep our minds steadily fixed for a long continuance; it is a task we impose on ourselves: but I do not wish to task myself in my amusements. If the great object of the theatre is amusement, a dramatick : come so agreeable to the English taste, that though the severer criticks among us cannot bear it, yet the generality of our audiences seem to be better pleased with it than with an exact tragedy. The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Comedy of Errors, and The Taming of a Shrew, are all pure comedy; the reft, however they are called, have something of both kinds. It is not very easy to determine which way of writing he was most excellent in. There is certainly a great deal of entertainment in his comical humours; and though they did not then ftrike at all ranks of people, as the fatire of the present age has taken the liberty to do, yet there is a pleasing and a well-diftinguished variety in those characters which he thought fit to meddle with. Falstaff is allowed by every body to be a masterpiece; the character is always well fustained, though drawn out into the length of three plays; and even the account of his death given by his old landlady Mrs. Quickly, in the first Act of Henry the Fifth, though it be extremely natural, is yet as diverting as any part of his life. If there be any fault in the draught he has made of this lewd old fellow, it is, that though he has made him a thief, lying, cowardly, vain-glorious, and in short every way vicious, yet he has given him so much wit as to make him almost too agreeable; and I do not know whether work must possess every means to produce that effect; if it gives inftruction by the by, so much its merit is the greater; but that is not its principal object. The ground on which it stands, and which gives it a claim to the protection and encouragement of civilised society, is not because it enforces moral precepts, or gives instruction of any kind; but from the general advantage that it produces, by habituating the mind to find its amusement in intellectual pleasures; weaning it from sensuality, and by degrees filing off, fmoothing, and polishing, its rugged corners. SIR J. REYNOLDS. |