I would not be Sir Nobbe * in any cafe. M Your face hath got five hundred pound a-year, Eli. Nay, I would have you go before me thither. Phil. Philip, my Liege, so is my name begun:af Philip, good old Sir Robert's wife's eldest fon. K. John. From henceforth bear his name, whofe form thou bear'ft. Kneel thou down Philip, but rise up more great; d Arife Sir Richard, and Plantagenet. Phil. Brother by th' mother's fide, give me your hand; My father gave me honour, your's gave land. A A Eli. The very spirit of Plantagenet! I am thy grandam Richard, call me fo. Phil. Madam, by chance, but not by truth; what though? Something about, a little from the right, In at the window, or else o'er the hatch. Near or far off, well won is still well shot; K. John. Go, Faulconbridge, now haft thou thy defire; A landless knight makes thee a landed 'squire. Come, Madam, and come, Richard, we must speed For France, for France; for it is more than need. Phil. Brother, adieu; good fortune come to thee, For thou was got i' the way of honesty. [Exeunt all but Philip.. * Nick-name, in contempt, of Sir Robert. VOL. III. Pp SCENE A foot of honour better than I was, "Good-den, Sir Richard, Godamercy, fellow;. "For your converfing. Now your traveller, 66 He and his tooth-pick at my Worship's mess; " And when my knightly stomach is fuffice'd, Why then I fuck my teeth, and catechise My piked * man of countries; -My dear Sir, (Thus leaning on mine elbow, I begin), " I shall befeech you, that is question now; "And then comes answer like an ABC-book. "O Sir, fays answer, at your best command, "At your employment, at your service, Sir."No Sir, fays question, I, sweet Sir, at your's." And so ere answer knows what question would, Serving in dialogue of compliment; " And talking of the Alps and Apennines, "The Pyrenean and the river Po.; And fits the mounting spirit like myself: And not alone in habit and device, * i e, formally bearded. † A nonfenfical line of the players. 4 : : O me! it is my mother. Now, good Lady, SCENE IV. Enter Lady Faulconbridge, and James Gurney. That holds in chace mine honour up and down? Lady. Sir Robert's fon; ay, thou unrev'rend boy, Sir Robert's fon: why scorn'st thou at Sir Robert? He is Sir Robert's fon, and fo art thou. Phil. James Gurney, wilt thou give us leave a while? There's toys abroad; anon I'll tell thee more. [Exit James. Madam, I was not old Sir Robert's fon; Lady. Haft thou conspired with thy brother too, That, for thine own gain, should'st defend mine honour? What means this scorn, thou most untoward knave ? Phil. Knight, knight, good mother - Bafilisco like *. What! I am dubb'd; I have it on my shoulder. * The words allude to an expreffion in an old foolish play, then the common butt of ridicule called Soliman and Perfeda. But the beauty of the passage consists in his alluding, at the same time, to his high original. His father, Richard I. was furnamed Cœur de lion; and the Cor Leonis, a fixed star of the same magnitude, in the fign L20, is called Eafilifco. Mr. Warburton. Then, good my mother, let me know my father Lady. King Richard Cœur-de-lion was thy father; By long and vehement suit I was seduce'd Subjected tribute to commanding love; 1 A 1 : And they shall say, when Richard me begot, If thou hadst said him Nay, it had been fin; Who fays it was, he lyes; I say 'twas not. [Exeunt. ACTII. SCENE 六 I. 4 Before the walls of Angiers in France. Enter Philip King of France, Lewis the Dauphin, the Archduke of Austria, Constance, and Arthur. Lewis. B EFORE Angiers well met, brave Austria. Richard, that robb'd the lion of his heart, A To To fpread his colours, boy, in thy behalf; And to rebuke the ufurpation Of thy unnatural uncle, English John, Arth. God shall forgive your Cœur-de-lion's death, The rather that you give his offspring life; And confident from foreign purposes, A Conft. O, take his mother's thanks, a widow's thanks, Till your strong hand shall help to give him strength, To make a more requital to your love. Auft. The peace of Heav'n is theirs who lift their [fwords In such a just and charitable war. K. Phil. Well then, to work; our engines shall be [bent Against the brows of this resisting town; Conft. Stay for an answer to your embassy, That hot rash haste so indirectly fhed. ? Enter |