Ode to Mr. Gray, on the Backwardness of Spring Ode on the Death of Mr. Gray ..... Fragment of an Ode on the Death of Mr. Gray 1 1 1 THE Poems sented to the P of Typography sumed; but thi advantage, if u ter entitled to c Of Poetry putation of be It seemed not vise and estal Edtion by Mr THE Poems of Mr. Gray are here sented to the Public in a more elegant of Typography than they ever before sumed; but this, it is true, were a very s advantage, if unaccompanied by others ter entitled to consideration. Of Poetry which has incurred the putation of being difficult to compreh it seemed not an ill-bestowed labour to vise and establish the punctuation. 「 Edition by Mr. Mason, in Four Volun ment and closest attention have loyed in the present Edition. often occurred to me, however, that sons of limited education have been by imaginary difficulties from enh spirit on the perusal of Mr. Gray's nd that much of this was attributable form manner in which all his Stanhitherto been printed, however varietre, without any of those indentions e so agreeable to the sight, and so adapted to the purpose of anticipat: Reader's mind the change of mearough every edition that I have yet The Ode for stallation of the or of the Unive to give the reac ingement) with |