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Mr. President: Next on the program is the Report of the Committee on Obituaries, Judge Arthur, of Seattle.

Mr. Arthur: I think it will be sufficient to file this report, after merely naming those of our brethren who have passed away since we last met. The report runs into twenty-seven typewritten pages of this letter size. Two sketches, those of Judge Orange Jacobs and Judge William H. White, are quite elaborate; other sketches more or less so, so that it would take, for me, twenty or twenty-five minutes to read it, and I am satisfied that that would be useless waste of your time now, so, if you will permit me, I will just read the names of the fourteen who have passed away in our Association year, as against twenty-one or twenty-two in the preceding year.

Mr. President: You have my permission.

Mr. Arthur: Reads list of names of those included in the report. (See Appendix.)

Mr. President: Next in order will be the Report of the Nominating Committee.

Mr. Sumner: I would like to move that the Report of the Nominating Committee be dispensed with and that nominations be made on the floor of this convention, and that we cast a ballot for the Presidency in the regular way followed in organizations of this kind. I move that in substitution for the report.

Mr. Dovell: I rise to a point of order. The regular order of business calls for the report of the committee.

Mr. President: I think the point is well taken. I will hear the report of the committee and then, if you wish, you may make a motion, Mr. Sumner.

Mr. Jones: I am put in a little embarrasing position in reporting as Chairman on Nominations, because, as many of you know, for two or three years I have been on the committee of kickers who have opposed this method of nomination, not because I

oppose a nominating committee but because it has been kept so secret from time to time that we thought there ought to be something more public in the way nominations were to be made. For that reason, at every session since you have met here at this meeting, some announcement has been made of the meeting of the Nominating Committee so everybody could have a chance to be heard and the merits of the various candidates be discussed and that there should be no secret session or star-chamber ballot taken. There were submitted to us some six different names for President of the Association and these were given due consideration. I will say that any one of them would have been a fitting man to act as your President, all of them very prominent members of the bar, and the selection of each of the nominees which we did make for all of the offices were unanimous, every member of the committee voting for the one that was finally suggested. We suggested as your condidate for President-and I hope you will remember the word "candidate," because the Nominating Committee does nothing but furnish you with a candidate; we have no more authority in the selection of President than you have, except the suggestion, we selected the Honorable Frank T. Post, of Spokane. (Applause.)

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We had a great deal of difficulty in selecting a candidate for Secretary. The candidates presented were of very poor quality and all fourth class lawyers, and hence we had to take a very poor man or take what we considered a worse grade, and we selected your present Secretary, Mr. Will Shaffer. (Laughter and Applause.)

In the selection of candidates for the three to be nominated as delegates to the American Bar Association, there were a number of nominations presented to us, and considered, one of the principal questions involved being whether, if they were selected, they would go to Washington. These whom we have se

lected have all personally agreed to go and be present at the American Bar Association meeting, and it is needless for me to say that one of those selected was Mr. Charles E. Shepard, of Seattle, who, I think, has attended almost every meeting of the American Bar Association since they had such an association, and his faithful service is recorded in the proceedings of the American Bar Association, I think, at every meeting. Another we selected is your Attorney-General, W. V. Tanner, and the third, from among the younger members of the bar, Mr. Reeves Aylmore, of Seattle. Those were the nominees selected by your committee.

Mr. Arthur: Mr. President, I move that the report of the committee be adopted as a whole.

The motion received a second.

Mr. Sumner: Move an amendment to the motion, that we substitute, in place of the name of the party named for President, the the name of Frank Reeves, of Wenatchee, and that the report of the committee so amended be adopted.

The motion received a second.

Mr. President: Gentlemen, you have heard the amendment. All those in favor, say aye

Mr. Secretary: Mr. President, I am going to offer a substitute. I do not think it is in order to go at the thing in that way. If they want to present the name of Mr. Reeves, I move that the report be amended to include the name of Mr. Reeves as a candidate, and that a ballot be taken thereon. I make that as a substitute.

The motion received a second.

Mr. President: That will be an amendment to an amendment. You have heard the amendment to the amendment, gentlemen. All those in favor say aye; contrary, no.

Division of the house is demanded.

All those in favor of the amendment to the amendment, please rise; all those opposed to the amend

ment to the amendment, please rise. The amendment to the amendment is carried.

We will now vote upon the amendment to the motion as amended. All those in favor will say aye; contrary, no. The ayes have it.

The motion will now be voted on as amended. All those in favor say aye; contrary, no.

have it.

The ayes

The motion as carried is that the name of Frank Reeves and the name of Mr. Post will be voted on. The Secretary will prepare the ballots, and the members will give them to the two tellers. Mr. Delle, I will appoint you as one teller, and Mr. Rowland, I will appoint you as the other, to see that we have fair play.

Mr. Jones: While this ballot is being taken, I desire to say that I omitted to announce that we also suggest the nomination of Mr. Arthur Remington as Treasurer, our present Treasurer. I move you that his name be added to this report.

Mr. President: If there is no objection his name will be added. Mr. Shaffer you will add it.

As I understand it, all those regularly enrolled as members of the State Bar Association have the right to vote. Any members of the bar who may be present and who are not members of the State Association, of course, would not be entitled to vote.

Upon the ballot being taken and canvassed, it was found that Mr. Post had received twenty-four votes and Mr. Reeves had received twenty-nine votes.

Mr. President: Gentlemen, Mr. Reeves, receives twenty-nine votes and Mr. Post twenty-four. You have elected Mr. Reeves as your President.

The question is now upon the adoption of the rest of the report as to the remainder of the candidates. Are you ready for the question? All those in favor of the report will signify the same by saying aye; contrary, no. The ayes have it, and the other gentle

men named in the report are your officers for the ensuing year. This includes the three delegates to the American Bar Association.

Mr. Arthur: Before we forget it in the rush of business, I move you that the thanks and hearty gratitude of the Washington State Bar Association be tendered to the press of the city, to the lodge of Elks of Wenatchee and to the Chelan County Bar Association and to all those other social organizations which have done so much to make our visit here a pleasant one.

Mr. President: Gentlemen, you have heard the motion. All in favor say aye; contrary, no. Carried. The next order is Unfinished Business.

Mr. Shine: There was a suggestion made this morning by Mr. Carey, of Portland, that there be a committee appointed by this Association to confer with a committee of the Oregon State Bar Association with a view to a joint meeting of the Associations at some future time. I move that that committee be appointed.

Mr. President: I really think, under our Constitution and By-Laws, that that would be a matter that the Executive Committee, or Trustees, would take up. They are supposed to handle all matters with reference to selecting the place of meeting, and an independent committee would confiict, I think, more or less, with the Trustees' work, I believe.

Mr. Jones: I move that the Executive Committee be instructed to take that matter under consideration.

Mr. President: All in favor say aye; contrary no. Motion carried.

Any other unfinished business.

Mr. McCauley: Doubtless we have all noticed the press dispatches as to the condition of Mrs. Wilson, the wife of the head of our nation, and have just been informed by a Wenatchee Daily World representative that Mrs. Wilson died but a few min

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