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mentioned articles in the treaty of Ghent, and the claim brought forward by Great Britain, at the negotiation of it, for the free navigation of the Mississippi, were alleged as proofs that Great Britain herself so considered it, excepting with regard to a small part of the single article relative to the fisheries; and the right of Great Britain was denied thus to select one particular stipulation in such a treaty, and declare it to have been abrogated by the war. The answer of Lord Bathurst denies that Great Britain has made such a selection, and affirms that the whole treaty of 1783 was annulled by the late war. It admits, however, that the recognition of independence and the boundaries was in the nature of perpetual obligation; and that, with the single exception of the liberties in and connected with the fisheries within British jurisdiction on the coasts of North America, the United States are entitled to all the benefits of all the stipulations in their favour contained in the treaty of 1783, although the stipulations themselves are supposed to be annulled. The fishing liberties within British jurisdiction alone are considered as a temporary grant, liable not only to abrogation by war, but, as it would seem from the tenor of the argument, revocable at the pleasure of Great Britain, whenever she might consider the revocation suitable to her interest. The note affirms that "the liberty to fish within British limits, or to use British territory, is essentially different from the right to independence in all that can reasonably be supposed to regard its intended duration; that the grant of this liberty has all the aspect of a policy, temporary and experimental, depending on the use that might be made of it, on the condition of the islands and places where it was to be exercised, and the more general conveniences or inconveniences, in a military, naval, or commercial point of view, resulting from the access of an independent nation to such islands and places."


The undersigned is induced, on this occasion, to repeat his Lordship's own words, because, on a careful and deliberate review of the article in question, he is unable to discover in it a single expression indicating, even in the most distant manner, a policy, temporary or experimental, or having the remotest connection with military, naval, or commercial conveniences or inconveniences to Great Britain. has not been inattentive to the variation in the terms, by which the enjoyment of the fisheries on the main ocean, the common possession of both nations, and the same enjoyment within a small portion of the special jurisdiction of Great Britain, are stipulated in the article, and recognised as belonging to the people of the United States. He considers the term right as importing an advantage to be enjoyed in a place of common jurisdiction, and the term liberty as referring to the same advantage, incidentally leading to the borders of a special jurisdiction. But, evidently, neither of them imports any limitation of time. Both were expressions no less familiar to the understandings than dear to the hearts of both the nations parties to the treaty. The undersigned is persuaded it will be readily admitted that, wherever the English language is the mother tongue, the term liberty, far from including in itself either limitation of time or precariousness of tenure, is essentially as permanent as that of right, and can, with justice, be understood only as a modification of the same thing; and as no limitation of time is implied in the term itself, so there is none. expressed in any part of the article to which it belongs. The restric

tion at the close of the article is itself a confirmation of the permanency which the undersigned contends belongs to every part of the article. The intention was, that the people of the United States should continue to enjoy all the benefits of the fisheries which they had enjoyed theretofore, and, with the exception of drying and curing fish on the Island of Newfoundland, all that British subjects should enjoy thereafter. Among them, was the liberty of drying and curing fish on the shores, then uninhabited, adjoining certain bays, harbours, and creeks. But, when those shores should become settled, and thereby become private and individual property, it was obvious that the liberty of drying and curing fish upon them must be conciliated with the proprietary rights of the owners of the soil. The same restriction would apply to British fishermen; and it was precisely because no grant of a new right was intended, but merely the continuance of what had been previously enjoyed, that the restriction must have been assented to on the part of the United States. But, upon the common and equitable rule of construction for treaties, the expression of one restriction implies the exclusion of all others not expressed; and thus the. very limitation which looks forward to the time when the unsettled deserts should become inhabited, to modify the enjoyment of the same liberty conformably to the change of circumstances, corroborates the conclusion that the whole purport of the compact was permanent and not temporary-not experimental, but definitive.

That the term right was used as applicable to what the United States were to enjoy in virtue of a recognised independence, and the word liberty to what they were to enjoy as concessions strictly dependent on the treaty itself, the undersigned not only cannot admit, but considers as a construction altogether unfounded. If the United States would have been entitled, in virtue of a recognised independence, to enjoy the fisheries to which the word rights is applied, no article upon the subject would have been required in the treaty. Whatever their right might have been, Great Britain would not have felt herself bound, without a specific article to that effect, to acknowledge it as included among the appendages to their independence. Had she not acknowledged it, the United States must have been reduced to the alternative of resigning it, or of maintaining it by

force; the result of which must have been war-the very state 75 from which the treaty was to redeem the parties. That Great Britain would not have acknowledged these rights as belonging to the United States in virtue of their independence, is evident; for, in the cession of Nova Scotia by France to Great Britain, in the twelfth article of the treaty of Utrecht, it was expressly stipulated that, as a consequence of that cession, French subjects should be thenceforth" excluded from all kind of fishing in the said seas, bays, and other places on the coasts of Nova Scotia; that is to say, on those which lie towards the east, within thirty leagues, beginning from the island commonly called Sable, inclusively, and thence stretching along towards the southwest." The same exclusion was repeated, with some slight variation, in the treaty of peace of 1763; and, in the eighteenth article of the same treaty, Spain explicitly renounced all pretensions to the right of fishing in the neighbourhood of the Island of Newfoundland." It was not, therefore, as a necessary result of their independence that Great Britain recognised the right

of the people of the United States to fish on the banks of Newfoundland, in the "Gulf of St. Lawrence," and at all other places in the sea where "the inhabitants of both countries used, at any time theretofore, to fish." She recognised it, by a special stipulation, as a right which they had theretofore enjoyed as a part of the British nation, and which, as an independent nation, they were to continue to enjoy unmolested; and it is well known that, so far from considering it as recognised by virtue of her acknowledgment of independence, her objections to admitting it at all formed one of the most prominent difficulties in the negotiation of the peace of 1783. It was not asserted by the undersigned, as Lord Bathurst's note appears to suppose, that either the right or the liberty of the people of the United States in these fisheries was indefeasible. It was maintained that, after the recognition of them by Great Britain, in the treaty of 1783, neither the right nor the liberty could be forfeited by the United States, but by their own consent; that no act or declaration of Great Britain alone could divest the United States of them; and that no exclusion of them from the enjoyment of either could be valid, unless expressly stipulated by themselves, as was done by France in the treaty of Utrecht, and by France and Spain in the peace of 1763.

The undersigned is apprehensive, from the earnestness with which Lord Bathurst's note argues to refute inferences which he disclaims, from the principles asserted in his letter to his Lordship, that he has not expressed his meaning in terms sufficiently clear. He affirmed that, previous to the independence of the United States, their people, as British subjects, had enjoyed all the rights and liberties in the fisheries, which form the subject of the present discussion; and that, when the separation of the two parts of the nation was consummated, by a mutual compact, the treaty of peace defined the rights and liberties which, by the stipulation of both parties, the United States, in their new character, were to enjoy. By the acknowledgment of the independence of the United States, Great Britain bound herself to treat them, thenceforward, as a nation possessed of all the prerogatives and attributes of sovereign power. The people of the United States were, thenceforward, neither bound in allegiance to the sovereign of Great Britain, nor entitled to his protection, in the enjoyment of any of their rights, as his subjects. Their rights and their duties, as members of a State, were defined and regulated by their own constitutions and forms of government. But there were certain rights and liberties which had been enjoyed by both parts of the nation, while subjects of the same Sovereign, which it was mutually agreed they should continue to enjoy unmolested; and, among them, were the rights and liberties in these fisheries. The fisheries on the Banks of Newfoundland, as well in the open seas as in the neighbouring bays, gulfs, and along the coasts of Nova Scotia and Labrador, were, by the dispensations and the laws of nature, in substance, only different parts of one fishery. Those of the open sea were enjoyed not as a common and universal right of all nations; since the exclusion from them of France and Spain, in whole or in part, had been expressly stipulated by those nations, and no other nation had, in fact, participated in them. It was, with some exceptions, an exclusive possession of the British nation: and in the treaty of separation it was agreed that the rights and liberties in them should continue to be enjoyed by that part of the nation which constituted the United 92909-S. Doc. 870, 61-3, vol 4


States; that it should not be a several, but, as between Great Britain and the United States, a common fishery. It was necessary, for the enjoyment of this fishery, to exercise it in conformity to the habits of the species of game of which it consisted. The places frequented by the fish were those to which the fishermen were obliged to resort, and these occasionally brought them to the borders of the British territorial jurisdiction. It was also necessary, for the prosecution of a part of this fishery, that the fish, when caught, should be immediately cured and dried, which could only be done on the rocks or shores adjoining the places where they were caught; the access to these rocks and shores, for those purposes, was secured to the people of the United States, as incidental and necessary to the enjoyment of the fishery; it was little more than an access to naked rocks and desolate sands; but it was as permanently secured as the right to the fishery itself. No limitation was assigned of time. Provision was made for the proprietary rights which might at a distant and future period arise by the settlement of places then unhabited; but no other limitation was expressed or indicated by the terms of the treaty, and no other can, either from the letter or spirit of the article, be inferred. Far, then, from claiming the general rights and privileges belonging to British subjects within the British dominions, as resulting from the treaty of peace of 1783, while, at the same time, asserting their exemption from the duties of a British allegiance, the article in question is itself a proof that the people of the United States have renounced all such claims. Could they have pretended generally to the privileges of British subjects, such an article as that relating to the fisheries would have been absurd. There was in the treaty of 1783 no express renunciation of their rights to the protection of a British Sovereign. This renunciation they had made by their declaration. of independence on the 4th July, 1776; and it was implied in their acceptance of the counter-renunciation of sovereignty in the treaty of 1783. It was precisely because they might have lost their portion of this joint national property, to the acquisition of which they had contributed more than their share, unless a formal article of the treaty should secure it to them, that the article was introduced. By the British municipal laws, which were the laws of both nations, the property of a fishery is not necessarily in the proprietor of the soil where it is situated. The soil may belong to one individual, and the fishery to another. The right to the soil may be exclusive, while the fishery may be free, or held in common. And thus, while in the partition of the national possessions in North America, stipulated by the treaty of 1783, the jurisdiction over the shores washed by the waters where this fishery was placed was reserved to Great Britain, the fisheries themselves, and the accommodations essential to their prosecution, were, by mutual compact, agreed to be continued in



In submitting these reflections to the consideration of His Majesty's Government, the undersigned is duly sensible to the amicable and conciliatory sentiments and dispositions towards the United States manifested at the conclusion of Lord Bathurst's note, which will be met by reciprocal and corresponding sentiments and dispositions on the part of the American Government. It will be highly satisfactory to them to be assured that the conduciveness of the object to the national and individual prosperity of the inhabitants of the United

States operates with His Majesty's Government as a forcible motive to concession. Undoubtedly, the participation in the liberties of which their right is now maintained is far more important to the interests of the people of the United States than the exclusive enjoyment of them can be to the interests of Great Britain. The real, general, and ultimate interests of both the nations on this object, he is fully convinced, are the same. The collision of particular interests which heretofore may have produced altercations between the fishermen of the two nations, and the clandestine introduction of prohibited goods by means of American fishing vessels, may be obviated by arrangements duly concerned between the two Governments. That of the United States, he is persuaded, will readily co-operate in any measure to secure those ends compatible with the enjoyment by the people of the United States of the liberties to which they consider their title as unimpaired, inasmuch as it has never been renounced by themselves.

The undersigned prays Lord Castlereagh to accept the renewed assurance of his high consideration.

Right. Hon. Lord Viscount CASTLEREAGH,


His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

No. 21.-1816, February 8: Extract from Letter from Mr. Adams (at London) to United States Secretary of State.

In relation to the fisheries, little was said; he told me that he had, the evening before, read my note to him concerning them; that the British Government would adhere to their principle respecting the treaty, and to the exclusive rights of their territorial jurisdiction; but that they had no wish to prevent us from fishing, and would readily enter into a negotiation for an arrangement on this subject.

No. 22.-1816, August 13: Extract from Letter from Mr. Monroe (Department of State) to Mr. Adams.

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On the other subject Mr. Bagot offered to secure to us the right in question on the Labrador shore, between Mount Joli and the Bay of Esquimaux, near the entrance of the Strait of Belleisle. It was necessary for me to seek detailed information of the value of this accommodation from those possessing it at Marblehead and elsewhere, which I did; the result of which was, that it would be more for our advantage to commence at the last-mentioned point, and to extend the right, eastward, through the Strait of Belleisle, as far along the Labrador coast as possible. To this he objected; offering,

• Fisheries.

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