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hope to God there will be some man or set of men whom Providence will rear in our midst, that when our goodly temple falls into the hands of men regardless of the Constitution and of

ing God, had been kept free from stain and pollution, pure and clear, and built without the sound of a hammer or chisel, had been taken possession of by a people forgetful of the great truths announced to them from Mount Sinai-when huck-right--that there will be some great Washington sters and thieves, and brokers and traders had carried on before the altar their selfish and wicked professions, there was a Saviour who came, and with a whip of scorpions drove them hence. I

arise who will be able to scourge them from the temple of freedom, even if he is called a traitor, an agitator or a rebel, during the glorious pro


[From the Columbus (Miss.) Democrat.]

COURTLAND, ALA., August 6, 1860.
Beverly Matthews, Esq., Columbus, Miss.:

DEAR SIR: Your favor of the 30th ult., reached me a few moments since, at this place. The information that I had been publicly misrepresented, and even my motives impugned, by C. C. Langdon, in a speech at Columbus, on the Saturday previous to your writing, does not at all surprise me. That C. C. Langdon-the Yankee editor-so long trained in such mode of warfare, should do so, excites no surprise where he is best known. As a Whig-and then as a Know-Nothing editor, he has been assailing me during a space of twenty years.

The particular misrepresentations uttered by him, in his speech at Columbus, are second-hand --one picked up by him out of the filth of the political. sewer-where it had been left by its author, under the public branding of him, at Petersburg, as an infamous calumniator. I allude to Mr. Seward, of Georgia.

He, too, undertook to say of me, when we were hundreds of miles apart, that I "favored the nomination and candidacy of Breckinridge, with no hope or belief of his election, but for the purposo thereby of assuring the election of Lincoln, and thereupon precipitating the cotton States into a revolution." I understand from your letter, that C. C. Langdon made the same imputa

tion upon me, and I pronounce it, as made by him, an infamous calumny. You also inform me that he charged me with supporting and voting for Mr. Buchanan in 1856, knowing him to be an advocate of Squatter-Sovereignty. This Mr. Langdon knew to be false-as Mr. Sanford, early after Mr. B's nomination, published in the papers of Mobile Mr. Buchanan's letter to him, dated in 1848, after the Baltimore Convention, denying that he was in favor of Squatter-Sovereignty, and laying down the very ground I occupied in 1848, and in 1856, and now. In addition to this evidence, Mr. B. had approved of the Cincinnati platform, which I advocated everywhere I spoke, as favorable to my well known views on that sub. ject.

But, sir, it is almost useless to undertake to correct the calumnies which are urged against me. They are not urged through ignorance or misapprehension, but as a part of a grand conspiracy entered into to destroy my character-in order to destroy, to that extent, the cause I advocate. I authorize you, however, to publish this letter, and let it serve as a standing denunciation of all who shall hereafter repeat the same stale slanders. I cannot afford to reply to every calumniator. Your friend,


Copies of this Speech, in the present form, for sale at the Yeoman

office, Frankfort, Kentucky.

PRICES-One copy, by mail,

10 cents..

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