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the nose and maxillæ, taught him that
the most easy method was to follow
Nature; that is, to sketch the cranium
in the first place. This he does by
forming an oval in an horizontal di-
rection, by means of a larger and
fmaller circle. He draws an hori-
zontal line from the central point of
the larger circle to the central point
of the fmaller; and then a perpendi-
cular line from the centre of the larger
circle to its lower edge, which fhews
the part where the lower lobe of the
ear fhould be placed. He then forms
the facial line in fuch a direction, and
degree of inclination, as the character
of the countenance may require, ac-
cording to the principles hinted above.
This line is divided into four equal
parts; the first is appropriated to the
distance between the crown of the head
and the forehead; the fecond points
out the length of the forehead; the
third limits the fize of the nofe; the
fourth marks the mouth and chin.

The point, where a line drawn tranfverfely from the root of the nofe, interfects the line of the larger circle toward the forehead, is the feat of the eye, &c. This fimple manner, he' obferves, gives the proportions of the most important points. Four profiles, the one of an antique, the other of an aged perfon, the third of a negroe, and the fourth of an infant, with explanations, reprefent this plan in an intelligible and ftriking point of view.

We have ventured to tranflate M.. Camper's geometrical proportions into the above concife narrative, not to fatisfy, but to excite, the curiosity of artists: that they may examine for themselves, into principles propofedby a gentleman of acknowledged talents, in order to make a very confiderable change in the mode of exerciting their profeffion, and to folve difficulties which have hitherto been deemed inexplicable, no h

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Account of a Book published at Liege entitled Expofé de la Revolution de Liege, in 1789, &c. By M. de Dohm, Privy Counsellor to the King of Pruflia.


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IN times like the prefent, when men ported in his conduct by a deeree of feem wifely determined to obtain the IMPERIAL CHAMBER of Wetzlaer, for themselves fome portion of that which was ordered to be carried into freedom, which, formerly, they were execution by the King of Pruffia, as contented to fee others enjoy, it is a Duke of Cleves, affisted by the Bishop fubject of the most material confequence, of Munfter, and the Duke of Juliers: to afcertain what it is that constitutes the King accepted the office; and the the true advantages of men in fociety. question was, whether, by force, he This publication, therefore, is intereft-fhould enable the Prince to opprefs and ing and important: for here we fee tyrannize over his fubjects; or whethat question agitated, as far as it ap-ther by pacific meafares, he fhould plies to a particular fociety and tho bring about a fair accommodation, and the fociety itself be not of the first affift in establishing a free government. magnitude, yet the difputants are per- The court of Berlin has been ftigmafonages who must be allowed to have tized as one of the most defpotic in confiderable influence over the politi- Europe in the prefent cafe, to the cal ftate of Europe. The point in de general happiness of Europe, and to bate was fimply this; the inhabitants the peculiar honour of itself, it has of Liege had differences with the acted a part, difinterested, liberal, and reigning Prince Bishop, who was fup. enlightened. The King of Pruffia



and his Minifter (M. DE DOHм) appear to have adopted the pureft fentiments, and to have purfued them without paffion, and with real benevo lence toward all parties.

Liege: nor, continues he, was this in any way disturbed by that jealousy; which is perpetually recurring on account of incroachments, either real or fuppofed, made on the privileges of the people by the fovereign. Jealoufies and difputes of this nature cannot be avoided by any fundamental laws whatever; and, indeed, if this were poffible, it would not be expedient: they are the immediate confequences of the active difpofition of mankind, the natural effects of changes of circumftances, and the regular attendants of in creafed knowledge, and of proportionably increafing withes and wants: they are, in fact, the nourishment which gives life and health to every free government.

Before the author proceeds to treat on the Revolution (as it has been termed,) at Liege, he takes a general furvey of the conftitution of that principality. Its original conftitution, he argues, was a proof that, in the middle ages, the ages of darknefs as they are ftyled, thofe great and inalienable RIGHTS, which are common to all mankind, were afcertained and regarded. They were not, indeed, as at prefent, enumerated and registered, but they were not the lefs remember ed: the executive power was confined within ftraight bounds, which could only be extended in confequence of the confent of the whole nation. The fundamental law, or agreement, in which the constitution of Liege rested, was called the treaty of Fexhe it was formed, in 1316, between the Bishop, the Chapter, the Chevaliers, the towns, and all the inhabitants of the country. It confirm ed all the liberties and ancient ufages at that time eftablished: it decreed that no one fhould be judged but according to the laws, adminifteted by competent judges; it forbade under fevere penalties, the executive or judiciary power to interfere in preventing this decree and, in cafe of fuch interference, it gave the privilege of refiftance, and specifically ordered the Chapter to ftop, in its illegal proceed-they now alfo traced a fimilarity in ing, the tribunal which was in fault. It determined thofe cafes in which the Prince Bishop was allowed, for the general fecurity, to act from his individual authority; and, finally, it enacted that no change in the laws, nor in the established cufcoms, could take place without the general confent and exprefs will of all the country.

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Difputes had, for fome time, fabfifted between the prince and the peo. ple, concerning the exclufive right, claimed by him, of licenfing places of public diverfion at Spa. Thefe were unfortunately increafed by the fearcity of provifion during the fevere winter of 1789: when, it being neceffaty to prohibit the exportation of corn, an edi&t had been paffed for that purpose, but which was rendered null by the omiffion of some neceffary forms by the Prince. The minds of the peo"ple were in this state of agitation, when accounts were received of what had paffed in Paris, in July 1789. The inhabitants of Liege, from their, fituation, and from the fimliarity of their manners and language, were naturally partial to the French nation

their griefs, and felt a defire to procure a fimilar remedy. Two princi pal points, in the new regulation of matters in France, particularly affectced the people of Liege: the equal contribution of the clergy toward the expences of the ftate; and the more equal reprefentation of the people. Two thirds of the territory in the principaliSuch, obferves M. DE. DOHM, was ty of Liege belonged to the clergy, the fimple and rational fcheme of ci-and the clergy fcarcely paid any taxes, vil liberty, enjoyed by the country of The reprefentatives of the nation con

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fifted of the three eftates: the chap-
ter of the cathedral, the nobility, and
the deputies of the capital, and of
twenty-two other towns. These de-
puties were originally elected by the
bourgeoife of each town, till, in 1684,
Maximilian Henry, the then bishop,
who was likewife poffeffed of other
confiderable territories, contrived, by
the affiftance of his foreign poffeffions
and troops, arbitrarily to claim for
himfelf and his fuccellors the right of
nominating one half of the deputies
from the capital; while he procured
fuch an influence over the election of
the reft, as to fecure the return of
what men he pleased. The fame
changes taking place throughout most
of the towns in the principality, the
third eftate, confifting of the great
body of the people, as far as concern-
ed their voice in the government, was
annihilated. To redrefs thefe grie-
vances, would, of course, be the natu-
ral defire of a people, animated by the
example of a great and favourite na

the general good, and fulfil the defires
of his people. In confequence, the
ancient magiftracy was depofed, and
a new one elected. The prince ap-
proved every measure: he came from
his caftle to the capital, and was re-
ceived with fhouts of joy, by a people
who felt themselves free and happy,
and who refpected him as the cause of
their freedom and happiness. He was
thus conducted to the Hotel de Ville,
where, with his own fignature, he con-
firmed the late election. If more
could be wanting to teflify his perfect
agreement with the views of his sub-
jects, he gave it, by offering to dwell
in the capital, or to accept a guard,
compofed of the citizens, at his feat
in the country.
A reconciliation

like this,' fays M. DE Dонм, be-
tween a good prince and a good pea-
ple, fo publicly, fo clearly manifefted,
could not fail, even in foreign coun-
tries, to excite the warmest fatisfac-
tion, and to merit the general applau-

What then must be the astonishment and regret of his fubjects, to hear, The reasonableness of this with was, within a few days, that their fovereign in part at leaft, evident to the bishop; had quitted his caftle like a fugitive, who, nobly, and without folicitation, accompanied only by his nephew, and fummoned the clergy, and invited directing his flight no one knew whithem to contribute an equal share of ther! The only information to be gainthe taxes, and to renounce for ever, ed concerning this ftrange event, was without condition, or referve, the pri- from a paper left by himself; in which vileges by which they were exempted. he faid, that the fear of a tumultuous He moreover convoked the affembly meeting, at the approaching affembly of the ftares, fo long defired; whofe of the ftates, had determined him, for first attention was by himself directed a time, to quit a fcene which would to the relief of the most indigent and be prejudical to his health; but that moft numerous clafs of his fubjects. he affured the nation, whom he loved, From a conduct like this, every thing that he hid no defign of foliciting fo was to be hoped; and the people reign fuccours, nor of preferring any looked forward with eager fs to the complainr either to his Imperial majef re-eftablishment of their civil liberty,ty, to the diet, nor to any other tribuby the abolition of the arbitrary pro-nal of the empire. He had given no ceedings of 1684; without which eve authority to make any fuch complaint, ry relief was trivial, and with which, and he difavowed, in the face of the there was no burthen but what was world, all those which might be made fupportable. Their wishes, on this in his name, &c. head, were no fooner made known to the prince, than he gave his confert, in writing, to whatever might encreafe

During this fate of fufpence and uncertainty, news was brought to Liege tlfat the IMPERIAL CHAMBER,


execution of that decree; and, accor dingly, the letter of his minister, which accompanied the firft mandate of the co-directors, invited the prince to propofe, without reserve, the terms of accommodation. In reply, the prince declared himself willing even to facrifice fome of his own rights for the fake of establishing peace. From this declaration, it could not be doubted that the prince, though he had before denied the validity of the affembly of the ftates, as convoked by himfelf, would nevertheless ratify the re-establishment of the conftitutional mode of electing reprefentatives, of which he had fo often and fo folemnly teftified his approbation: the arrival of the troops fur

without receiving any application on the fubject, had taken into confideration what had paffed, regarding it as an infringement of the public peace; that, on the very day of the prince's departure, they had given a commifcommiffion to the princes of the circle of the Lower Rhine and Weftphalia (the Bifhop of Munfter, the Duke of Juliers, and the Duke of Cleves,) to protect, with fuch forces as might be neceffary, at the expence of the rebellious inhabitants of Liege, the prince-bishop, his household, &c.—to restore the form of government as it was before the rebellion; to reinstate the magiftrates in their offices; to fearch after the authors of the rebellion, and to punish them by imprifonment, &c. nifhed by the co-directors, feemed, The King of Pruffia had been in therefore, alone wanting to enfure fucformed of the tranfactions at Liege, cefs to the conciliatory propofitions, to which were given the names of a which the Duke of Cleves intended to revolution, and a rebellions the flight offer. of the prince and the decree of the chamber had, however, fo far altered the face of matters, as to render him defirous of fearching more deeply into their real flate: he in confequence, ordered M. DE DOHM, his minifter for the dutchy of Cleves, to fix his refidence at Liege. For o



The arrival of the troops happened about the latterend of November 1789; when the King of Pruffia furnished 5000 men, being above double the force fent by the two other powers in confequence, the chief command was entrusted to this general. The agitation of the people of Liege was The retreat of the prince was now inconceivable: it was heightened too known to be in the neighbourhood of by the fituation of the ftates of BraTreves; where a deputation of the bant. Thefe people, undifciplined as three eftates immediately waited on they were, had attacked 18000 difhim to induce him to return to his ciplined troops, and had routed them country. This proving fruitless, was they now fent an embaffy to Liege to followed by more preffing inllances, renew their ancient alliances; and both which were equally difregarded. In the mean time. M. DE DOHм had a conference with the chancellor of the prince, and explained to him the King's defive of a peaceable arrangement, requesting to know his highnefs's fentiments with regard to the means by which it might be procured. In-puties remonftrated ftrongly againit ftead of pointing out thefe means, the prince addreffed himfelf by letter to the King, claiming the plenary execution of the decree of the chamber. The King's anfwer fhews in what fense he was determined to undertake the

parties entered into folemn obligations to affift in defending their rights and their liberties. Such was the uncertain and dangerous pofture of affairs, when the minifters of the interfering powers were met by a deputation from the three eftates at Liege. The de

the approach of the tropps, and propofed that matters fhould be difcuffed be fore the Miniftres Directoreaux, not as men appointed to execute t the decree of the Imperial chamber, but as: impartial mediators. If this were


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granted; if the troops were removed, and engagements were formed that no criminal procefs fhould be carried on against thofe who had affifted in a revolution, fanctioned by the confent of the fovereign; they, on their part, would ftipulate that the prefent magiftrates should refign their places whenever they could proceed to a new election on conftitutional principles. If, en the contrary, their propofals were not accepted, they could not anfwer for any exceffes which might be occafioned by defpair.This reprefentation had little weight with the minifters from Munster and Juliers: they, as forming the majority, decreed that the troops fhould advance, and that the plenary execution of the imperial decree fhould take place. Fortunately, their colleague was not eafily turned afide from what he thought the path of rectitude: accordingly, he not only protefted against this decree, but gave a feparate answer to the deputies, afturing them, that, if they refrained from all tumult or oppofition to the troops, neither their perfons nor properties thould be endangered that, on condition of their complying with the refignation of the lately appointed magiftrates, a new mode of election fhould be framed, after the method in ufe before the year 1684; and that, till the neceffary alterations could take place, a temporary government fhould be eftablished. This is affurance from the Minifter De Dohm, produced its full effect, and the troops were immediately received into the capital as friends and protectors. bis 23

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Nothing was now neceffary to a final accommodation, but the confent of the prince to terms which he had fo frequently approved. Instead of this, he perfifted in purfuing the unfortunate meafures which he had of late adopted: he not only wifhed to revoke what he had freely done, but he propofed formally to the Imperial Chamber to annul the folemn promife 3E- VOL. XIV. No. 83.

which he had made to his people in the face of the univerfe: he folicited the co-directors to accelerate the execution of the decree; and he infilted on the punishment of the most active of the oppofite party. In addition, the Im- · perial chamber made another decree, urging the full execution of the former. The minifters of Munter and Juliers, in confequence, iffuet! orders, without confulting their colleague, M. de Dohm; thefe were, however, ineffectual, as the Pruffian general, who had the command of the troops, contented himself with maintaining the peace of the city, fhewing partiality to neither fide. In this fituation of affairs, the prince applied directly to the King of Pruflia, entreating him, in the most prefling terms, to execute the decree in its fulleft force. To this, his majesty replied at confiderable length, in letter that does him honour. Among other feotiments, he obferves, that he could not execute, in its full force, the decree of the chamber, which required that all things fhould be eftabliited as they were before the revolution, and that the magiftrates fhould be depofed, and the authors of their election punished, He reminds the prince of the propofals made by M. de Dohm, which, just and moderate as they were, had been haughtily rejected that he fhould then have withdrawn, his interference, had he not imagined that a civil war thould have been the confequence, and that the bishopric of Liege would have been lost to the prince and to the empire. He remarks that the inhabitants of Liege had given immediate credit to the declaration of his minifter, and had, in confequence, received his troops into their city and that his principles were not fuch as to allow him to profit by their fecurity, in order to effect their ruin: he repeats the terms on which he thought an accommodation might be fettled; and, as a preliminary ftep, he conjures the prince

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