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Monthly Regiaer




From the London Gazette Extraordinary of October 5. we have the following Letters.

To the Honourable Court of Directors for affairs of the Honourable the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the Eaft



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I Court with an explanation of the nature
SHALL not trouble your Honourable

of the inceffant exertions both of body and
mind which are required by the various du-
ties of my prefent fituation; nor fhould I
have alluded to them, but I am under the
indifpenfable neceflity of ftating them, as
the cause of my being obliged, on this oc-
cafion, inftead of entering into a detail of
particulars, to limit myself to a concise and
general account of our late operations, and
of my future intentions."

Our preparations for the campaign having been completed at Madras, the army marched from Velhout on the 5th of February; and having reached Vellore on the IIth, we halted there two days, for the purpose of drawing from thence a fupply to my flock of provisions, and an addition that had been prepared to the battering train, and of receiving fome ftores and recovered men from Arnce.

I had, previous to my arrival at Vellore, employed every means in my power to obtain accurate defcriptions of the different paffes that lead into the Myfore country; and having found fufficient grounds to be confident that the Moogly pafs could be eas fily rendered practicable, I turned off to the right at Vellore, and not only afcended the pass without much difficulty, but, by ha ving taken a route that Tippoo does not feem to have expected, I was alfo lucky e nough to advance a confiderable way into

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his country, before it was pollible for hind to give us the least obstruction.

The forts of Colar and Oufcottah lay in our route to Bangalore, and furrendered to them were in a tenable condition nor at us without refiftance; but as neither of that time of any value to us, I left them unoccupied, after difaraning and dismissing their fmall garrifons,

I arrived before Bangalore on the afternoon af the 5th of March, and on the 6th the engineers were employed in reconnoi tring the place both in the morning and evening on their latter excursion Leut. Col. Floyd, who escorted them with the poo's line of march, apparently in great whole cavalry, difcovered the rear of Tips

confusion, and unfortunately fuffered him felf to be tempted, by the flattering profpect of ftriking an important blow, to deviate from the orders he had received from me, and to attack the enemy. His fuccefs at hrft was great, but the length and ardour of the purfuit threw his fquadrons into great confusion. In this state they were charged by Tippoo's cavalry, and, being out of the reach of all fupport, they were obliged to retire with great precipitation, and with the lofs of 200 men and 300 horfes. Leut. Col Floyd received a very fevere wound in the face, from which, however, I have the plea fure to add that he is now perfectly reco vered.

The ill fuccefs of our examination, the fear of losing time, and many other cir cumstances, of which the hopes of obtaining a fupply of forage was not the leaft, indu ced me to determine immediately to attack the fort from the Pettah fide. The Pettah was accordingly affaulted, and carried on. the morning of the 7th, and the fiege of the fort,which was rendered angularly arduousnot only by the fcarcity of forage, and strength of its works and gatriion, but allo by the prefence of Tippoo and his whole army, was happily terminated by an affault on the night of the 21ft, in which the Kellidar, and a great number of his garrison, were put to the fword, and our lofs, in propor #2


tion to the nature of the enterprise, was extremely inconfiderable. I cannot, however, help expreffing on this occafion, my fincere regret for the death of that brave and valuable officer Lieut. Col. Moorhoufe, who was killed at the affault of the Pettah, on the 7th of March.

I have not yet been able to obtain correct lifts of the ordnance, or of the different articles that were found in the magazines of the place; and I can therefore only fay in general, that there were upwards of one hundred ferviceable pieces of ordnance, near fifty of which were brafs, a large quantity of grain, and an immenfe depot of military ftores.

Although Tippoo approached our poftion, and even cannonaded the camp, both on the 7th and 17th, yet on thefe occafions, and on all others during the fiege, he took his meafures with fo much caution as to put it effectually out of my power to force him to risk an action; and on the night of the affault he retired, in great hafte, from the fouth fide of the fortrefs, where he was then pofted, immediately upon his being acquainted with its fall. After giving fome repairs to the breaches, making a number, of neceffary arrangements, and leaving the train of heavy artillery to be refitted during my abfence, I moved from Bangalore on the 28th, with the defign of fecuring a fafe and Speedy junction with a large body of cavalry that the Nizam had promifed to fend to me, and receiving a reinforcement of troops and a fupply of provifions and ftores, which I had fome time before ordered to be in readinefs to join me, by the way of Amboor, from the Carnatic, confidering thofe as ne ceffary preliminary measures for enabling me to proceed to the attack of Seringapa tam; and I, at the fame time, communica ted my intentions to General Abercromby, and directed him to ufe every exertion in his power, that might be confiftent with the fafety of the corps under his command, to prepare himself in the manner that I pre fcribed, to give me effectual ailiftance when I fhould reach the enemy's capital.

Tippoo having made a movement to the weftward on the fame day that I marched from the neighbourhood of Bangalore, I fell in with his rear at the distance of about eight or nine miles from that place; but, from the want of a fufficient body of caval-, fy, it was found impracticable, after a purfuit of confiderable length, either to bring him to action, or to gain any advantage over him, except that of taking one brafs gun, which, owing to its carriage breaking down, he was obliged to Itave upon the road.

My first object being to form a junction with the Nizam's cavalry, I made fuch movements, or took such positions, as I knew

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would effectually prevent Tippoo from ins tercepting them, or even from disturbing their march; but although I was at great pains to point out the fafety of the march to Rajah Teigewunt, and to encourage him to proceed, the effects of my recommendations and requests were but flow; and, after wafte of time, which at this late feafon of the year was invaluable, and which almost exhaufted my patience, the junction was not made till the 13th inftant.

It is not eafy to afcertain the number of the corps with precifion, but I fuppofe it to amount to fifteen or fixteen thousand horse; and though they are extremely defective in almost every point of military difcipline; yet, as the men are in general well mounted, and the chiefs have given me the forongeft affurances of their difpofition to do every thing in their power to promote the fuc cefs of our operations, I am in great hopes that we fhall derive material advantage from their affiftance.

This junction being accomplished, marched on to effect my next object without lofs of time; and being arrived at my prefent camp on the 18th, and ordered the most expeditious meafures to be taken for transporting the ftores from the head of the pass, I fhall commence my march again to the weftward on the 22d; and, after calling at Bangalore for the heavy artillery, I trust that I fhall find it practicable to reach Seringapatam before the 12th of next month.

No useful purpofe could be promoted by my enumerating the difficulties which I have already encountered in carrying on the ope rations of this campaign, and it would be equally unprofitable to enlarge at prefent upon the obstacles which I forefee to our future progrefs; they are, however, of fo weighty a nature, that under different circumstances" I should undoubtedly act with more caution, and defer the attempt upon the enemy's capital till after the enfuing rains; but, acquainted as I am with the unfettled fituation of political affairs in Europe, and knowing that a procrastinated war would occafion almoft certain ruin to our finances, I confider it as a duty which I owe to my station and to my country, to dif regard the hazard to which my own military reputation may be expofed, and to profecute, with every fpecies of precaution that my judgment or experience can fuggeft, the plan which is most likely to bring the war to an early decifion.

I have, at the fame time, been the more encouraged to perfevere in the execution of my original intentions, as both the Nizam and the Mahrattas have of late fhewn an uncommon alacrity in fulfilling their engagements, which by the fmalleft appearance of backwardness on our part, would be


Immediately cooled, and which, Itruft, will, in addition to our own efforts, effentially contribute to counteract many of the difad vantages which the difficulty of the march, the rifk of fcarcity of provifions and forage, and the approach of the rainy feafon, prefent against the undertaking; and if thofe obftacles can be overcome, the capture of Seringapatam will probably, in its confequences, furnifh an ample reward for our labours.

A few days after our fuccefs at Bangalore, Tippoo repeated his propofitions to open a negotiation for terminating our differences; but whether with a fincere defire to obtain peace, or with the infidious hopes of exciting jealoufies in our allies, by inducing me to liften to his advances, is not certain. The line for my conduct, however, was clear; and, conformable to our treaties, I declined, in civil and moderate terms, to receive a perfon of confidence on his part, to difcufs the feparate interefts of the Company; but informed him, that if he fhould think proper to make propofitions in wri ting, for a general accommodation with all the members of the confederacy, I fhould, after communicating with the other powers, tranfmit our joint sentiments upon them.

I shall refer you entirely at prefent to the accounts that you will receive from the dif ferent governments of the details of their refpective hufinefs; and fhall only add, that the perfonal attention that I have experienced from the members of the Supreme Board, and the zeal they have manifested fince I left Calcutta, în promoting the public good, have given me very particular fatisfaction.

The Swallow packet will remain in readiness to be dispatched in Auguft, or fooner, if it fhould be thought expedient; and I fhall, by that opportunity, have the honour of writing to you on feveral of thofe fubjects on which you muft no doubt be anxious to receive minute information. I cannot, however, conclude this letter, with out bearing moft ample teftimony to the zeal and alacrity which have been uniform ly manifefted by his Majefty's and the Company's troops, in the performance of the various duties of fatigue and danger in the courfe of this campaign, and affuring you that they are entitled to the most dis ftinguished marks of your approbation.

I have the honour to be, with the greatest refpect, Honourable Sirs, Your most obedient and most humble fervant, CORNWALLIS. Camp at Venkettigherry, April 21. 1791.

ticular pleafure in communicating to you, for his Majefty's information, a detailed ac count of the operations of the army under my command fince the opening of this campaign; but the various branches of bufinefs which require immediate attention and dif patch, engrofs fo much of my time in the field, that I am under the unavoidable ne ceffity of poftponing a communication of that nature to a future opportunity: `Ifhall, however, in the mean time, chiefly rely for my apology úpon a continuance of that grd cious indulgence from his Majefty, which have fo frequently experienced at his hands.

The fame reafons have alfo obliged me to confine myself to a very concife ftatement of the principal occurrences, in my letter to the Court of Directors of the East India Company; but, by the means of that letter, and the copies of my correfpondence with the Refidents at the Courts of Hydrabad and Poona, and of my late letters to the Government of Fort St George, which will no doubt he tranfmitted to you from the India Houfe, you will have it in your power to convey to his Majesty a general knowledge of the prefent fituation of our affairs in this country and you will have the fatisfaction to obferve, not only that our fuccefs has already been confiderable, but that we have a reasonable profpect of being able to humble ftill further a Prince of very un common ability, and of boundless ambition, who had acquired a degree of power, in ex tent of territory, in wealth, and in forces, that threatened the Company's poffeffions in the Carnatic, and those of all his other neighbours, with imminent danger.

Our fuccefs at Bangalore has tended to eftablish in the general opinion of the na tives, the fuperiority of the British arms and it has, in particular, made an impref fion upon the minds of our allies, which, am perfuaded, will contribute to induce them to ufe vigorous exertions in profecut ing the war to an honourable conclufion.

At prefent, we can only look for the ac complishment of that defireable object, by proceeding to attack the enemy's capital, which I clearly forefee will, from the near approach of the feafon of the periodical rains, and the danger of a fcarcity of pro vifions and forage for the large bodies of troops that are to be employed, be at tended with fo many difficulties, that, upon any other occafion, I fhould have thoughs it advifeable to have deferred the attempt till the end of the enfuing monfoon.

Having, however, been informed of the critical fituation of political affairs in Eus rope, and being fenfible that the finances of the Company require the adoption of thofe measures that are most likely to bring SIR, the conteft to an early decifion, I have I should have had, on this occafion, a par- thought it my duty to hazard the underta

Samp at VENKITTIGHERRY, 24 miles weft of Amboor, April 21. 1791.

ing; and, having received the strongest affurances of exertions from the chiefs of the Nizam's cavalry that are now with me, and the Mahrattas having alfo promised an hearty co-operation against the common enemy, I am encouraged to entertain fanguine hopes that all obftacles will give way to our efforts, and that the, enterprize will fucceed.

I have, on all occafions, had the greatest reafon to be fatisfied with the behaviour of his Majefty's troops ferving with this army; but the effects of their courage and difcipline were eminently confpicuous in the affault of the fortrefs of Bangalore, and will ever reflect the highcft honour upon themfelves and upon his Majesty's fervice.

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I am perfuaded that the zeal, which generally prevails in this army to promote the honour and interests of Britain, has never been exceeded; but, amongst those officers who have had an opportunity to render diftinguifhed fervices, I muft particularly mention Lieut. Col. Maxwell and Major Skelly, the first having conducted the affault which was intrusted to his direction with great fpirit and ability, and the latter having, on that occafion, led the European grenadiers and light infantry of the army, aad highly contributed, by his own animated example, to their fuccefs.

I likewife feel myself much indebted to Lieut. Col. Stuart for the able afliftance which I conftantly derive from his great military experience, and his anxiety to promote, by every means in his power, the good of the fervice; and the friendly fupport which I receive from General Meadows must command my lafting efteem and gratitude.

I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient and most humble fervent,


Right Hon. W. W. Grenville,

one of his Majefty's Principal.

Secretaries of State.

mon exertions, their labours to render the roads practicable for guns, provifions, &c Succefs attends their efforts; as, fince our laft accounts, two fix-pounders, field-pieces, with their tumbrils, &c. complete, have been dragged up in addition to the fmal} train that had been already brought up if the parks, confifting of four twelve-poun ders, and four fix-pounders, field-pieces, with four 5 inch howitzers, with their tumbrils and ftores, are ftill at the foot of the Ghauts, waiting until the road is finished, which was expected would be fufficiently practicable in a few days; but a montly longer time will be requifite for the battering guns.

Such has been the fecrecy with which this army has hitherto moved, that several of our Hircarrahs, who have lately come ́inf to the General, fay, that Tippoo's Bazar people know nothing yet of our present ra pid progrefs in this country; fhould Tippoo himfelf be equally ignorant (which, how ever, is hardly to be fuppofed) much good work may yet be done without any inter ruption.

The 14th Madras battalion, Captain Ward, arrived on the 12th, from Paulia gautcherry; and accounts have been received, that the other divifion of the 73d had arrived at Cannanore.

Captain Dancer was then employed in making a flockade with two companies of fepoys, at one of the paffes from the Ghaut; the Cooiga Rajah had undertaken to defend it.

Some ferious apprehenfions were entertained when thefe advices came away, that our troops would not be able to maintain their poft at the Ghauts, owing to the great fcarcity of coolies, and the want of bullocks; their wants have been, however, we trust, long fince plentifully fupplied."

The army had not been able to lay a ftore of three days provisions on the table, notwithstanding the most inceffant labour and application; in cafe a reinforcement of cattle and labourers did not speedily arrive,

The above letters were received by the they had come to the refolution of establish

Warren Haftings.

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ing their magazine fo low down as Iffacore, diftant from the top of the Ghauts twenty miles.

The advanced guard is ftrongly posted about a mile on the other fide of the Ghauts; it confifts of part of the 73d and 75th regiments: The Hank battalion is commanded by Capt. Dunlop, and confifts of his battalion of grenadiers, with the 7th regiment of native infantry.

Provifion of all kinds is exorbitantly dear, and indeed fo great a scarcity at prefent prevails throughout, that the Bazars afford nothing but falt fifh. A pretty tole rable idea may be formed of the price of

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moft articles, when we are told that a common candle is fold for a rupee.



To the Honourable the Secret Committee of the
Court of Directors for the affairs of the United
Company of Merchants of England trading to
the Eaft Indies.

Honourable Sirs,

Since our dispatches, which were forwarded in the Worcester Indiaman, under date of the 23d of March, we have received accounts of the further operations of Lord Cornwallis's army, and take the opportunity of the Danifh fhip Eliza, touching at this port for a few hours, and bound for Europe, to communicate to you the particulars.

On the 5th ult. the grand army arrived at the strong fort of Bangalore, without meeting any oppofition from the enemy in afcending the Ghauts, or on their fubfe quent march to this place. His Lordfhip immediately laid fiege to this important fort, and on the 13th March carried the Pettah by ftorm. During the attack, Lieut.Colonel Moorhoufe, of the artillery on your Madras eftablishment, and Capt, Delaney, of his Majefty's 36th regiment, were killed, with fome few private Europeans, and fepoys. The next day Tippoo's army appeared in fight, aud he made two separate attempts to drive the British troops from this flation, and was repulfed in each with very great flaughter. On the 22d, the breach, though fcarcely practicable, Lord Cornwallis determined, without further delay, to storm the fort, as he was beginning to run fhort of provifions. The ftorming party confifted of the 36th, 72d, 76th, King's regiments, two battalions of fepoys, together with the European grenadiers and light infantry of the army; and the whole commanded by Major-General Meadows. They were obliged to defcend and afcend the ditch with scaling ladders; and in two hours from the commencement of the af fault the British colours were feen flying on the rampart. The garrifon confifted of about 3000 men; 1500 of whom were almost instantly and inevitably put to the bayonet. Among the killed was the Killedar, an old man, and nearly related to the Sultan. Great quantities of grain, we understand, were found in the fort and Pettah; and, we are happy to add, that this glorious enterprize was effected with the Jofs only of about twenty men killed and wounded on our fide. Bangalore is reckoned among Tippoo's ftrongest holds in the Myfore country, and confequently its lofs must be feverely felt by him.

We beg leave further to offer our congratulations on the fuccefs of your arms at Darwar, which, after an unexpectedly long fiege, capitulated to the English, in con junction with the Mahratta arms, on the 5th inftant. We have not yet received the particulars of the furrender; and can only acquaint you, that Colonel Frederick, of your Bombay cftablishment, died before the place, after a fhort illness, when in command of the detachment; from which period it devolved to Major Sartorius, of your engineer corps.

the fame ftation as when we laft had the ho General Abercrombie's army is ftill in nour of addreffing you, where he ftill propoles to remain until the nearer approach for on this fide of India is now near at of Lord Cornwallis; but as the rainy fea hand, General Abercrombie will be under the neceffity of cantoning the troops, so as to form a chain of communication between this place and the Coorja Ghaut, which leads into the Myfore dominions. He propofes ftrengthening Bombay with one regihip the Queen, Capt. Douglas, about the ment of Europeans, who will go up in your end of this month; and Bombay, we appre hend, will be further ftrengthened by fuch fpared for garrifoning that place. W& part of the Darwar detachment as can be are, with the greatest refpect,

Honourable Sirs,

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Extract of a Letter from the Governor and Council at Madras, in their Political Department, to the Court of Directors of the Eaft India Company, dated April 29. 1791. We have great pleasure in acquainting you, that on the 23d inftant we received advice from the refident at Poona that the fort of Darwar had furrendered to Major Sartorius on the 3d of that month; and by letters from the refident at Hydrabad, we learn that the Killedar of Copul was in treaty for the delivery of that fort to the Nizam's General.

Lord Cornwallis, having effected his junction with Lieutenant-Colonel Oldham's detachment, moved on the 22d instant from Venkettegherry in the direction of Banga lore,

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