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VI. Officers are chofen for a time, and cannot again be chofen, till after a certain interval of fervice:

None fhall command the National Guard of more than one diftrict.

VII. All the parts of the public force employed for the fafety of the State from foreign enemies, are under the command of the King.

VIII. No body or detachment of troops of the line can act in the internal parts of the kingdom without a legal order.

IX. No agent of the public force can be in the house of a citizen, if it is not in order to execute the inftructions of Police and of Juftice, or in cafes formally provided for by the Law.

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X. The requifition of the public force in the internal part of the kingdom belongs to the civil officers, according to the regulations provided by the Legislative Power.

XI. When any department is in a flate of commotion, the King thall iffue, fubject to the refponfibility of Minifters, the neceffary orders for the execution of laws, and the reeftablifhment of order; but with the referve of informing the Legislative Body, if it is affembled, and of convoking it if it be not fit ting.

XII. The public force is effentially obedient; no perfon in arms can deliberate.



1. Public Contributions fhall be debated and fixed every year by the Legislative Body, and cannot continue in force longer than the last day of the following Seffion, if they are not exprefsly renewed.

II. The funds neceffary to the discharge of the national debt, and the payment of the civil lift, can under no pretext be refused or fufpended.

III. The Adminiftrators of Department, and Sub-adminiftrators, can neither ef ablish any Public Contribution, nor make any dif tribution beyond the time and the funis fixed by the Leg flative Eody, nor deliberate, or permit, without being authorised by it, any local loan to be charged to the citizens of the department.

IV. The Executive Power directs and fuperintends the collection and paying in of Contributions, and gives the neceffary orders to this effect.

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Art. I.

On the receipt of the Royal Refcript, which accompanies the prefent inftruction, the means of putting it into execution fhall be forthwith adopted, without any delay or excufe whatever. In cities where there are courts of justice or courts of chancery, and where, of confequence, the various quarters thereof are fuperintend ed and governed by particular Alcades (Judges and Governors); the criminal Al


cades fhall verify, whether in the registered or matriculated lifts, which it is their duty to make out, all strangers refiding in the diftricts have been noticed, as well as their families, their names, their country, their religion, their employment, their deftination, and the reafon of their fojourning. There shall also be expreffed, whether they have declared their unwillingness to continue to refide there domiciliated and fubjects of his Majefty, or fimply as traveliers. In cafes where thefe informations have not

been taken, they shall be immediately af


Art. II. In cities where there are Alcades of Districts, but without a tribunal, the Corregidor, or chief Magiftrate, fhall, with the affiftants of the Alcades, take the fame information.

Art. III. In the other cities, towns, and villages of the kingdom, the Corregidors and Justices of the Peace fhall take the fame informations, availing themselves of the affistance of the notaries, the Alguazils (Ser jeants or Bailiffs) and other confidential perfons, in order to afcertain the number of

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"Ifwear to obferve the Catholic Religion, to be faithful to it as well as to the King, whofe fubject I am, in fubmitting to the laws and customs of this kingdom; renouncing every right and privilege of foreigner, and every relation to, and union with, or dependence on the country in which I was born.I promife not to avail myself of its protection, nor that of its Ambaffadors, Minifters, or Confuls, under pain of the galleys, imprisonment, or expulfion from his Majesty's dominions, and confifcation of my property according to my tranfgreffion and quality."

The above oath being made and figned, fhall be depofited in the archives of the Tribunal, to have recourse thereto in cafe of need.

Art. VI. Notice fhall be given to those who shall declare themselves travellers, that they cannot exercife any liberal art or mechanic profeflion without being domiciliated.

Confequently foreigners can neither be phyffcians, furgeons, nor architects, unless they have an exprefs licence from his Majefty.Neither can they be mechanics a la Verre (to fell by the ell or yard) nor retailers of any merchandife; nor peruke-makers or hair-dreffers, nor haberdashers, tailors, fhoemakers, nor even domestics.

Art. VII. Fifteen days fhall be given to foreigners included in the preceding article, to quit Madrid, and two months to go out of the kingdom; or within the said term, they shall be compelled to become domiciliated, and take the oath required, fubmitting themfelves to the pains and punishments already pronounced-Thofe who wish to be regarded as foreigners, can neither appear nor remain at Madrid, without having obtained permiffion from the Office of the Principal Secretary of State.

Art. VIII. With regard to foreigners coming into the kingdom, his Majefty, defirous of maintaining the treaties which fubfift with foreign Powers with refpect to the commerce of their respective subjects in his kingdom, the permiflions and paffports by virtue of which thefe merchants enter the ports and commercial towns fhall be examined; and they fhall be prevented from coming any other way than that which fhall be pointed out to them, except by express Royal permiffion.

The Vice-Roys, Captains-General, and Governors of the Frontiers, are in this refpect, to specify in the passports of strangers, whether they are come to feek refuge, afy-lum, or hofpitality; and point out the roads which they are to take in the interior parts of the kingdom, after they have fworn, provifionally, obedience and fubmiflion to the laws of the country.

Art. IX. In cities where there are manufactures established by order and for the account of his Majefty, and in the other manufactures where there are overfeers or workmen who do not profefs the Catholic Religion, particular lifts fhall be made of thefe manufactures, containing details of the date and duration of their undertakings, Thefe lifts fhall be remitted to the Prefident

of the Council of Caftile, that the said workmen may be afterwards informed what they have to do;-but in the mean time, they fhall not be molested.

Art. X. In the difpofitions and principles determined by the Royal Edict, the Justices fhall take care to include all strangers, and even those who are employed in the King's military houfehold, and alfo thofe in civil employments.

Art. XI. The ceremony of matriculation, of the declaration, and of the oaths of strangers who are, or wish to be domiciliated, being performed, an account thereof fhall be immediately

immediately given to the Tribunals, who hall tranfmit them to the Council, even before the lifts may be complete.




THE underwritten Minifters Plenipotentiaries of England and Pruffia, prefuming to infer, from the anfwer made by order of her Ruffian Majefty to the Reprefentatives of the Courts of London and Berlin, on the 25th ult. that her Majefty is inclined to permit her Miniftry to open a negociation concerning the principles propofed in faid reprefentation, with refpect to a defenûve demarcation of the frontiers, both in favour of the Ruffian empire and the Porte, have determined to reprefent to the Court of Petersburgh every thing relative to this object, as far as their inftructions will allow, to concentrate it in one point of view, and to bring it under the eye of her Majefty without any ambiguity. They do not doubt but her Majefty will look upon their ardour, and this liberty, fo little compatible with the common course of negociating, as an unquestionable proof of the fincere defire of their Mafters, in order to make their good offices and friendly intervention tend to a pacification, altogether fpeedy and advantageous to the Belligerent Powers.

The aforefaid Minifters, in confequence of the overture made by his Catholic Majefty and the Court of Denmark, and which does not feem to be rejected, or even difapproved by the Court of Ruffia, and purfuant to the propofition of inconveniencies, arifing from an immediate contiguity of the frontiers, which is found in the above anfwers, are apt to think, that her Majefty may be prevailed upon to give her confent to it, in order to conclude the peace, on condizion that the District of Ockzaków, between the river Bog and as far as the river Miefter, fhall be declared neuter, and independent of either Power. This condition being exactly and faithfully obferved by the contracting parties, will perhaps at tair the end much better than any thing elfe, and procure the advantage of a reciprocal defenfive demarcation of the frontiers; and two large rivers, befides an untilled wafte tra of land of more than 200 wrefts, which must first be got over before the troops of either of the Powers can come into each other's dominions, would at least free both states from all furprise; and the

eaftern fhores of the river Bog, fortified by the Ruffians, and the western ones of the river Nicfter by the Turks, would," with refpect to this important bufinefs, anfwer the most fanguine expectations.

This is now the first point of an accommodation, which faid Minifters, with confent of her Ruffian Majefty, will take upon them to propose to the Turks, as a bafis of peace.

The fecond propofal in queftion would have a relation to the ceffion of Ockzakow, and its immediate territory, with all fovereignty, with all privileges attached to it, whatsoever, and without any distinction, to Ruflia, leaving, however, to the Turks, on the east fhore of the river Niefter, a space more or less extended in measure, as, with more or lefs difficulty, one or other natural demarcation capable of being determined and fixed upon; fuch as, for instance, the fea Teli Gli, or any other, which then ought to be agreed upon, might be found out and well understood; however, that it ought to be at a fufficient diftance for fecuring to the Turks the free navigation of the Niefter. Nay, an engagement might even be made to perfuade the Turks to grant the neutrality of that part of the ceded diftrict which was to be met with between the new demarcation of the frontiers of Ruffia and this river.

The Allied Courts do not think they will, be able to perfuade the Forte to the conclufion of peace, if they leave Ockzakow all fortified in the hands of Ruffia, unless this facrifice, fo dangerous for the Porte, would be compenfated by the fafety of both fhores of the River Niefter. And the above Mi nifters flatter themfelves, that her Imperial Majefty will have no objection to it.

If, nevertheless, her Imperial Majefty fhould have any objection to accede to thefe propofals, the above Minifters offer, as the laft means, to propofe to the Turks to make a ceffion to Ruffia of the District of Ock-. zakow, from the Bog as far as the Neister, in full property and fovereignty, as a price for the peace, on condition that her Imperial Majefty will authorise them to give fuch affurances to the Porte, as will be able to quiet the minds of her fubjects, to prevent her apprehenfions, and to make her easy with refpect to the confequences of such a divifion of her empire, by enabling the Courts of London and Berlin to be refponfible that her Majefty will level the fortress of Ockzakow, and not rebuild it; that the is to erect no other fortreffes in that district, and that fhe will let the navigation of the Niefter remain in perfect freedom.

The Courts of London and Berlin think they can propofe to the Porte nothing but thefe conditions; but they defire her Im-, perial Majeftly to choose out of these feveral


means of pacification, which are equitable, moderate and juft.-They are are convinced her Majefty will doubtlefs find, that they have had the greatest confideration for her perfon, and the utmost attention to preferve the dignity of her Crown, the honour and glory of her Empire, and the intereft of her fubjects.

'They freely fubmit to the judgment that all Europe fhall pass on their candid intentions of re-establishing Peace and general tranquillity, on their impartiality and perfect difintereftedness, which are very evident in the steps they have taken.

As to the form of the bufinefs which remains to be fettled, the above Minifters will readily comply with every thing her Majefty fhall think proper relative thereto, provided the fafety of the engagements for which they must hold themselves refponsible to the Forte is preserved.

If it is true that the regular conferences are not opened till this day, it is no lefs true, that the Minifters of her Imperial Majefly, by familiar interviews and other means, were informed before about the proposals of peace which were about to be made.

It is thus to be prefumed, that the refolution of her Majefty is greatly advanced, if not taken already, concerning this important bufinefs, and her final determination is expected with impatience at the Courts of London and Berlin.

The friendship and confideration her Majefty has for the Kings of England and Pruffia, her great anxiety for the tranquillity of Europe; her affection for her fubjects; her defire of reftoring peace to them, and of avoiding the further effufion of human blood, pledge to the underwritten Minifters that they will foon be informed of her refolution, and that it will be favourable; the more fo, as, conforming in every thing, her Majefty feems to demand only fome other small compenfations, which are left to her known goodnefs and generosity, CHARLES WHITWORTH. WILLIAM FAWKENER. COUNT GOLTZ.



The fecond Memorial delivered on the 29th of June by the Minifters Flenipotentiary of England and Pruffia, being prefented to her Imperial Majefty, her Ministry have received her Majefty's orders, and are now able to continue the amicable negociations which are the object of faid Memorial.

In the first place, her Majefty feels the greatest pleature in exprefling the fatisfac

tion the feels at the free and open turn the Minifters of their Majefties the Kings of Great Britain and Pruffia have given to their negociations, and the fincere defire of their Minifters to accelerate the defirable work of pacification between Ruffia and the Porte. An intention of this kind coincides fo much with the wishes of her Imperial. Majefty, that it will be promoted on her part to the extent fo reafonable an intention demands; but if the fupporting for such a confiderable time the burden of the war, to which fhe has been provoked by the unjuft attack of the Turks, has a greater influ ence than any other confideration, in bringing it to an end, fhe no lefs thinks herself entitled to determine, in her wisdom and moderation, the means and ways, in order to fecure to her fubjects, if not indemnifications proportionable to their claims, at leaft a certain and uninterrupted reft.

The claims her Imperial Majefty has fet up in confequence of this, and which she has caufed to be published at the Courts of London and Berlin, and thofe of all Europe, prefage in reality only this harmlefs and equitable object.

All the neutral powers cannot but behold them in this light-and if there should be any, who have propofed modification on thofe claims, without either any deliber ation with the Court of Ruffia, or its affent, this can only be through confiderations, which did not proceed from the claims be ing inconfiftent with strict justice and public intereft, but merely from an apprehenfion of extending any further the troubles of war.

Such were doubtlefs the motives for the overtures made by the Court of Copenhagen to thofe of London and Berlin, but of which the Court of Ruffia was never of ficially informed, nor did it authorife the fame to hold out the facrifices which the faid Court proposed.'

But as the apprehenfions feemed to be re moved, by means of the friendly explana tions, for which the two laft mentioned Courts have laid the foundation, the Emprefs is fo fure of the unanimous affent of all the powers to her propofals, that her Imperial Majefty finds herfelt neceffitated, from very powerful motives relating to the management and the tranquillity of her own dominions, as well as thofe of all Europe in general, not in the leaft to shrink from the moderate and difinterested conditions fhe has hitherto propofed.' And

Whereas three bafes for a pacification, reprefented in the above Memorial of the 29th of June, are not all of equal importance, and the letter being the only one that in fome measure approaches the known intention of her Imperial Majesty, we shall fix our attention only on it, and make our obfervations accordingly.


"The Allied Courts offer, as the laft means, to propofe to the Turks to make a ceffion to Ruffia of the District of Ockzakow, from the Bog as far as the Dniefter, in full property and fovereignty, as a price for the peace; on condition that her Imperial Majefty will authorise them to give fuch affurances to the Porte, as will be able to quiet the minds of her fubjects, to prevent her apprehenfions, and to make her ealy with refpect to the confequences of fuch a divifion of her empire, by enabling the Courts of London and Berlin to be refponfible that her Majefty will level the fortress of Ockzakow, and not rebuild it; that the is to erect no other fortreffes in that district, and that fhe will let the navigation of the Dniefter remain in perfect freedom." Befides, that a claufe of this kind contains an incompatibility with the principles of property and perfect fovereignty, according to which the two above Courts confent to negociate with the Porte for the ceffion of the country in question, it does not anfwer to the principles of perfect equality or reciprocal fafety, which ought to be an indifpenfible bafis of this negociation: for her Majesty is thereby to leave to the Turks a perfect liberty of preferving along their hores, all their former fortreffes, to repair them, and to erect new ones, according to their good pleasure:

Moreover, fuch a claufe would deftroy and annul the chief object that is expected from this acquifition, and which confifts in obtaining for Ruffia a fafe and diftinct frontier, and which neceflity is felt by her Imperial Majefty fo much the more, as the prefent war, as well as the preceding one; were begun by the Turks. Befides, the building of fortreffes in general does not thew any defign of attacking; this only helongs to measures of precaution and defence, and will for this reafon create no just fear of uneafinefs; on the contrary, the more fronziers, feparated by a demarcation, fuch as that of the Dniefter, are fortified on either fide, the more refpective fafety there will be for the prefervation of a good harmony and neighbourhood between the adjoining flates.

Several other motives might be alledged, taken from the fituation of the country, and the character of the neighbouring nations, which all concur in not fuffering any engagements to be made which at the fame time militate against the intention of the Empress and that of the mediating powers. But in order to fhew to them, in a visible manner, as much compliance as efteem of their interventions, her Majefty does not hefitate to give them the moft folemn affurances, that not only fhe will not impede the free navigation of the Dniefter, but that,


on the contrary, the will favour it with her protection.

She is the more willing to do fo, as during her reign fhe has laid it down as a conftant rule, to encourage, by all poffible means, the trade and navigation of all peaceable nations. However, her Majesty hopes, that these powers will be pleased to take upon themfelves to make the Porte agree, in this refpect, to the fame rule, and to the fame principles.

And in general, though her Majesty has no notion whether the allied Courts are au thorised by the Porte in a special manner to act, and make proposals in her name, she, however, is apt to guefs, from their unremit ting care and pains for eftablishing peace, that their intervention and remonftrances will have all the energy they deserve; on which account fhe flatters herfelf they will employ all their credit and influence at the Porte, in communicating to her the conviction of the equity and candour of the Emprefs's fentiments, which certainly neither aims at the deftruction of the Ottoman Porte, nor the fubverfion of the general balance, but which, on the contrary, displays the most fincere defire of a general pacifica tion, and putting a stop to a further effufion of human blood.

Nevertheless, if, contrary to all expecta tions, and in spite of the moderation and equity of the claims of the Emprefs, and in fpite of the care of their Majefties the Kings of Great Britain and Pruffia, in giving them a proper weight with the Porte, fhe fhould perfevere in her unwarrantable obftinacyin this cafe, her Imperial Majefty expects, from the equity and friendship of these sovereigns, that they will leave the care of finifhing this war to the mere chance of events which it will bring on.

She thinks fhe has a right to expect this compliance on their part, the more, as her Majesty (far from having a mind to conceal, that the mitigations which the had made, in these preliminaries of peace, are, mostly to be ascribed to that which he has the fatisfaction to fhew them on her part) shall on every occafion difplay the value fhe fets on the prefervation of their friendship, and the defire she is infpired with to continue, without any alteration, the best harmony, and the most perfect good understanding. Petersburgh, July 20, 1791.

The following letter was fent from Mr Burges, one of the Under Secretaries of State, to Mr Taylor, of Lloyd's Coffeehoufe, for the information of the Underwriters:


A letter has, this day, been written by Lord

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