Explanation of Changes Shown on Schedule C SALARIES, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES For salaries and expenses of the Offices of the Sergeant at Arms, $3,858,000. This is an increase of $112,000 or 3% over the amount provided in fiscal 2000. Mandatory Pay and Related Changes: Personnel increases are attributed to the annualization of the FY'00 Cost of Living Adjustment, prorated FY'01 Cost of Living Adjustment, FY'01 longevity increases and FY'01 meritorious increases. There is also a request of $1,000 for transit benefits. Price Level Changes: Rent, Communications, Utilities +$3,000: Increase is due to inflation. Program Type Changes: Travel -$24,000: The net decrease of $24,000 is due to FY'01 being a nonconvention year. Funds are requested to cover advances and support for congressional committee field hearings, political issue conferences, training seminars and conferences and official special events and funerals. Other Services -$42,000: Overall decrease of $42,000 is primarily due to one time special training in FY 2000 for Sergeant at Arms which is not required in FY 2001. There is $10,000 requested for the development of materials for distribution for each new Congress. Supplies -$31,000: A reduction of $31,000 is due to the every other even numbered fiscal year purchase of Member pins, plates and identification office supplies. Equipment +4,000: This increase is due to the purchase of one new copier/fax |