COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR 2000 AND THE (Excludes Senate items and items under Architect of the Capitol for the Senate] Standing Committees, Special and select (except Appropriations)......... 93.878 93.878 99.242 +5.364 Committee on Appropriations (including studies and investigations)........... 21,095 21.095 22,530 +1.435 office of the Law Revision Counsel of the House. 2.045 2,045 2,130 +85 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF NEW BUDGET (OBLIGATIONAL) AUTHORITY FOR 2000 AND THE [Excludes Senate items and items under Architect of the Capitol for the Senate] Medical supplies, equipment, expenses, and allowances. 1,898 -7 1.891 1.835 -63 Sergeant at Arms of the House of Representatives.. Sergeant at Arma and Doorkeeper of the Senate.... Capitol Guide Service and Special Services Office.... Statements of Appropriations.... Total, Joint items. 85,075 -168 84.907 110.858 +25,783 |