Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Transfer of funds for wiring moves/installation requests from Rent,
Communication and Utilities to Other Services.

[blocks in formation]

Increased funding for contractor support for development of security architectures and intrusion/vulnerability protection to safeguard Member and House data.

[blocks in formation]

Funding to continue support of the mainframe during the migration process. Use of contracted mainframe operators helps facilitate the training and transition of HIR staff into client server-based operations ($80,000). Support for the mainframe migration testbed and LIMS replacement initiative ($70,000). This is a new initiative for FY 2001.

Facsimile Software Maintenance & Support (HIR)


Software maintenance and support for the Member and Committee Facsimile service was moved from the equipment budget to other services.

Correspondence Management System (CMS) (HIR)


Funding for validation and testing of CMS prior to installation in Member offices.
This initiative is a new budget item in FY 2001 that is currently funded through
FY99 reprogramming.

[blocks in formation]

New initiative to provide support to Members and Committees for web page development. Web page development tends to be greater during transition years.

Training (CAO) (-$63,000)

A reduction in training costs is a result of the CAO's Office of Training providing many training activities for Members, Committees, and Administrative staffs.

[blocks in formation]

New initiative in FY 2001 for the addition of the Pacer system for Treasury Check service to replace the GOALS system.

[blocks in formation]

New initiative in FY 2001 for the costs associated with the WESTLAW online research service for use by Finance staff in performing legislative inquiries and research.

[blocks in formation]

Increase in funding is composed of the work on selection of the FFS replacement system, an increase in funding for FFS application support to provide for continued

[blocks in formation]

Funding for the new Payroll which will establish time and leave recording and tracking procedures for employee time benefits and leave data as recommended in IG audit No. 95-CCS-10. As of FY 2000, $6.021 million has been budgeted as "noyear obligation" funds. An additional $2.21 million has been requested in the FY'01 budget (bringing the total budget for the new system to $8.231 million) for the implementation of the new HR/Payroll system. The FY 2001 budget includes funding for modifications that may be required as a result of a GAP analysis ($250,000), Inspection, Validation and Verification support (est. $360,000), and costs for an interim contract payroll staff (est. $520,000). The FY 2001 budget represents a decrease of $282,000 from the FY 2000 request.

[blocks in formation]

Increase in funds for AMS general contractor technical support for PD enhancements and systems integration. In addition, funds are requested to supplement the PD team workforce to support a much larger user base and larger range of functions in FY 2001. Funding is also requested for the 10-office pilot to Members.

[blocks in formation]

The House Linen Service budget was transferred beginning in FY 2001 to the
Architect of the Capitol as most linen services are provided to areas they operate.

Supplies, Materials (-$161,000)

National Change of Address Equipment (NCOA) (MSS)


The reduction represents the removal of the FY 2000 budget for purchasing NCOA equipment from MSS's baseline.

[blocks in formation]

Represents a transfer of funds for carpet pad and drapery lining supplies used in installation in House offices from Supplies, Materials to Equipment.

[blocks in formation]

There is a decrease in requested funds for printer supplies. HIR is purchasing supplies in bulk to reduce costs.

Training Videos & House Health Fair (HR)


Funding is requested to purchase training materials such as videos and simulation exercises related to the delivery of classes to CAO employees through the Leadership

[blocks in formation]

Contractor support for communications moves during the 107th Congress Transition.

[blocks in formation]

A reduction in funding is requested for mainframe software and related equipment

[blocks in formation]

An increase of $56,000 is requested for House software (eg. Command anit-virus).

[blocks in formation]

An increase of $10,000 to upgrade the CAO server is offset by a reduction in replacement of Web servers ($560,000). An increase of $45,000 is requested for messaging server support.

[blocks in formation]

An increase is requested to fund enhancements for HIR's Customer Tracking System.

[blocks in formation]

A reduction in funding is requested for graphics and training software.

Microsoft Operating System and Email Software (HIR) +$500,000

An increase in funding is requested to fund the renewal of the license for the
Microsoft operating system and email software.

[blocks in formation]

An increase in funding is requested for additional equipment for Technical
Representative service.

[blocks in formation]

Transfer of expenses for Monies (billing system for telecom local and long distance phone charges) from Rent, Communications and Utilities to Equipment.

[blocks in formation]

Represents a transfer of funds for carpet pad and drapery-lining supplies used in installation in House offices from Supplies, Materials to Equipment.

National Change of Address (NCOA) (MSS)


The FY 2000 budget included costs associated with the transfer of NCOA duties from HIR to Postal Operations. These costs were initially budgeted for hardware and software purchases associated with NCOA. The NCOA hardware has already been purchased and the only funds needed are for maintenance and license fees. These

[blocks in formation]

Funding for this project will cover a review of the current system per the SDLC process and includes projected costs for a customized off-the-shelf (COTS) management information software system for Human Resources pending the review results.

CAO Equipment Upgrades (All CAO Offices)


An increase in funding to replace some computer equipment based on a three-year life-cycle and to upgrade to Office 2000 software as part of the anticipated standard desktop for FY 2001 is offset by deferment of purchasing office equipment and durable supplies and material.

[blocks in formation]

Funding requested for purchase of new digital software to allow for online storage/retrieval of Members' photos.


Funding requested to replace an outdated engraving machine.

Replacement of FRC Shop Equipment (MSS)

Fixed Asset Inventory Management System (FAIMS) (MSS)


Funding for FAIMS software upgrades and annual maintenance costs.

[blocks in formation]

Funding for E-Postage and Fast Forward upgrades and license fee. E-Postage will allow district offices to automate the collection of postage expenses. The Fast Forward system allows for address updating in conjunction with the UPPS.

Furniture & Furnishings Program Account (MSS)


An increase in funding is requested for Furniture and Fixtures to replace outdated and damaged furniture and to provide a small inventory ($128,000). An increase in funding for purchase of carpet is attributable to switching to a higher quality carpet as the House standard and to fund carpet replacement during the transition ($773,000). An increase in funding for drapes is due to the transition ($92,000). The FY 2001 equipment budget was decreased due to a one-time expenses in the FY 2000 budget (purchase of blinds in the O'Neill building (-$43,000).

[blocks in formation]

House offices use this account for the purchase, lease and maintenance of DC and district office equipment. The increase is a combination of the 107th transition ($125,000) and first term of Congress purchasing patterns ($1,132,000).

Financial Analysis Software Maintenance Costs (Finance)


An increase in maintenance costs is due to the maintenance costs of the financial

[blocks in formation]

An increase in funding is requested to fund a planned upgrade to the next generation of Procurement Desktop from version 4.01.

[blocks in formation]

An increase of $27,000 us requested to purchase fifteen additional Oracle licenses as part of the PD Member Pilot. Additional funding is requested for the software maintenance costs ($7,000), licenses and custom installation of Shareplex for the PD servers in order to improve disaster recovery preparedness ($76,000).

[blocks in formation]

Funding is requested to replace the main server associated with the Procurement Desktop system, which will be outmoded and due for replacement in FY 2001 ($125,000). In addition, plans for the PD Member Pilot to utilize a web-based approach will necessitate the purchase of a new server ($125,000).

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