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"In exhibiting the works of great Poets in another languag
much depends upon preserving not only the internal meanin
-the force and beauty as regards sense, but even the externa
lineaments, the proper colour and habit, the movement, and, a
it were, the gait of the original."-Bishop Lowth. Sacred Poet
of the Hebrews. Lec. 3.


Printed by W. DEARDEN, Carlton Street.

another language, internal meaning even the external movement, and, as th. Sacred Poetry



The present Translation of Dante's triple P originally published at intervals of several year now for the first time published as a whole, M form accessible to the general reader. A M Dante has been added; also an Index; and th of the Inferno considerably improved.

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The text has been selected from the "Vario ings" of the original, and not from any single and this will account for many apparent mistak note to the 31st line of the third canto of the I That the Poet of the Middle Ages should upon to give light to the present century, ma extraordinary :-but greatly revered as he was i ages, his authority is now, if possible, held higher estimation. During the last few years of the continent has teemed with translations a mentaries. Dante is there consulted as an Of well as a Poet; and Professorships have bee re-established in the foreign Universities, for th nation of the Divina Commedia. At such a t apology is required for the endeavour to mak more known in England.


Dante was born at Florence in 1265, and derived from the noble family of the Alighieri. He received education under the instruction of Brunetto Latini distinguished scholar of the age, and applied himse ture and science with astonishing ardour and succe age of 24 he became a soldier, and gained great dis the field.

In his boyhood he conceived a strong affectio daughter of Folco Portinari. This passion incre his age; and Beatrice first inspired him with that lov which proved his consolation amid all the subseque ties of his eventful life. What were the obstacl union we are not informed; but the cause may E found in the violent family disputes and political sch in that age were carried to an extent not easily She married Simone de' Bardi, and died in year of her age. Her death caused Dante the grea and it appears to have been with the view of distr mind from the melancholy into which he was plunge friends exerted themselves to bring about a ma tween him and a lady of the Donati family, he had five sons and a daughter. The memory, of Beatrice was so little effaced, that his devotio after her death, acquired an increased intensit

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