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"action that ever difgraced the British annals; and "I own, added he, I could not, without horror, "endure to fee fuch a man fill a place in this august "affembly."

This speech was received with a murmur, which fhewed that the affembly was variously affected with what had been delivered.

[Cætera defunt.]







ift Jan. 173.

ETERNAL GOD, who regardeft all thy works with mercy, look upon my wants, my miferies, and my fins; grant that I may amend my life, and may find mercy both in this world and in the world to come, by the help of thy Holy Spirit, for the fake of Jefus Chrift. Amen.

ift Jan. 1784. P. M. 11.

LORD GOD, heavenly Father, by whofe mercy I am now beginning another year, grant, I befeech thee, that the time which thou shalt yet allot mé, may be spent in thy fear and to thy glory. Give me fuch ease of body as may enable me to be useful, and remove from me all fuch fcruples and perplexities as encumber and obftruct my mind; and help me fo to pafs, by the direction of thy Holy Spirit, through the remaining part of life, that I may be finally received to everlasting joy, through Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

ift Aug.


ift Aug. 1784. Ashbourn.

GOD, most merciful Father, who by many difeafes haft admonished me of my approach to the end of life, and by this gracious addition to my days haft given me an opportunity of appearing once more in thy prefence to commemorate the facrifice by which thy Son Jefus Christ has taken away the fins of the world; affift me in this commemoration by thy Holy Spirit, that I may look back upon the finfulness of my life palt with pious forrow and efficacious repentance, that my refolutions of amendment may be rightly formed and diligently exerted, that I may be freed from vain and useless fcruples, and that I may serve thee with faith, hope, and charity, for the time which thou fhalt yet allow me, and finally be received to everlasting happiness, for the fake of Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.


5th Sept. 1784. Afhbourn.

LMIGHTY Lord and merciful Father, to Thee be thanks and praise for all thy mercies, for the awakening of my mind, the continuance of my life, the amendment of my health, and the opportunity now granted of commemorating the death of thy Son Jefus Chrift our Mediator and Redeemer. Enable me, O Lord, to repent truly of my fins. Enable me by thy Holy Spirit to lead hereafter a better life. Strengthen my mind against useless perplexities. Teach me to form good refolutions;


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