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but, to patronize her more anti unt Votarys at this time, is not more honourable to our Nation, than neceffary for them: Since so much Prejudice has been ungratefully rais'd against them, by those, who have been most improv'd by their Writings.

When therefore I was moved by the BRITISH MUSE to recommend these Antients to a Patron moft eminent for Abilities and Inclination to protect them one of fufficient Knowledge to plead their Merits, and Imerest to: promote their Cause; I was presently by her inspired, to make this Oblation to your LADYSHIP, fo nearly ally'd in Genius and Judgment to her, that I could not diftinguish



your Name, but as another for her


Whatever Improprieties the Witty or the Wife may find in other Parts of my Choice throughout this Collection, I dare stand their Test in this. And I am perfuaded, the Authors themselves, could not be better fatiffied with all the Justice that might be paid them, in reviving their Performances; than with so much Credit as they may receive from your LADY SHIP'S Approbation. I am but their Sollicitor, and could not have the Boldness to sue for your Favour; but


under the Umbrage of their Deferts.

Alexander saved Part of a City

from Destruction, for the


only only of one Poet: Here the Merits of many Poets sue for the Protection only of one Book.

I am,

With the most profound Respect,

Your Ladyship's most obedient,

Humble Servant,





Authors, Poems and Plays

Cited in this COLLECTION:

[blocks in formation]

narchick Tragedies, viz. The Alexandrean

Tragedy, Croesus, Darius, and Julius Cæfar, with

other Poems, last Edit.

fol. 1637

Aleyn Charles. Battailes of Crescey and Poictiers,

2d Edit.

800, 1633

Hiftory of Henry VII.

8το, 1638



Armin Robert, Esq; History of the Two Maids of Moreclack, with The Life and Simple Manner of John in the Hospital.



4to, 1609

Ald-vin William, In The Mirrour for Magistrates. Baron Robert, Esq; Mirza, a Trag. 8vo, no Date. His Poems, entitled Pocula Castalia 8υο, 1650 Barrey Lodowick, Esq; Ram Alley, or Merry 'Tricks,

a Com,

410, 1611 Beaumont Francis, and Fletcher John, Esqs. Beggar's Bush, a Com. Bonduca, a Tra. Bloody Brother, or Rollo, Duke of Normandy, a Tra. Captain, a Com. Chances, a Com. Custom of the Country, a Tra. Com. Faithful Shepherdess, a Pastoral. Fair Maid of the Inn, a Tra. Com. False one, a Tra. Four Plays or Moral Representations in one, viz. The Triumphs of Honour, Love, Death, and Time. Honest Man's Fortune, a Tra. Com. Humorous Lieutenant, a Tra. Com. Island Princess, a Tra. Com. King, and no King, a Tra. Com. Knight of the Burning: Pestle, a Com. Knight of Malla, a Tra. Com: Laws of Candy, a Tra, Com. Little French, Lawyer, a Com. Lover's Progress, a Tra Com Loyal Subject, a Tra. Com. Mad Lover, a Tra. Com Maid in the Mill, a Com. Maid's Tragedy. Monfieur Thomas, a Com. Nice Valour, or The Paffionate Madman, a Com. Noble Gentlemen, a Com. Philaster, or Love lies a Bleeding, a Tra. Com. Prophetess, a Tragical History. Queen of Corinth, a Tra. Com. Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, a Tra. Com. Scornful Lady, a Com. Sea Voyage, a Com. Spanish Curate, a Com. Valentinian, a Trag. Wife for a Month, a Tra. Com. Wild Goose Chase, a Com. Wit at several Weapons, a Com. Wit without Money, a Com. Woman Hater, a Com. Women Pleased, a Tra. Com. laft Edit. fol. 1679

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