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any other purpose than to pawn or to sell, are to be met with in every street, and proclaim the industry of a class of operatives whose labours are anything but a benefit to the general community.

It is not my intention to lay all these enormities upon the shoulders of the garret master; indeed many of the manufacturers of the vile wares above-mentioned are men of considerable capital, those especially who fabricate and deal in the more expensive articles. But yet justice to the subject of this sketch compels me to declare that the guilty parties are mainly members of his class; although individuals are not wanting among them, the history of whose lives would present the praiseworthy struggle of industry and integrity against adverse circumstances. If the reader will accompany me to the narrow theatre of his operations, he may behold the garret master in the midst of his avocations, and then form as lenient a judgment as the somewhat singular spectacle will admit.

Every one who walks the streets of London, if he ever exercise his observation at all, must have remarked, amongst the infinite variety of wares disposed for sale inside and outside of the endless array of shops that line the public thoroughfares, a prodigious number of articles which are not, properly speaking, the production of any particular or known species of handicraft; or if some of them be such ostensibly, it becomes apparent upon inspection, and upon a comparison of prices, that they are not the manufactures of well-practised hands, but are hastily and fraudulently got up, to delude the eyes of the unwary by the semblance of workmanship. Picture-frames, looking more like gilt gingerbread than carved gold, which they should resemble; small cabinets of cedar-wood, and miniature On a summer evening in the year 184-, having chests of drawers, which seem to stand midway between been requested by a country correspondent to make a toy and a domestic implement; easy (to break) chairs, inquiries respecting the execution of a commission which a man of fifteen stone would crush to pieces; intrusted to one of this tribe, I set out in the direction mirrors of all sizes, each one affording a new version of indicated in his letter, and arrived at the door of the your astonished face; slippers and clogs of every pos- house in which the garret master dwelt about half an sible material; boys' caps at half-a-crown a dozen, of hour before sunset. The place was a back street runevery variety of shape and colour, manufactured from ning nearly parallel with Holborn, in the neighbourhood the tailors' clippings; whetstones of every geological of one of the inns of court, and one that, judging from formation-trap (for customers) predominating; crib- the height and structure of the houses, had once laid bage-boards, draught-boards, dominoes, and chess-men, claim to a character for respectability, not to say genat any price you like; work-boxes, writing-desks, and tility: but all such pretensions had evidently long been music-stands, glued together from the refuse of a cabinet- given up; and the lofty dwellings, fashioned originally maker's workshop; carpenters' tools incapable of an for the abodes of easy and comfortable independence, edge, among which figures a centre-bit, with twenty now stood in begrimed and dingy neglect, the uncaredpieces, for five shillings-a bait for amateur mechanics, for tenements of the artisan and the labourer. The which has astonishing success; towel-horses, that will door of the house I entered stood fastened open; and fall to pieces if not tenderly handled; and flights of the loose boards of the bare passage, wanting scraper, steps, leading to a broken head, or something worse-all mat, and oil-cloth, bent and clattered under my feet. demand attention by their plausible appearance and The walls, from the door to the summit of the topmost astonishingly low price. But these are not all. The stair, were of a dark-brown colour, arising from the acheedless bargain-hunter may fool away a good round cumulated soiling of half a century, and polished by the sum as easily as the veriest trifle. Gaudy pianofortes, friction of passers up and down, except where some few magnificent-looking instruments, labelled Broadwood' tatters of the original papering yet hung about them, or Collard,' may be had at an immense sacrifice' (this or where the plaster had been knocked away, through is true in the buyer's case), which ought to be war- the careless porterage of heavy articles. The banisters ranted not to stand in tune for twenty-four hours, and as far as the first floor were in tolerable repair, though to become veritable tin-kettles in a twelvemonth. Hor- some of the rails showed by their want of paint that rible fiddles, by the thousand, constructed only to sell they were substitutes for others which had left the rank. and to set the teeth on edge, lie in wait for the musical Higher up, they were half deficient; and near the top tyro; seraphines that growl like angry demons, until storey had been removed altogether, probably for fuel, they become asthmatic, when they wheeze away their by some starving inmate, and replaced by a fence of hateful lives in a month or two, are to be found in every rough slab deal. Of this I was rather sensible by touch broker's shop, together with every other musical in- than by sight; for the skylight that should have illumistrument you could name; all uniting to prove that ifnated the staircase was covered over, with the exception the best articles are to be procured in London, so are the worst, and that too in abundance.

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Nor does the evil stop here. The world is still deceived with ornament, and the imitators of things real know it well, and make a good market by the knowledge. Wo to the scientific student who, anxious to economise his funds, buys his necessary instruments of any other than a well-known and established maker! In no department of manufacture is there a more profitable field for humbug and plunder than in this. All descriptions of scientific instruments, surgical, optic, chemical, engineering, and others, abound in every quarter-the pawnbroker being the chief medium or middleman through whom they find their way to the luckless experimentalist. Telescopes with conveniently soiled lenses; camera-lucidas, by means of which Argus himself could see nothing; scalpels, lancets, and amputating knives, never intended to cut; surgical saws with tender teeth; air-pumps in want of sucker; pentagraphs, with rickety joints and false admeasurements; unseasoned glass retorts; crucibles sure to split on the fire; opera-glasses with twopenny lenses in tubes of specious magnificence; and a thousand other things, which are manufactured weekly in large quantities, but never for

of one small cranny, plainly to exclude the weather, which would else have found entrance through the broken panes. I should be sorry to afford the reader too accurate a notion of the villanous odour that infected the atmosphere of the house; it would have perplexed even Coleridge-who said that in Cologne he counted two-and-seventy stenches'-to have described it. It seemed a compound of spirits, beer, and stale tobacco, of rancid oil or varnish, with a flavour of a dog a month dead. I should mention that I knocked at one of five doors on the third floor, when three of them suddenly opened, but not the one to which I had applied my knuckles. Three dirty-faced matrons in dishabille, two of them having infants at the breast, made their simultaneous appearance, and inquired what I wanted; one of them informing me that the doctor' was not within, but would be found at the tap. Mentally wondering who the doctor' thus domiciled could be, I stated that Ĭ had business with Mr T, and requested to be shown his door. It is the fifth door on the floor above,' said the woman who had mentioned the doctor,' withdrawing as she spoke. Arriving at the door in question, I could hear a murmur of voices, and the whirling of a wheel in rapid motion. The door was opened immediately at

as general messenger to the whole, and to the exercise and free air this function procured her. All the rest were in a sort of etiolated condition-pale and wan from confinement, bad air, and worse food. The dress of the whole family, with the exception of that of the little messenger, who was kept in some show of decency for the sake of appearances, would not have sold for a penny above the rag price in Monmouth Street. Neither mother, nor daughter grown up to womanhood, seemed to have preserved a relic of that graceful sentiment of personal propriety, which is the last thing that the sex generally surrenders to the 'want which cometh like an armed man.' But here want was not the destroyer: a fiend of more hideous aspect and deadlier purpose held undisputed sway in this wretched abode of perverted industry and precocious intemperance. departed down the crazy stairs, I could not help compassionating the hapless mother, whom I thought it more than probable the hateful vice of intoxication had first oppressed, and then seduced. Her bloated countenance left no room for doubt as to the truth of her tyrant's assertion; but there remained on it yet the trace of former truthfulness and kindliness, and the burning sense of shame attendant upon her present condition. On the coming doom of the family-the son, the daughter, the toiling children, the sleeping infantit was too painful to reflect.

As I

my summons, and the rays of a lurid sunset streamed in upon the landing-place. The woman who answered the door seemed astonished at my unlooked-for appearance, and plainly expected a different party. As she drew back to make room for my entrance, a scene met my view, too common, I fear, in the industrial resorts of our great cities, but one calling aloud for amendment and redress in every possible particular. In a room, the dimensions of which might be about sixteen feet by eleven or twelve, were living an entire family, consisting of certainly not fewer than eight persons. Near a stove, placed about a yard from the fireplace, the funnel going into the chimney through a hole in the wall above the mantelpiece, sat the garret master, Mr T, in the act of filling his pipe. Beyond a shirt, dirty and ragged, canvas trousers, and a pair of old slippers, cut down from older boots, he had nothing on his person, if we except a beard of a month's growth. A lad of seventeen or eighteen, similarly nondressed, whose unwashed flesh peeped through a dozen rents in his garments, was busy at an old rickety lathe turning pill-boxes, some gross of which were scattered on the board in front of him; as he turned for a moment at my entrance, he showed a face haggard and wan, the index of bad diet and early intemperance. Seated at a carpenter's bench, which, together with the lathe, occupied the whole portion of the room next the window, was a girl of nineteen or twenty, engaged in carefully The Label Printer.—The next day, my friend's comspreading gold leaf upon the word 'cupping,' previously mission requiring it, I paid a visit to one of the same written with varnish upon a strip of glass. Her cos- class in a different line of business. In one of the tume, surmounted with a tattered man's jacket, would small courts leading out of Drury Lane I found this have disgraced the 'black doll' usually suspended over worthy, whose occupation was that of printing labels a rag-shop; the same indication of semi-starvation and in gold letters upon coloured paper. Fortunately for (alas that it must be 'said!) of intemperance was the fair sex he was a bachelor, and being on the verge legible in a countenance that ought to have been, and of fifty, was likely to continue so. All the implements indeed was once, interesting. At the end of the bench, | of his art, and they were not few, together with his bed in the corner of the room, a boy of twelve or thirteen and his beehive-chair, were around him in a room a years was occupied in French-polishing a few small dozen feet square, and which he gaily styled the 'parand showy frames adapted for the reception of the lour next to the sky.' His press was a contrivance glass labels. At the other corner, to the left of the such as I had never seen before, economising both space lathe, was a still younger child-I can hardly say of and labour at the penalty-which he seemed to care which sex-busily fitting the covers to the pill-boxes, little about-of abominably bad work: the pressure was and laying them in dozens for package; while an infant produced by the action of a pedal near the floor under of scarce three years was asleep in the shavings under the machine, and consequently the labour of rolling in the bench, where, it was evident from the presence of and rolling out, indispensable in the common printingthe brown and grimy blanket-rags, he would be joined press, was avoided. When I entered, he was actually at night by other members of the family. There was printing the word 'LODGINS' upon half-a-dozen strips no bedstead in the room; but what was presumably the of polished azure paper, applying powdered gold, with a bed of the parents-a heap of filthy bundling-lay on the pencil of camel-hair, to the varnish or size used instead floor between the door and the corner of the apartment. of ink, as each was impressed! Upon my pointing out While I was making inquiries concerning the commis- the liberty he had taken with the orthography of the sion of my country friend, the mother stepped between word, he seemed not to comprehend my meaning; and me and the father, to whom I had addressed myself, and remarking that he never did nor could understand any intimated by a look of shame, alarm, and intreaty, that of the hographies, seriously inquired what was wrong. she was the more fit party to be questioned. The man, Being at length made aware that another G was wanthowever, told her with an oath to stand aside; to which ing (but not before he had made careful reference to a command she paid no attention, but proceeded to in- dog's-eared dictionary), he assumed a look of strange form me they were on the point of completing my mortification and perplexity. It was not altogether friend's order, and that the goods should be forwarded that he was ashamed of his ignorance; of that the poor to my address, if I would leave it, early on the following fellow had been too long conscious; it was rather that morning. While she was speaking, I heard a light foot he could see no remedy in the present case. This, on the stairs; and the door opening, a little girl of sir,' said he, is a noosance, and no mistake; that's my about six, almost decently clad in comparison with the biggest fount, and there is but one alphabet of it beothers, entered the room, clasping a black bottle care-yond the vowels!' After a minute's consideration, howfully in both hands. The mother, apparently unwilling that a stranger should be aware of the nature of the burden brought by the child, was about concealing it in a cupboard; but the father, who, I now for the first time perceived, was on the high road to intoxication, swore at her angrily for pretending to be ashamed of what he proclaimed she liked as well as anybody, and loudly demanded the gin bottle. With a sigh and a look of shame she complied with his desire, when he immediately applied himself to the contents with an air of dogged satisfaction, The child who had brought in the gin was the only one of the family that had the slightest appearance of health in the countenance; and she, it was easy to see, owed it to her fortunate position

ever, and scratching of his grizzled pate, he brightened up, and went on with the affair as it was, with the consolatory declaration that they were no great scholars thereabout; that there were others no wiser than himself; and that the things were for people in the court, who would never find it out; to which he added, that if anybody had a right to spell a word as he chose, it was a printer short of types. Somewhat tickled with the fellow's good-temper and accommodating philosophy, I sat down to wait for my friend's packet of labels, which he said only required taking out of the finishingpress to be ready for delivery. I learned from his conversation that he had served his time to a little bookseller and printer at a small town on the Welsh coast;

people seldom complained of having too much for their money.

This poor fellow presented the most remarkable instance of unfitness for the business he followed that I ever met with. With huge, horny, unmanageable fingers, and defective vision, he pursued a craft, to the successful prosecution of which quick, keen sight, and manual dexterity are indispensable. Requiring a knowledge of at least so much grammar as is comprised in the arts of orthography and punctuation, he was profoundly ignorant of both. Thirty years of practice as a printer had not taught him to spell the commonest words in the language, as I became aware from certain cacographic despatches on business matters subsequently received from him. Honestest of bunglers! one-half of his painstaking existence was passed in repairing the blunders of the other; and yet it is a question whether he did not enjoy his being with as much relish as any man that ever lived. His cheerfulness was without a parallel in my experience: an inexhaustible spring of hilarity seemed welling from every feature. Nature had more than compensated him, by the bestowal of such a temperament, for all the sports of fortune. Proof against calamity, he grinned instinctively in the face of adverse circumstances; and once declared to me that he did not think any mortal thing could depress his animal spirits, unless it might be a drunken wife; whether such an appendage to his fortunes might succeed in doing so he couldn't say, but he had no intention of making the experiment.

He died the death one might almost have wished him, considering his solitary lot. He was found by an early visitor one morning dead in his beehive-chair, the newspaper in his hand, a half-smoked pipe broken at his feet, a pint of hardly-tasted ale on the hob of the empty grate, and the candle burnt out in the socket on the little table at his side.

but he had spent most of the seven years in running about the town as circulating librarian, or waiting in the shop, and not as many months altogether in the office, where there was generally nothing to be done. Discharged of course at the end of his term, to make room for a new apprentice with a new premium, he had come to seek his fortune in London. After considerable difficulty and disappointment, he at length succeeded in obtaining an engagement in a large office. On taking possession of his frame,' he said he was at first so alarmed at the exploits of the numbers of clever and rapid workmen around him, that he had not the proper use of the few faculties he could boast, and could think of nothing but his own want of skill. This state of mind only made the matter worse. Nervous and excited, he endeavoured to make the same show of celerity as the others, and got through the first day in a state of complete bewilderment. The second and third passed off a little more to his satisfaction; and he was beginning to nourish some small degree of hope, when on the fourth day the first evidence of the value of his labour was put into his hands, in the form of a proof copy of his work, sent from one of the readers, whose office it is to mark the mistakes of the compositor, for the purpose of correction. Such a horrid amount of blunders he declared the world had never seen before at one view: to the sheet upon which the broad page was printed, the corrector had been compelled to join another, to afford space to mark the errors. Upon my soul, sir,' said he, I could not stand the sight of it; moreover, the man behind me was grinning over his frame, and telegraphing the whole room. I wished myself a thousand miles away; and seizing my hat and coat, bolted down the stairs as fast as I could run. I got a letter in a few days from the party who recommended me, desiring me to return and resume my work; but I could not do it. The face of that chap grinning over my shoulder has given me the nightmare fifty times. That's six-and-twenty years ago, and I have never been near the place since.' Sick of the printing, he had next tried to work as a bookbinder, which, as is usual in country towns, he had learned as well (or rather as ill) as the other; but here also he found himself equally at fault. Discharged from the bookbinder's, to make room for a more expert hand, he found himself cast upon the world with no available means of subsistence. Want of funds, speedily followed by want of food, drove him again to make application to the printing-offices; but now he avoided large houses, and was at length fortunate enough to locate himself in a suburban establishment of small pretensions, where he got board and lodging, and a nominal salary, doing what he could, for just what the proprietor, who was as poor almost as himself, could afford to give him. Here he stayed, on and off, as he said, for more than a dozen years, during which he contrived to add something to his knowledge of the business, and to save a few pounds, with which, on the demise of his employer, he purchased a part of the materials he had so long handled, and commenced printer in his own right. It appeared that the whole The curved shell of metal buttons is prepared by means of his gains during all the years of his mastership had lished surface is used. The work women employed to stamp of a stamping-press; but instead of a punch, a curved ponot averaged much above L.40 a year, out of which he the little bits of copper acquire such dexterity, that they had to pay 3s. 6d. a week for the rent of his room. He frequently stamp twelve gross in an hour, or nearly thirty showed me his stock of implements, consisting princi- in a minute. This dexterity is truly wonderful, when it is pally of solid brass blocks, engraved in relief for the considered that each bit of copper is put into the die sepapurpose of gold labels attachable to the thousand-and-rately, to be stamped with a press moved by the hand, and one wares of druggists, chemists, haberdashers, fancy stationers, and numberless other traders. The blocks were for the most part the property of his employers; and he found it his interest to keep a small stock of each on hand, to meet the demands of the proprietors. He attributed the blotchy impression which characterised all his work mainly to his rickety press, and sighed for a better, which he had yet no prospect of obtaining; but he observed that though his work would look very bad in ink, it was a very different thing in gold; that made even a blotch ornamental, and of which



THE 'body' of a hat (beaver) is generally made of one part of 'red' wool, three parts Saxony, and eight parts rabbits' fur. The mixing or working up of these materials is an operation which depends very much on the dexterity of the workman, and years of long practice are required to render a man proficient. The wool and fur are laid on a bench, first separately, and then together. The workman takes a machine somewhat like a large violin bow; this is suspended from the ceiling by the middle, a few inches above the bench. The workman, by means of a small piece of wood, causes the end of his bow' to vibrate quickly against the particles of wool and fur. This operation, continued for some time, effectually opens the clotted masses, and lays open all the fibres: these flying upwards by the action of the string, are, by the manual and wonderful dexterity of the workman, caught in their descent in a peculiar manner, and laid in a soft layer of equable thickness. This operation, apparently so simple and easy to be effected, is in reality very difficult, and only to be learned by constant practice.

finally removed from the die. The quickness with which the hands and fingers must be moved to do 1728 in the hour must be very great.

In type-founding, when the melted metal has been poured into the mould, the workman, by a peculiar turn of his hand, or rather jerk, causes the metal to be shaken into all the minute interstices of the mould.

In manufacturing imitative pearls, the glass bead forming the pearl has two holes in its exterior; the liquid, made from a pearl-like powder, is inserted into the hollow of the bead by a tube, and by a peculiar twist of the hand, the single drop introduced is caused to spread itself over the

whole surface of the interior, without any superfluity or deficiency being occasioned.

In waxing the corks of blacking-bottles much cleverness is displayed. The wax is melted in an open dish, and without brush, ladle, or other appliance, the workman waxes each cork neatly and expeditiously simply by turning the bottle upside down, and dipping the cork into the melted wax. Practice has enabled the men to do this so neatly, that scarcely any wax is allowed to touch the bottle. Again, to turn the bottle to its proper position, without spilling any of the wax, is apparently an exceedingly simple matter; but it is only by a peculiar movement of the wrist and hand, impossible to describe, and difficult to imitate, that it is properly effected. One man can seal one hundred dozen in an hour!


FULL oft the poet has essayed to sing
Thy merits, simple flower; nor quite in vain.
Yet not to thee may I devote the strain
Of eulogy; but to that glorious King,
Who bids thy silver bell his praises ring,
And doth thy leaves so delicately vein;
Making thee meek and modest through thy mien,
The darling of the progeny of spring.

Ay! many a brighter flower the vernal gale
Will kiss, but none to which affection clings
As unto thee; who, as the strong sun flings
His brightness on thee, dost so meekly veil
Thy face: as at the Light celestials hail,
The seraphim theirs cover with their wings.


In pasting and affixing the labels on the blacking-bottles much dexterity is also displayed. As one man can paste as many labels as two can affix, groups of three are employed in this department. In pasting, the dexterity is shown by the final touch of the brush, which jerks the label off the heap, and which is caught in the left hand of the workman, and laid aside. This is done so rapidly, that Strauss and the Germans mean by a Romanticist (RomanIt may not be altogether superfluous to explain what the threefold operation of pasting, jerking, and laying tiker). The Romanticist is one who, in literature, in the aside is repeated no less than two thousand times in an arts, in religion, or in politics, endeavours to revive the hour. The affixing of the labels is a very neat and dex-dead past; one who refuses to accept the fiat of history; terous operation; to the watchful spectator the bottle is refuses to acknowledge that the past is past, that it has scarcely taken up in the hand ere it is set down labelled. In grown old and obsolete; one who regards the present age packing the bottles into casks much neatness is displayed. The heads of certain kinds of pins are formed by a coil duction of some distant age, of which the present is not as in a state of chronic malady, curable only by a reproor two of fine wire placed at one end. This is cut off the child, but the abortion. Poets, who see poetry only in from a long coil fixed in a lathe; the workman cuts off one or two turns of the coil, guided entirely by his eye; and treasures of the deepest wisdom; painters, who can see the Middle Ages, who look upon fairy tales and legends as such is the manual dexterity displayed in the operation, nothing pictorial in the world around them; theologians, that a workman will cut off 20,000 or 30,000 heads without who can see no recognition of the Unspeakable except in making a single mistake as to the number of turns in each. superstition, who acknowledge no form of worship but the An expert workman can fasten on from 10,000 to 15,000 of ceremonies of the early church; politicians, who would these heads in a day. The reader will frequently have seen the papers in which bring back 'merrie England' into our own sad times by means of ancient pastimes and white waistcoats-these pins are stuck for the convenience of sale: children can paper from 30,000 to 40,000 in a day, although each pin dern the name, the Romanticist is not a new phenomenon. are all Romanticists. It is quite clear that, however moinvolves a separate and distinct operation! from our baffling struggle with the Present, dream of a There have ever been-will ever be-men who, escaping splendid Future, where circumstance is plastic to their theories, or turn themselves lovingly towards the Past, in whose darkness they discern some streaks of light, made In stamping the grooves in the heads of needles, the to them the only beacon by which to steer. Antiquity | all the more brilliant from the contrast-this light being operative can finish 8000 needles in an hour, although he had its Utopists and Romanticists, as we have our Humahas to adjust each separate wire at every blow. In punch-nitarians and Puseyites.-Edinburgh Review. ing the eye-holes of needles by hand, children, who are the operators, acquire such dexterity, as to be able to punch one human hair and thread it with another, for the amusement of visitors!

The pointing of pins and needles is done solely by hand. The workman holds thirty or forty pin-lengths in his hand, spread out like a fan; and wonderful dexterity is shown in bringing each part to the stone, and presenting every point of its circumference to its grinding action.

In finally 'papering' needles for sale, the females employed can count and paper 3000 in an hour!



London, which extends its intellectual if not its topographical identity from Bethnal Green to Turnham Green (ten miles), from Kentish Town to Brixton (seven miles), whose houses are said to number upwards of 200,000, and to occupy twenty square miles of ground, has a population of not less than 2,000,000 of souls. Its leviathan body is composed of nearly 10,000 streets, lanes, alleys, squares, places, terraces, &c. It consumes upwards of 4,369,000 pounds of animal food weekly, which is washed down by 1,400,000 barrels of beer annually, exclusive of other liquids. Its rental is at least L.7,000,000 a year, and it pays for luxuries it imports at least L.12,000,000 a year duty alone. It has 537 churches, 207 dissenting places of worship, upwards of 5000 public-houses, and 16 theatres.


The following is an extract from the recent report of Leonard Horner, Esq. inspector of factories:- It has been often said that the attempt to educate the children proposed by the factory acts has been a failure: it is only so when good schools are not within reach; where there are good schools, not only do the parents of children and the owners and managers of factories, with comparatively few exceptions, willingly send them, but the children make good progress: their three hours' daily attendance, from eight-Newspaper paragraph. to thirteen years of age, is found sufficient to give them a very considerable amount of instruction, and I have visited schools where some of the half-time children have been amongst the best scholars. Thus in a late visit to a British School at Lees, near Oldham, established mainly by the exertions of Mr William Halliwell and Mr Atherton, owners of mills there, and admirably taught by an able and zealous master, Mr Atkins, I heard a large class of factory children go through an excellent examination in English history, geography, and on the cotton plant, its properties and applications; the chief monitor and examiner being a factory half-timer of twelve years of age. I found in the same manufacturing town similar proofs of factory children making good progress, in another well-taught school established by the Moravians there, and conducted on the plan of the British School by an intelligent master trained at the Borough Road School.'-Manchester Examiner, June 27, 1848.

He will need much patience, much forbearance, much Christian love, and the charity that 'hopeth all things,' that hopeth when there seems every reason to despair. He must proceed, like the Vicar of Wakefield in his prison, fortified by hope alone. There is always room for hope: the profligate ruffian is often nearest relenting when he seems most brutal; he is then, it may be, only endeavouring to harden himself against what he considers a rising weakness; and a little more perseverance, another word in season, may complete the conquest, in spite of the struggles of his worse nature.-Haygarth's Bush Life.

Published by W. & R. CHAMBERS, High Street, Edinburgh. Also

sold by D. CHAMBERS, 98 Miller Street, Glasgow; W. S. ORR, 147 Strand, London; and J. M'GLASHAN, 21 D'Olier Street, Dublin.-Printed by W. and R. CHAMBERS, Edinburgh.



No. 240. NEW SERIES.


HUMAN HYDROPHOBIA. ONE could almost suppose that hydrophobia, in a certain modified form, was an endemic in human society as well as amongst dogs. The lower portions of the community, in particular, seem to consider themselves as having a prescriptive right to suffer from it. The diagnosis of the malady in the human patient does not point to a catastrophe altogether so abrupt and tragical as in the canine, but it is attended by circumstances quite as sinister. Dirty faces, dirty clothes, dirty houses, dirt all over, are the symptoms which most forcibly arrest attention; and yet bad as these are, we know that there are worse effects underneath the surface, for where physical dirt goes, there also resides moral degradation.

We know no country of Europe where there is so little disposition on the part of the people, as in ours, to give themselves even that exhilarating kind of ablution which is derived from bathing. At the present season, the traveller on the continent finds the rivers alive with swimmers; and we remember, when sailing down the Loire to Nantes, observing the steamer frequently surrounded, more especially when nearing the great manufacturing city, with crowds of black heads and white shoulders. In Russia, where the people have not got beyond the middle ages, the lower classes do not yet know the use of a shirt, but wear it above their trousers in the form of a kilt. They have not, however, abandoned the bath. Towards the end of the week, they feel a prickly and uncomfortable sensation in their skin, and at length rush eagerly into the hot steam, and boiling out the impurities of the preceding six days, begin life again with new vigour. In summer, they do not wait for days and times, but merely get up an hour earlier, and dash into the nearest pond or river. In our refined country, dirt causes no uneasiness. It is allowed to harden upon the skin, choke up the pores, and contaminate the whole being, moral and physical. It blunts the senses to such a degree, that the husband does not detect it in the wife, nor the mother in the child. All are alike. All have forfeited the dignity of human nature, and sunk into a lower scale of animal existence.

PRICE 11d.

canine, although certainly the immediate symptoms are less virulent. It has been implied that the stain of dirt extends from the skin of the individual over his life and conversation. But it does more than that: it contaminates his family; it daubs his neighbours; it forms a nucleus round which impurity gathers, and strengthens, and spreads. Insignificant at first in itself, it becomes a social evil of importance. It is one of the units which gives its character to the aggregate; and, rising out of a thing which at first was only scorned from good taste, shunned from individual repugnance, or laughed at out of sheer folly, we see spreading over the land vice, misery, pestilence, and death. Yet we observe the symptoms of this formidable disease with a glassy and indifferent eye, while those of canine hydrophobia inspire us with horror and alarm, and drive us to dog-murder in self-defence!

The dread of water is seen in the human subject in another form, in which it is attended by a different class of effects-different, but not very unremotely allied to the preceding. Almost everywhere the use of water as a beverage appears to be felt as a sort of original doom, designed as a penalty for the sins of mankind; and everywhere are efforts made to disguise it in some way, so that the patient may believe he is swallowing something else. Much ingenuity has been expended upon this curious process; but in certain conditions of society, it seems to be of little consequence what taste is superadded, or by what means the superaddition is made. The grand thing is transmogrification. Amongst the poorer classes in China, a decoction of cabbage leaves is felt as a relief: amongst the upper, the tincture of the more elegant tea-leaf is employed. In the western world, the refuse of fruit and grain, subjected to fermentation and distilling, is brought into requisition. The Norman converts his good cider into execrable brandy; the other French maltreat their wine in a similar way; in Russia, the sickening quass becomes the maddening votki; in Scotland, honest twopenny is sublimated into whisky; and so on throughout the whole habitable world. That this sort of hydrophobia is merely a modification of the other, is established by the fact, that they who most abhor water as a cleanser, abhor it most as a drink. A cleanly person

While mentioning the custom that prevails in Rus-will frequently condescend to take a draught of pure sia, we are struck with the proof afforded there of the connection between moral and physical cleanliness, The state of the bath-house of the hamlet is an unfailing index to the character and position of the inhabitants. If it is neat and trim, the people are good and happy, and their feudal lord kind and considerate; if poor and ruinous, there is tyranny on the one hand, misery on the other, and depravity on both.

In respect of its contagiousness, or inclination to spread, the human malady seems not a bit behind the

element with his meals; but you never saw a man with a dirty face who would not greatly prefer some poisonous and ill-tasted compound. At the tables of the upper classes you find the water-karaff most in demand; at those of the lower classes the beer-jug. The quality of the beer is of no consequence. We never knew it so freely drank in our own neighbourhood as at a time (some twenty years ago) when the sole effect of the worthy brewer's manufacture was declared to be to spoil the water. Even amongst the abstainers from these

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