Abbildungen der Seite

Ah Madam, this their slauery hath Enforc'd,
And ruthlesse cruelty of Tamburlaine.

Zen. Earth cast vp fountaines from thy entralles,
And wet thy cheeks for their vntimely deathes:
Shake with their waight in signe of feare & griefe:
Blush heauen, that gaue them honor at their birth,
And let them die a death so barbarous..
Those that are proud of fickle Empery,
And place their chiefest good in earthly pompe :
Behold the Turke and his great Emperesse.
Ah Tamburlaine, my loue, sweet Tamburlaine,
That fights for Scepters and for slippery crownes,
Behold the Turk and his great Emperesse,
Thou that in conduct of thy happy stars,
Sleep'st euery night with conquest on thy browes,
And yet wouldst shun the wauering turnes of war.
In feare and feeling of the like distresse,
Behold the Turke and his great Emperesse.

Ah myghty Ioue and holy Mahomet,

Pardon my Loue, oh pardon his contempt,
Of earthly fortune, and respect of pitie,





And let not conquest ruthlesly pursewde

Be equally against his life incenst,

In this great Turk and haplesse Emperesse.


And pardon me that was not moou'd with ruthe,
To see them liue so long in misery:

Ah what may chance to thee Zenocrate?

Anip. Madam content your self and be resolu'd,

Your Loue hath fortune so at his command,
That she shall stay and turne her wheele no more,
As long as life maintaines his mighty arme,
That fights for honor to adorne your head.


Enter a Messenger (Philemus).

Zen. What other heauie news now brings Philemus ? Phi. Madam, your father and th' Arabian king, The first affecter of your excellence,


Comes now as Turnus gainst Eneas did,

Armed with lance into the Egyptian fields,

Ready for battaile gainst my Lord the King.

Zen. Now shame and duty, loue and feare presents 2165 A thousand sorrowes to my martyred soule :

2129 thy] thine 1605

2138 fightst 1605, Dyce etc. warres 1605 2147 respect of] respective conj. Broughton S.D. a Messenger] Philemus Dyce etc.

2142 2158

Whom should I wish the fatall victory,
When my poore pleasures are deuided thus,
And rackt by dutie from my cursed heart:
My father and my first betrothed loue,


Must fight against my life and present loue:

Wherin the change I vse condemns my faith,

And makes my deeds infamous through the world.
But as the Gods to end the Troyans toile,
Preuented Turnus of Lauinia,


[blocks in formation]

Must Tamburlaine by their resistlesse powers,
With vertue of a gentle victorie,


Conclude a league of honor to my hope,

Then as the powers deuine haue preordainde,
With happy safty of my fathers life,

Send like defence of faire Arabia.

They sound to the battaile. And Tamburlaine enioyes the victory, after Arabia enters wounded.

Ar. What cursed power guides the murthering hands,

Of this infamous Tyrants souldiers,


That no escape may saue their enemies :

Nor fortune keep them selues from victory.

Lye down Arabia, wounded to the death,

And let Zenocrates faire eies beholde


That as for her thou bearst these wretched armes,

Euen so for her thou diest in these armes :

Leauing thy blood for witnesse of thy loue.

Zen. Too deare a witnesse for such loue my Lord.

Behold Zenocrate, the cursed obiect


Whose Fortunes neuer mastered her griefs:

Behold her wounded in conceit for thee,

As much as thy faire body is for me.

Ar. Then shal I die with full contented heart,
Hauing beheld deuine Zenocrate,

Whose sight with ioy would take away my life,
As now it bringeth sweetnesse to my wound,
If I had not bin wounded as I am.

Ah that the deadly panges I suffer now,
Would lend an howers license to my tongue :
To make discourse of some sweet accidents

2177 finall] small 1592 2193 thy blood] my blood 1592



Haue chanc'd thy merits in this worthles bondage.
And that I might be priuy to the state,
Of thy deseru'd contentment and thy loue:
But making now a vertue of thy sight,

To driue all sorrow from my fainting soule :
Since Death denies me further cause of ioy,
Depriu'd of care, my heart with comfort dies,
Since thy desired hand shall close mine eies.

Enter Tamburlain leading the Souldane, Techelles,
Theridamas, Vsumcasane, with others.

Tam. Come happy Father of Zenocrate,
A title higher than thy Souldans name :

Though my right hand haue thus enthralled thee

Thy princely daughter here shall set thee free,

She that hath calmde the furie of my sword,



Which had ere this bin bathde in streames of blood, 2220 As vast and deep as Euphrates or Nile.

Zen: O sight thrice welcome to my ioiful soule,

To see the king my Father issue safe,

From dangerous battel of my conquering Loue.
Soul. Wel met my only deare Zenocrate,
Though with the losse of Egypt and my Crown.
Tam. Twas I my lord that gat the victory,
And therfore grieue not at your ouerthrow,
Since I shall render all into your hands,
And ad more strength to your dominions
Than euer yet confirm'd th' Egyptian Crown.
The God of war resignes his roume to me,
Meaning to make me Generall of the world,



Ioue viewing me in armes, lookes pale and wan,

Fearing my power should pull him from his throne.
Where ere I come the fatall sisters sweat,


And griesly death by running to and fro,

To doo their ceassles homag to my sword:

And here in Affrick where it seldom raines,
Since I arriu'd with my triumphant hoste,


Haue swelling cloudes drawen from wide gasping woundes,
Bene oft resolu'd in bloody purple showers,
A meteor that might terrify the earth,
And make it quake at euery drop it drinks:
Millions of soules sit on the bankes of Styx,

2217 haue] hath 1605 gaping Dyce


[blocks in formation]

Waiting the back returne of Charons boat,

Hell and Elisian swarme with ghosts of men,
That I haue sent from sundry foughten fields,

To spread my fame through hell and vp to heauen :
And see my Lord, a sight of strange import,
Emperours and kings lie breathlesse at my feet,
The Turk and his great Emperesse as it seems,
Left to themselues while we were at the fight,
Haue desperatly dispatcht their slauish liues :
With them Arabia too hath left his life,
Al sights of power to grace my victory :
And such are obiects fit for Tamburlaine,
Wherein as in a mirrour may be seene,
His honor, that consists in sheading blood,
When men presume to manage armes with him.

Soul. Mighty hath God & Mahomet made thy hand (Renowmed Tamburlain) to whom all kings

Of force must yeeld their crownes and Emperies,
And I am pleasde with this my ouerthrow

If as beseemes a person of thy state,

Thou hast with honor vsde Ženocrate.





Tamb. Her state and person wants no pomp you see, And for all blot of foule inchastity,

I record heauen, her heauenly selfe is cleare:
Then let me find no further time to grace
Her princely Temples with the Persean crowne:
But here these kings that on my fortunes wait :
And haue bene crown'd for prooued worthynesse,
Euen by this hand that shall establish them,
Shal now, adioining al their hands with mine,
Inuest her here my Queene of Persea.
What saith the noble Souldane and Zenocrate?
Soul. I yeeld with thanks and protestations

Of endlesse honor to thee for her loue.

Tamb. Then doubt I not but faire Zenocrate

Will soone consent to satisfy vs both.

Zen. Els should I much forget my self, my Lord.
Ther. Then let vs set the crowne vpon her head,

That long hath lingred for so high a seat.




Tech. My hand is ready to performe the deed, 2285

For now her mariage time shall worke vs rest.

Vsum. And her's the crown my Lord, help set it on.

2247 Elysium Rob. to Bull.

2280 I not] not I 1605

2276 my] the 1592, Rob., Dyce, Bull. 2282 Els] Then 1592 2287 on om. 1592

Tam. Then sit thou downe diuine Zenocrate,
And here we crowne thee Queene of Persea,
And all the kingdomes and dominions
That late the power of Tamburlaine subdewed:
As Iuno, when the Giants were supprest,
That darted mountaines at her brother Ioue :
So lookes my Loue, shadowing in her browes
Triumphes and Trophees for my victories:
Or as Latonas daughter bent to armes,
Adding more courage to my conquering mind.
To gratify the sweet Zenocrate,
Egyptians, Moores and men of Asia,
From Barbary vnto the Westerne Indie,
Shall pay a yearly tribute to thy Syre.




And from the boundes of Affrick to the banks
Of Ganges, shall his mighty arme extend.

And now my Lords and louing followers,

That purchac'd kingdomes by your ma(r)tiall deeds, 2305
Cast off your armor, put on scarlet roabes.
Mount vp your royall places of estate,
Enuironed with troopes of noble men,

And there make lawes to rule your prouinces :
Hang vp your weapons on Alcides poste,

For Tamburlaine takes truce with al the world.
Thy first betrothed Loue, Arabia,


Shall we with honor (as beseemes) entombe,
With this great Turke and his faire Emperesse:
Then after all these solemne Exequies,
We wil our rites of mariage solemnize.

Finis Actus quinti & vltimi huius primae partis.

2298 the] thee Dyce' 2313 as] as best 1592 brated rites 1590-1605, Rob.


2310 poste] posts Dyce, Cunn., Wag. 2316 rites conj. Mitford, Dyce etc.: cele

+ Finis.. partis] Finis 1605

v. ii. 2288-2316

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