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Printed by P. Short, and are to be fold by Walter Burre at the Signe of the Flower de Luce in

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Blount: I purpose to be blunt with you, & out of my dulnesse to encounter you with a Dedication in the memory of that pure Elementall wit Chr. Marlow; whose ghoast or Genius is to be seene walke the Churchyard in (at the least) three or foure sheets. Me thinks you should presently looke wilde now, and 5 growe humorously frantique vpon the tast of it. Well, least you should, let me tell you. This spirit was sometime a familiar of your own, Lucans first booke translated; which (in regard of your old right in it) I haue rais'd in the circle of your Patronage. But stay now Edward (if I mistake not) 10 you are to accommodate your selfe with some fewe instructions, touching the property of a Patron, that you are not yet possest of; and to study them for your better grace as our Gallants do fashions. First you must be proud and thinke you haue merit inough in you, though you are ne're so emptie; then 15 when I bring you the booke take physicke, and keepe state, assigne me a time by your man to come againe, and afore the day be sure to haue chang'd your lodging; in the meane time sleepe little, and sweat with the inuention of some pittiful dry iest or two which you may happen to vtter, with some litle (or 20 not at al) marking of your friends when you haue found a place for them to come in at; or if by chance something has dropt from you worth the taking up weary all that come to you with the often repetition of it; Censure scornefully inough, and somewhat like a trauailer; commend nothing least you 25 discredit your (that which you would seeme to haue) iudgement. These things if you can mould your selfe to them Ned I make no question but they will not become you. One speciall vertue in our Patrons of these daies I haue promist my selfe you shall fit excellently, which is to giue nothing; Yes, thy loue I 30 will challenge as my peculiar Obiect both in this, and (I hope) manie more succeeding offices: Farewell, I affect not the world should measure my thoughts to thee by a scale of this Nature: Leaue to thinke good of me when I fall from thee.

Thine in all rites of perfect friendship, 35





Wars worse then ciuill on Thessalian playnes,
And outrage strangling law & people strong,

We sing, whose conquering swords their own breasts launcht,


Armies alied, the kingdoms league vprooted,
Th'affrighted worlds force bent on publique spoile,
Trumpets, and drums like deadly threatning other,
Eagles alike displaide, darts answering darts.
Romans, what madnes, what huge lust of warre
Hath made Barbarians drunke with Latin bloud?
Now Babilon, (proud through our spoile) should stoop, 10
While slaughtred Crassus ghost walks vnreueng'd,

Will ye wadge war, for which you shall not triumph?
Ay me, O what a world of land and sea

Might they haue won whom ciuil broiles haue slaine!
As far as Titan springs where night dims heauen,
I to the Torrid Zone where midday burnes,
And where stiffe winter whom no spring resolues,
Fetters the Euxin sea with chaines of yce:
Scythia and wilde Armenia had bin yoakt,
And they of Nilus mouth (if there liue any.)
Roome, if thou take delight in impious warre,
First conquer all the earth, then turne thy force
Against thy selfe as yet thou wants not foes.
That now the walles of houses halfe rear'd totter,
That rampiers fallen down, huge heapes of stone
Lye in our townes, that houses are abandon'd,
And few liue that behold their ancient seats;
Italy many yeares hath lyen vntil'd,

3 launcht] lanc'd Dyce




20 mouth] Qy. 'source' or 'fount'?

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