The Works

OUP Oxford, 1910 - 664 Seiten
For this edition the originals have been carefully recollated, and all doubtful places checked. Some eccentricities of typography have been normalized; but the spelling and punctuation of the first editions are substantially preserved. The textual notes give in a condensed form all variants of any importance. Each work is preceded by a brief critical introduction. -- From publisher's description.

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Seite 572 - Woods, or steepie mountaine yeeldes. And wee will sit vpon the Rocks, Seeing the Sheepheards feede theyr flocks By shallow Riuers, to whose falls Melodious byrds sings Madrigalls. And I will make thee beds of Roses, And a thousand fragrant poesies, A cap of flowers, and a kirtle, Imbroydred all with leaues of
Seite 516 - will in vs is ouer-rul'd by fate. -— When two are stript long ere the course begin, We wish that one should loose, the other win ; And one especiallie doe we affect Of two gold Ingots like in each respect. The reason no man knowes, let it suffise, What we behold is censur'd by our eies.
Seite 169 - Fau. How comes it then that thou art out of hel ? Me. Why this is hel, nor am I out of it : Thinkst thou that I who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal ioyes of heauen, Am not tormented with ten thousand hels,
Seite 572 - A gowne made of the finest wooll, Which from our pretty Lambes we pull, Fayre lined slippers for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold. A belt of straw and
Seite 205 - yea all the world, for which Faustus hath lost both Germany, and the world, yea heauen it selfe, heauen the seate of God, the throne of the blessed, the kingdome of ioy, and must remaine in hel for euer, hel, ah hel for euer, sweete friends, what shall become of Faustus, being in hel for euer
Seite 387 - As with the wings of rancor and disdaine, Full often am I sowring vp to heauen, To plaine me to the gods against them both : But when I call to minde I am a king, Me thinkes I should reuenge me of the wronges, That Mortimer and Isabell haue done.
Seite 193 - they say thou hast a familiar spirit, by whome thou canst accomplish what thou list : this therefore is my request, that thou let me see some proofe of thy skil, that mine eies may be witnesses to confirme what mine eares haue heard reported, and here I sweare to thee, by the honor of mine Imperial
Seite 402 - Something still busseth in mine eares, And tels me, if I sleepe I neuer wake, This feare is that which makes me tremble thus, And therefore tell me, wherefore art thou come ? Light. To rid thee of thy life.
Seite 207 - Where is it now ? tis gone : And see where God Stretcheth out his arme, and bends his irefull browes : Mountaines and hilles, come, come, and fall on me, , And hide me from the heauy wrath of God. No, no. 1440
Seite 166 - Yes sir, I will tell you, yet if you were not dunces you would neuer aske me such a question, for is not he corpus naturale, and is not that mobile ? then wherefore should you aske me such a question ? but that I am by nature flegmaticke, slowe to wrath, and prone to leachery (to loue I

Autoren-Profil (1910)

Christopher Marlowe was born in Canterbury, England on February 6, 1564. He received a B.A. in 1584 and an M.A. in 1587 from Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. His original plans for a religious career were put aside when he decided to become a poet and playwright. His earliest work was translating Lucan and Ovid from Latin into English. He translated Vergil's Aeneid as a play. His plays included Tamburlaine the Great, Faustus, The Jew of Malta, and Dido, Queen of Carthage. His unfinished poem Hero and Leander was published in 1598. In 1589, he and a friend killed a man, but were acquitted on a plea of self-defense. His political views were unorthodox, and he was thought to be a government secret agent. He was arrested in May 1593 on a charge of atheism. He was killed in a brawl in a Deptford tavern on May 30, 1593.

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