MILITARY PROCUREMENT, RESEARCH HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES NINETY-THIRD CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON S. 1263 TO AUTHORIZE APPROPRIATIONS DURING THE FISCAL YEAR PART 1 MARCH 28, 29; APRIL 2, 1973 Printed for the use of the Committee on Armed Services 91-813 Ο U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1973 COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES JOHN C. STENNIS, Mississippi, Chairman STUART SYMINGTON, Missouri HENRY M. JACKSON, Washington HARRY F. BYRD, Jr., Virginia HAROLD E. HUGHES, Iowa SAM NUNN, Georgia STROM THURMOND, South Carolina JOHN TOWER, Texas PETER H. DOMINICK, Colorado WILLIAM L. SCOTT, Virginia T. EDWARD BRASWELL, Jr., Chief Counsel and Staff Director JOHN T. TICER, Chief Clerk (II) MILITARY PROCUREMENT, FISCAL YEAR 1974 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1973 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:30 p.m., in room 212, the Richard B. Russell Senate Office Building, Hon. Stuart Symington (acting chairman.) Present: Senators Symington (presiding), McIntyre, Byrd, Jr., of Virginia, Nunn, Thurmond, Tower, Dominick, Saxbe, and Scott of Virginia. Also present: T. Edward Braswell, Jr., chief counsel and staff director; John T. Ticer, chief clerk; R. James Woolsey, general counsel; Charles J. Conneely, Charles Cromwell, Hyman Fine, George H. Foster, Jr., Labre R. Garcia, John A. Goldsmith, Edward B. Kenney, Don L. Lynch, Gordon A. Nease, and Robert Q. Old, professional staff members; Nancy J. Bearg, research assistant; Christine E. Cowart, clerical assistant; and Ben J. Gilleas, director of investigations, Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE [S. 1263 follows.] [S. 1263, 93d Congress 1st session] A BILL To authorize appropriations during the fiscal year 1974 for procurement of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, torpedoes, and other weapons, and research, development, test and evaluation for the Armed Forces, and to prescribe the authorized personnel strength for each active duty component and of the Selected Reserve of each Reserve component of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, TITIE I-PROCUREMENT SEC. 101. Funds are hereby authorized to be appropriated during the fiscal year 1974 for the use of the Armed Forces of the United States for procurement of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat vehicles, torpedoes, and other weapons as authorized by law, in amounts as follows: AIRCRAFT For aircraft: for the Army, $181,000,000; for the Navy and the Marine Corps. $2,958,300,000; for the Air Force, $2,912,800,000. MISSILES For missiles: for the Army, $599,900,000; for the Navy, $680,200,000; for the Marine Corps, $32,300,000; for the Air Force, $1,573,200,000. NAVAL VESSELS For naval vessels: for the Navy, $3,901,800,000. |