Sec. Cap. There was a fourth man, in a silly habit, That gave the affront with them. So 'tis reported : But none of 'em can be found. Stand! who's there? Post. A Roman, Who had not now been drooping here, if seconds 90 Had answer'd him. Sec. Cap. Lay hands on him; a dog! A leg of Rome shall not return to tell What crows have peck'd them here. He brags his service As if he were of note: bring him to the king. Enter CYMBELINE, BELARIUS, GUIDERIUS, ARVIRAGUS, PISANIO, Soldiers, Attendants, and Roman Captives. The Captains present PostHUMUS to Cymbeline, who delivers him over to a Gaoler: then exeunt omnes. SCENE IV. A British prison. Enter POSTHumus and two Gaolers First Gaol. You shall not now be stol'n, you So graze as you find pasture. Ay, or a stomach. Post. Most welcome, bondage! for thou art a way, I think, to liberty: yet am I better 86. silly, simple, mean. 90. if seconds had answer'd him, if he had been followed up as boldly as he led. 1. locks, (with a quibble) those attaching the feet of horses turned loose in pasture. Than one that's sick o' the gout; since he had rather Groan so in perpetuity than be cured To unbar these locks. My conscience, thou art fetter'd More than my shanks and wrists: you good gods, give me The penitent instrument to pick that bolt, Then, free for ever! Is 't enough I am sorry? Desired more than constrain'd: to satisfy, 10. The penitent instrument to pick that bolt, the means of freeing his conscience, by atonement, from the yoke of guilt. 15. to satisfy, to make atonement for his guilt (as distinguished from merely repenting it). 16, 17. If such atonement is the condition of my regaining freedom of conscience, then be so merciful as to let me make it by giving all I have, i.e. my life. No stricter render than my all has caused difficulty; but for Posthumus it would have been harder to 'repent' in gyves than to 'satisfy' by death. 21. their abatement, the proportion of the debt which they do not take. 24. 'Tween man and man, etc., in common traffic not every coin is weighed. 26. You rather mine, being yours, you may the rather accept my life since you 'coin'd it' yourselves. If you will take this audit, take this life, [Sleeps. Solemn music. Enter, as in an apparition, SICILIUS LEONATUS, father to Posthumus, an old man, attired like a warrior; leading in his hand an ancient matron, his wife, and mother to Posthumus, with music before them : then, after other music, follow the two young LEONATI, brothers to Posthumus, with wounds as they died in the wars. They circle Post HUMUS round, as he lies sleeping. Sici. No more, thou thunder-master, show With Mars fall out, with Juno chide, Rates and revenges. Hath my poor boy done aught but well, I died whilst in the womb he stay'd Attending nature's law : Whose father then, as men report Thou orphans' father art, Moth. Lucina lent not me her aid, 30 40 27. take this audit, accept this statement of accounts. 28. cancel these cold bonds, the fetters about his conscience. 43. Lucina, the goddess of childbirth. Sici. Great nature, like his ancestry, That he deserved the praise o' the world, First Bro. When once he was mature for man, In Britain where was he That could stand up his parallel ; Or fruitful object be In eye of Imogen, that best Could deem his dignity? Moth. With marriage wherefore was he mock'd, To be exiled, and thrown From Leonati seat, and cast From her his dearest one, Sici. Why did you suffer Iachimo, To taint his nobler heart and brain And to become the geck and scorn Sec. Bro. For this from stiller seats we came, Fell bravely and were slain, First Bro. Like hardiment Posthumus hath The graces for his merits due, 50 60 70 80 67. geck, gull, dupe. 75. hardiment, bravery. Sici. Thy crystal window ope; look out; No longer exercise Upon a valiant race thy harsh Moth. Since, Jupiter, our son is good, Sici. Peep through thy marble mansion; help; Or we poor ghosts will cry Against thy deity. Both Bro. Help, Jupiter; or we appeal, JUPITER descends in thunder and lightning, sitting upon an eagle: he throws a thunderbolt. The Ghosts fall on their knees. Jup. No more, you petty spirits of region low, Accuse the thunderer, whose bolt, you know, No care of yours it is; you know 'tis ours. Our temple was he married. Rise, and fade. And happier much by his affliction made. 102. delighted, delightful. 90 100 |