Thou art too slow to do thy master's bidding, When I desire it too. O gracious lady, Since I received command to do this business I have not slept one wink. Do 't, and to bed then. Pis. I'll wake mine eye-balls blind first. Wherefore then Didst undertake it? Why hast thou abused Pis. But to win time To lose so bad employment; in the which Hear me with patience. Imo. Talk thy tongue weary; speak: I have heard I am a strumpet; and mine ear, Nor tent to bottom that. But speak. Pis. Then, madam, I thought you would not back again. Bringing me here to kill me. But if I were as wise as honest, Most like; Not so, neither : 100 110 120 ib. blind. This was supplied by Hanmer, Ff, by an evident error, reading: 'I'll wake mine eyeballs first.' John son proposed out; but this is less suitable to the rhythm. ΙΙΙ. be unbent, stand with unbent bow. Some villain, ay, and singular in his art, Imo. Some Roman courtezan. Pis. No, on my life. I'll give but notice you are dead and send him And that will well confirm it. Imo. Why, good fellow, What shall I do the while? where bide? how live? Or in my life what comfort, when I am Dead to my husband? Pis. If you 'll back to the court Imo. No court, no father; nor no more ado Hath Britain all the sun that shines? Day, night, 130 Are they not but in Britain? I' the world's volume 140 Our Britain seems as of it, but not in 't; In a great pool a swan's nest: prithee, think There's livers out of Britain. Pis. I am most glad You think of other place. The ambassador, 135. harsh, rude. ib. noble, ironically said of Cloten's high birth in contrast with his rudeness and simplicity. 147. Dark as your fortune, suitable to one of obscure sta tion. 148. That which can only appear itself to your own peril (viz. your rank and sex). But by self-danger, you should tread a course Imo. O, for such means! Though peril to my modesty, not death on 't, I would adventure. Pis. Well, then, here's the point: You must forget to be a woman; change You made great Juno angry. Imo. Nay, be brief: I see into thy end, and am almost A man already. Pis. 150 160 First, make yourself but like one. 170 Fore-thinking this, I have already fit 'Tis in my cloak-bag-doublet, hat, hose, all That answer to them: would you in their serving, 150. Pret'y and full of view, seemly, and with full opportunity of observation. 160. it, its. 162. quarrelous as the weasel; the weasel was proverbial for its spleen. ably, 'this too hard heart of mine which makes such a proposal.' 166. common-kissing Titan, the sun, which shines on all alike. 167. laboursome... trims 164. the harder heart; prob- elaborate personal adornments. And with what imitation you can borrow Wherein you 're happy,----which you'll make him know, If that his head have ear in music,doubtless able And doubling that, most holy. Your means abroad, You have me, rich; and I will never fail Beginning nor supplyment. Imo. Thou art all the comfort The gods will diet me with. Prithee, away : A prince's courage. Away, I prithee. Pis. Well, madam, we must take a short farewell, Lest, being miss'd, I be suspected of 180 Your carriage from the court. My noble mistress, 190 Imo. Amen: I thank thee. May the gods [Exeunt, severally. 177. happy, skilled. ib. which you'll make him know; Hanmer's emendation of Ff which will make him know.' 179. embrace, welcome. for your support in your wan- 184. even all that good time will give us, be even with, make the most of, our opportunities. 186. I am soldier to, I enter upon with a soldier's resolution. 190. carriage, conveyance. SCENE V. A room in Cymbeline's palace. Enter CYMBELINE, QUEEN, CLOTEN, LUCIUS, Cym. Thus far; and so farewell. Thanks, royal sir. My emperor hath wrote, I must from hence; And am right sorry that I must report ye My master's enemy. Cym. Our subjects, sir, Will not endure his yoke; and for ourself Appear unkinglike. Luc. So, sir: I desire of you A conduct over-land to Milford-Haven. Madam, all joy befal your grace ! Queen. And you ! Cym. My lords, you are appointed for that office; The due of honour in no point omit. So farewell, noble Lucius. Luc. Your hand, my lord. Clo. Receive it friendly; but from this time forth I wear it as your enemy. Sir, the event Is yet to name the winner: fare you well. Cym. Leave not the worthy Lucius, good my Till he have cross'd the Severn. Happiness! Queen. He goes hence frowning: but it honours us That we have given him cause. 10 |