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think I had had Mr. Sanderson to make some cider for me, and the purpose for which I went there was to see whether he had it made or was going to make it; it was a rainy day, and there was a man in the cidermill there talking with him.

Q. At work?-A. No, not at work; he was talking with him. Within a few days I saw by the journal that he was chopping some wood. Well, I understood that he was chopping some wood, but how much Mr. Sanderson gave him to chop or how much he did chop I didn't know.

Q. In this conversation, didn't you understand as between Butler and Talbot how Mr. Sanderson was ?-A. Mr. Sanderson, in his talk, spoke about who he was going to vote for and about Mr. Butler, and I think he made the remark that all or nearly all north of the common in Gardner would vote for Mr. Butler, when Mr. Kemp asked him for whom he was going to vote, and Mr. Sanderson answered him by saying that he should vote for the man whom he thought when the time came it was right to vote for.

Q. At that time, was not Mr. Sanderson understood to be a Butler man?-A. I rather mistrusted it, but I didn't ask him.

Q. Just before the election, did he not turn around the other way; was be not almost as suddenly converted as was Saint Paul ?—A. I don't remember how suddenly.

Q. Do you not remember about a very sudden couvertion taking place -A. It was said that——

Q. (By the CHAIRMAN:) He talked for Butler and voted for Talbot; was that what was said ?—A. I guess that's what the people said.

said so and so.


Q. What were your politics and those of the other members of the board-A. Mine are Republican.


Q. How is it with the other members?-A. One of them, I think, is Republican; the other, I have understood, is a Democrat.

Q. You understand that the other is a Democrat?-A. He and I never had any talk so that I could tell.

Q. He is a Democrat who keeps pretty shady; is that it ?—A. I never was smart enough to find it out.

Mr. MCDONALD. Then he cannot be much of a Democrat.

ALBERT SANDERSON sworn aud examined.


Question. You live in Gardner and are the Albert Sanderson spoken of in this testimony-Answer. Yes, sir.

Q. Listen to that which I now read to you [reading]:

"EDITOR OF THE NEWS: In reading the Boston Globe of January 6, I find I am represented as a bulldozed man of Gardner, and one of the cases to be presented before the Blaine committee. In justice to the board of overseers of the poor and myself, I will say that they did not by word or act attempt to bulldoze me, neither did any one else. The board did not meet at the town farm November 2, and I do not know what the political sentiments of all the board are. I contributed to the Butler fund in this way: A friend came to the farm and gave me a Boston Globe, and told me that E. D. Howe was having seventy-five dailies sent to him. He said I could have a copy if I would call at Mr. Howe's office. I called and made my errand known to E. D. Howe, and he told me I could have a copy, and then he asked me to help pay for them. I asked him how much he wanted me to pay, and he said one dollar. I gave him fifty This is the history of my contribution to the Butler campaign fund. I did


talk Butler, and thought some of voting for him, but being a hard-money man, and rioting and mob law were so prominent among General Butler's followers, that I became disgusted and made up my mind to vote the Republican ticket, as I always have.

"Yours respectfully, ALBERT SANDERSON."

Did you make or authorize that statement to be made?—A. I wrote it.

Q. That is all true, is it?-A. It is all true.


Q. When was there a meeting of the board of overseers at the town farm?-A. The law of the town authorizes the board to meet on ce in three months. I think it commences on the last Saturday of May and runs right along.

Q. What commences in May; their meeting-A. Yes; and it runs right along for three months. On the 2d of November I went away, taking the first train, which left at half past six, I think; was gone all day, and did not get back to Gardner until some time in the evening. The board were accused (as stated in the paper) of meeting there on that day and bulldozing me, but they did not meet.

Q. They met there in the last week of May and continued for the following three months, June, July, and August. Then when was their next meeting?—A. I can't say positively just now whether there was any in December or January.

Q. How long was their meeting the second time they met; was it three months again?—A. Yes, sir.

Q. They have three meetings in the year?-A. Four meetings.
Q. They meet quarterly ?-A. Yes, sir.

Q. Then one quarterly meeting may run on until the beginning of the next? A. Yes, sir.

Q. So that really they might have a meeting all the year round ?—A. They begin once in three months.

Q. They begin once in three months and the session may run until the beginning of the next session. So that they may have been in session any time in October or the fore part of November?-A. Whenever the three months came around they would meet. They used to meet down town to transact business, and didn't meet at the farm only once in awhile.

Q. But they might have been in session at any time in October or November?-A. I don't fully comprehend what you mean; whether you mean that they were to meet once in three months from the time they met last.

Q. They may hold a session at any time they please during the three months? Supposing that they had met on the first day; would they not meet again before the three months expired?-A. The rules required that they all three should meet once in every three months.

Q. I ask whether, in effect, one term continues until the beginning of the next term?-A. If they should meet on the last Saturday in May, it would run three months from that time until they would meet again. Q. Might they not meet at any time in the three months again ?-A. They could if they chose.

Q. Was there anything to prohibit it?-A. I don't know that they could draw any pay for it, if they did.

Q. They might be patriotic men and do it for nothing. When did they meet?-A. I think it was on the last Saturday in May.

Q. Then they met again on the last Saturday in August, according to

the regular term, and could meet any time in September, October, or November?-A. If they chose to.

Q. When was it that you became a subscriber in this way for the Globe, or paid fifty cents?-A. I think it was some time in October. Q. You had attended political meetings before that time, had you not?-A. Yes, sir; I used to be on the town committee.

Q. You went out with a team to a Butler meeting and took persons out in the team ?-A. I met E. D. Howe, the chairman of the Butler club, who asked me if I wouldn't go up to East Templeton to hear such a person, I forget his name, speak. I didn't know how to go, but I thought I would oblige him, and went up to accommodate him. Leander Lynde and E. D. Howe's father went along.

Q. You took them up in the wagon with you?-A. Yes, sir. I didn't fully understand General Butler's views in regard to money matters and I wanted to hear him.

Q. Did you tell E. D. Howe or Leander Lynde that you were going to vote for Butler -A. I never told E. D. Howe or Leander Lynde that I was going to vote for General Butler. I didn't know but that I bad a right to vote for him, but I had not fully decided.

Q. You were at that time regarded as a pretty ardent Butler man, weren't you?-A. Well, E. D. Howe and Leander Lynde say so. If you want to know about it, go up and inquire.

Q. They say so, and all that you say from that is that you had not told any living man how you were going to vote?—A. I say that—[referring to the newspaper article.]

Q. Can you not answer directly?

Mr. BLAIR. No, let the witness proceed. Let him speak from his own recollection.

Mr. McDONALD. But I do not want him to speak from that paper. The WITNESS. I have talked up General Butler's good qualities. I have said that I thought he would make a good executive officer, but, on account of his money views, and on account of the uncertainty of his course, I felt that I didn't want to vote for him. I had always voted the Republican ticket, but I was in doubt and wanted some change and therefore I talked up General Butler's good qualities, and I talked up Talbot's; and, two years before, when I was a delegate to the State convention, Í would have been very glad if he had been brought up.


Q. You are not answering my question but making a stump speech ; I asked you if you had not been understood, up to that time when you went to this meeting, as being a Butler man?—A. I don't know but that I bad talked as much in favor of Mr. Talbot as I had for General Butler; I hadn't come to any decision; I admit that I didn't know for whom I was going to vote.

Q. Do you think that that is an answer to my question ?—A. I think it is.

Q. I ask you if it had not been generally understood, up to the time when you went to this meeting, taking along with you these voters in the team from the poor farm, that you were a Butler man?-A. No, sir'; I don't think it was.

Now I ask you at what time you made it known in that vicinity that you were not going to vote for Butler?-A. I didn't consider that it was anybody's business how I voted; I can't positively say when it was, but it was a short time before the election.

Q. Just before the election ?—A. Just before the election, and E. D.

Howe and Leander Lynde appeared to be very mad when I told them I was not going to vote for General Butler.

Q. You say that Mr. Howe appeared to be very mad when you told him that?-Q. He seemed so to me.

Q. And very much surprised?-A I don't know as to that; they wanted to get all the votes they could, and worked night and day for him; true, sir; I was ashamed of my company.

Q. Don't you think that that sentiment was reciprocated to some extent?-A. Very true; if it was I am glad of it.


Q. Mr. Kemp testifies here that, in a certain conversation at which Mr. Whitney was present, Sanderson charged him (Kemp) with being a Butler man, and that he retorted the same charge upon him; that is, that he told you you were a Butler man; then Kemp went on to state the result of this conversation, that Sanderson was provoked and discharged him (Kemp) because he had spoken as he had before Mr. Whitney; that is, that he had called you a Butler man before Mr. Whitney; what is the fact in regard to that?—A. I hired him to chop four cords of wood, and I thought that he had got it chopped, and that is the beginning and end of the whole thing; he might have said something before Mr. Whitney and I might have answered pretty short; he is a fellow who hasn't any character, nor anything; I don't think that if you had known him you would have summoned him down here for anything.

Q. Then all that he was to do was to cut four cords of wood, and that is all there was to it?-A. That is all that there was to it; I want to tell you what I believe is the cause of this whole bulldozing business. At the time when Mr. Ivers Whitney, another man, and I were the overseers, we had a lawsuit with E. D. Howe on behalf of the town, in which Mr. Howe was defeated; he was very angry about it, and at every opportunity he has had to injure Mr. Whitney he has done it; I think that that is what started it, and also because I didn't vote for Butler; I think that that is the sum and substance of the whole thing. Q. You do not think that it has hurt you any, do you ?--A. No, sir.


Q. You say that Mr. Kemp might have twitted you with being a But ler man in the presence of Whitney, and that you might have said something back to him?-A. Yes, sir.

Q. You didn't like to be twitted with being a Butler man in the presence of Whitney, did you ?-A. I didn't care one way or the other. He is a fellow whom I don't respect. I think he was very much under the influence of Democratic whisky.

Q. But you didn't like the idea of being twitted in the presence of Whitney about your politics?—A. Not by a man that I thought of as I did of him.

Q. (By the CHAIRMAN.) You hired him to do that work?—A. I hired him to cut four cords of wood.


Q. You frequently employed him to repair barns and in such work as that?-A. No; I was living on the farm going on six years. I employed him one day. I am agent of the roads.

Q. Did you have any Democratic whiskey there for him?-A. No, sir; it is strictly forbidden to use any ardent spirits there without doc tor's orders.

JOHN C. BRYANT Sworn and examined.


Question. You reside in Gardner?-Answer. I do.

Q. Are you chairman of the Republican club of that town?-A. I am. Q. You were such last year?-A. I was.

Q. A witness, one Leander C. Lynde, has testified [reading]

that John C. Bryant, a tub and pail manufacturer there, a Republican, who employs some twenty men, had said to witness on election day that he had better stop working for Butler, for if Butler was elected he (Bryant) would close his works and discharge his men.

Is that true?—A. No, sir.

Q. Do you know Warren Newell?-A. I do not.

Q. Then of course Warren Newell was in no way authorized to represent or act for the Republican party at that election in Gardner ?— A. No, sir; he is not a voter in the town of Gardner.

Q. Do you know any such man ?—A. I do not. I heard that there was such a man who worked for a carpenter some two or three months. Q. Do you know where he was from ?— A. I do not.

Q. Or where he has gone ?-A. I do not.

Q. Do you know anything about him?-A. No, sir.

Q. Do you know this man Jonathan A. Perham ?-A. I do not. I know nothing about him.


Q. You say that you did learn that there was such a man as Newell who had been there along last fall?—A. I have heard so.

Q. What was his vocation?-A. I understood that he was a carpen


Q. You were chairman of the Republican central committee there ?— A. Of the town committee.

Q. You were very earnestly opposed to the election of General Butler -A. I was.

Q. Didn't you think that his election would be very injurious to your business?-A. No, sir; I didn't fear the man.

Q. You thought that the country would go along just as prosperously if he was elected as it would if he was not?-A. I had the idea that it would, but I did say to Mr. Lynde that if the principles he advocated prevailed throughout the country, I should close my business.

Q. You did come that near to saying it ?-A. Yes, sir.

THOMAS SULLIVAN sworn and examined.


Question. Where do you live?-Answer. At Chelsea.

Q. How long have you lived there ?-A. Ten years.

Q. For whom have you been working?-A. For the Boston Elastic Fabric Company.

Q. What is your position in their employ ?—A. Making tubing, springs, and so forth.

Q. Have you charge of any of the help?-A. No, sir.

Q. How long have you worked for them?-A. Somewhere about nine years.

Q. Who was Mr. McBirney ?-A. He was the president of the company.

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