Abbildungen der Seite

Contra epist. Fund.

cap. 5.

Tertul. de
Carne Ch.,

De Spiritu
cap. 27.
Trac. 118,
10, et Sermo

de Spiritu 9.
Trip. Hist.
li. 6, ca. 1.

Godis Kirk to appreue the veritie thairof, as St. Augustine dois planelie in the samin mater, quhy resaue ye nocht the vniuersal interpretatioun of the said Kirk sen Christis ascensioun, in all materis of controuersie and ordour, to be obseruit in vnitie and peace?

70. My copie heir wantis ane quæstioun in this place. anentis the signe of the croce, quhilk the Reidar may haif in the writtin copiis at hem.

[70. Of the signe of the croce.


Be redand the awld ancient writtaris not that amangis all the traditionis unvretin the maist comone is the sign 10 of the croce and freqvent vse thairoff, as witnessis Tertullian and Basil the Grece, swa that Sanct Augustine affirmis in sindrie places that na sacrament is dewlie ministrat without the said sign. Quhy use ze nocht the samyn signe in zour sacramentis, bot erar techis the same 15 to be superstitioune or kynd of wichecraft? Knaw ze nocht the historie of the apostate Juliane the empriour, quha, eftir that he had renuncit his faythe be ane terribill cumpany of dewlis hastalie apperand to him, wes gretumlie effrayit-quha in the meintyme, for the 20 frequent and accustomit use quhilk he had with wther Christianis afoir to signe him with the croce, usit the same at that tyme, and swa wes delywerit of ferther terrour-will ze hawe ws wngodliar in that parte nor the said apostatat Juliane ?]1

1 MS. page 62, has singe and sing. In Bishop Keith's reprint, Hist. of the Affairs, &c., Spottiswoode Soc. Edit., vol. iii. p. 491, the following note is appended: 'There is a correction appointed by the author to be taken in somewhere following the note pertaining to the margin of question 65; but because the particular place is not distinctly marked, it was thought proper to insert it here-viz.: For, fra the confortable Signe of the Croce contenit in the vi Questioun following, thai abhorre na les than dois the auld Serpent, and his poysonit Kenling Juliane the Apostate did.'"


71. Of quhat traditionis we speik.


Tim. 6. Depositum

it is writtin,


We speikand of traditionis meanis nocht to compell ony man to resaue ony thing contrare the Scriptuiris, nor zit thai ritis1 vseit in diueris Kirkis, albeit 2 aggreing with the Scriptuir, fer less, heirfor, superstitioun, or ony 5 abuissis onyways croppin in religioun; bot meanis be traditiounis the trew vnderstanding of the Word of Note diligentlie, God, and thai thingis vniuersalie taucht and obseruit Christiane Reidar. be all Catholikis sen the days of the Apostolis. Bot giue ze appreue nocht the samin with ws, bot inuentis Io a new sense thairof contrare the former mynd of our fatheris, and studijs siklyke to abrogat and abolise the vniforme ordour in religioun, als weill of the sacramentis as of wthir godly ritis, albeit maist cleirly aggreing with the Haly Scripturis, and specialie thais vniuersalie ob15 seruit be all Catholikis to this our aige-quhow can ze excuiss zour selfis of the impietie of schisme 5 and diuisioun, and fra manifest defectioun fra the Kirk of God, and nocht to be the werray Sones of the Antichrist, sawand schisme and diuisioun in Godis Kirk, and con20 trare the manifest Scriptuir and promiss of our Saluiour, denyand euir to hef bene an haly Kirk afoir zow? And gif ze præfer zour awin witt and iugement to all wtheris (quhilk God forbid), seikand thairby a glorious titill by the gloir of God, quha promittit to send His prophetis, 25 doctouris, and euangelistis to the consummatioun of His sanctis, quhow sall ze nocht iustlie be reputit (quhilk gratious God in zow mot stay) the childering of arrogance and the warray Sones of Belial?

72. Of the inuisible Kirk.

Gif ze appreue na Kirk to the quhilk ze may assent 30 except an imaginat inuisible Kirk (quhilk ze hef begit?

1 MS. retis.
2 MS. page 63..

3 MS. vthirvayis.

4 MS. quhill.

5 MS. schame.

6 MS. of the In-; rest


7 MS. beggit.

Note for

the luue of
Christe the
Auctour of
Mat. 18.

1 Tim. 3.

Matth. 13.

I Cor. 10.

Ephes. 5.

I Pet. 3.

Rom. 13. Deut. 17. Note.

fra Luther) quhilk wantis eris1 to heir, quhow sall ze
schaw zour compliance2 to the Kirk, conforme to our
Saluiour command? And gif it wantis toungis to speik
and handis to writt3 (as it man want of necessitie, gif it
be inuisible), quhow can it be, as St. Paull techis it to be, 5
the pillar and firmament of veritie ?4 Albeit the elect of
God ar knawin to Him only; zit quhow can thai be
inuisible to men, sen it behuifis thame to be techit be
men, resaue the sacramentis be men, or wthirways
quhou can thai be of Godis Kirk? Quhy inuent ze sik 10
a terme as inuisible, nothir expressit in Scriptuir nor
resauit be aunciant Fatheris, and settis the samin furth
as an article of zour beleif? Will ze nocht confes that
in the Kirk of God ar bayth guid and euill, expressit in
the Euangell, be the similitude of quheit and fitcheis, 15
guid fischis and euill in ane nett, sua that the guid in
the battell throw tentatioun may fall, and the euil throw
trew pennance may ryse agane to grace? Or quhiddir
imaginat ze zour Kirk to be inuisible, to mair esalie
persuade thairthrow an vnitie in all godliness? Or (as 20
mony supponis) to the end that ze and zour priuat
opinioun be nocht iugeit be men of superiour poueris?
Gif ze persuade ony godlines or vnitie thairby, be quhat
meanis or maner we pray zow? And quhow can ze
thairthrow onyways eschew nocht to be iugeit of superi- 25
ouris of the Kirk, sen ze neid obey thame in all godlines,
albeit thai in thame selfis be7 wickit, sen na pouer is

bot of God? Ferther, gif God prouidit amangis the Iowis
an vndoutit ordinance, that all dout and controuersie in
religioun amangis thame mot be decidit, hes HeR les 30
cuir of ws, quhome He hes bocht alrady with the preci-
ous bluid of His only Sone, sa feruentlie commendand9
ws peace and concord, than of thame, that it may be

1 MS. aris.

2 MS. complent; O.E.

3 MS. to wreitt, page 64.

4 MS. quhais jugment na
man can vnderstand.

5 MS. as we confess.
6 MS. yit.

7 MS. wes.
8 MS. page 65.
9 MS. commandand.

lesum to euery ane of ws to adhere to his awin imaginatioun and phantasie, but ony iugement or punisment of our superioris?

73. Gif a woman may beir superioritie of a realme,

prouince, &c.

Ze nocht misknawand that we all ar maist strytlie1 Rom. 13. 5 commandit in the Scriptuiris to be submittit and obedient 1 Pet. 2. to the hie poueris-of the quhilkis we beleue our lauchful King or Quene to be principal in the ciuill estate, as the cheif bischope in the ecclesiastical gouernment-quhy assent ze to the furthsetting of certane seditious buikis, 10 quharein is denyit that a woman may beir auctorite of ony realme, prouince, or citie, sen we reid maist godly Iudic. 4. women to hef had sik auctorite,2 as the prophetise Debora? We reid the Quene of the South [wes], be our Saluiour, gretumlie commendit, for the visiting 3 of Salo- Luc. 11. 15 mon. We reid siklyke of the Quene of Candace, quhois Act. 8. eunuchus 4 wes baptizit be Philip. Quharefor slew the wyckit Quene of Athalia the Kingis posteritie, and it 4 Reg. 11. had nocht bene the law that a woman micht beir

auctorite, as scho regnit seuin zeris? Gif ze affirm that 20 a woman may nocht succeid to hir fatheris hæretable 6 landis, Moyses pronunceis planelie in zour contrare, admittand and commandand alsua the dochtiris of Salphaad to eniose but impediment thare fatheris hæretage in Iudæa. And quhat is ony realme or prouince Num. 27. 25 in Christianitie bot as a part of Iudæa, be the quhilk

is signifiit the haill Kirk of God, professing trewlie Note. Christ Iesus, subdeuit to ane God, ane King, ane Lord, and ane Law? Quhare mentioun is maid in the Scriptuir that a woman may nocht haif dominioun aboue 1 Cor. 14. 30 man, is nocht that meanit only of a mariit woman and

1 MS. straitlie.

2 MS. authoritie.

3 MS. vsinge.

4 O.E. eunuch; MS.

5 MS. of athalia.

6 MS. heretage.

7 MS. page 66.

1 Tim. 2.

hir huisband, except ze will euiry lady in the land to be
subdeuit to hir awin cuik or horsboy? Gif ze deny
zow to assent to the saidis prophane buikis, quhy cry ze
nocht out in zour prechingis aganis sa manifest impietie
and1 tressonable seditioun, quhilk alrady intendis ex-
treme destructioun of this realme?


Note this,

O gens sine capite!

Ose. 3.
2 Paral. 15.

Ha, ha! hald thair!

74. Quhat cumis of the misknawing of the
souerane and bischopis.2

Gif ze can nothir assuir ws of zour lauchfull bischopis
and wthiris ministeris, nor zit knawis zour lauchful Sou-
erane, quhome ze aucht nixt God maist humelie obey,
quhow can ze affirm zou to haif a Kirk, or defend zour IO
conuenticulis fra a Babilonical confusioun and diabolical
misordour, forespokin be the prophetis to the wickit
peple reprobat of God on this manieir, Sedebunt multos
dies sine Rege, sine Lege, sine Principe, sine Sacerdote et
Doctore, sine Sacrificio et Altari, &c.


75. Gif the bodyis sal be all alyke glorifiit.

It being sa expreslie schawin to ws in Scriptuiris that

Wald ze con- euery man sall resaue rewarde of God 5 conforme to his

found also

the ordour

in heuin?

2 Cor. 5. 2 Cor. 9.

I Cor. 15.

wirking in his body heir, quhy teche ze that euery body


of the iust in the resurrectioun sal be alyke beutifull
and glorifiit, sen the guidnes of God sall reward the 20
hail man in body and saul, and nocht in saull only?
The difference of the reuarde is mair expressit than we
neid to proue the samin. As quha sawis scairslie sall
scheir scairslie; and as a sterne differis fra an wthir
sterne in brychtnes, sua sal be, says St. Paul, the resur- 25
rection of the deid.

[blocks in formation]


4 MS. absque.
5 MS. page 67.

6 MS. skarslie.


7 MS. scheir skayirslye.

8 MS. starne.

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