Abbildungen der Seite

59. Of princis and nobilis sepulturis.

Sen the Prophetis and Patriarkis in the Auld Testament had sik cuir for thair honorable sepulturis, and commandit that eftir thair deth thair banis to be cariit furth of the cuntre of strangearis; and in the New Tes5 tament siklyke we reid nocht only of oure Saluiouris maist honorable and magnifik buriing, bot also of St. Iohne the Baptist, and St. Steuin, with wtheris,—and all this wes done, we ar assurit, for the honour of the bodyis, in hoip of the resurrectioun,-we will nocht 10 speir, in aduentuir ze be crabit, gif ze beleue firmlie the resurrectioun with ws? Bot sen ze aggre with ws in that beleif, quhy hef ze dishonorit sua the bodyis and sepulturis of the Princis of Scotland, and wtheris our 1 noble Progenitouris, and wappit thair banis schame15 fullie furth of thair sepulturis, and maid also a filthy stable of beistis to strangearis vpone our maist excellent Kingis body, quha last decessit? Gif ze allege ony occasioun of idolatrie at the saidis sepulturis, that trifle 2

is na excuis to zou, except ze grant zour selfis mair ruid 20 and barber 3 than euir wes natioun vnder heuin, to tak occasioun of idolatrie quhare nane is.

60. Gif the Kirk geris wes idolatrical, and of
the intromissioun thairwith.

We effectuouslie demand zow gif the vestimentis, chalissis, and wtheris ornamentis in the Kirkis of Scotland wes idolatrical or nocht? Gif thai war nocht, quhy 25 techit ze thame sua to be, and burnt sum of thame in testimonie of zour doctrine? Gif thai var pollutit 5 in idolatrie, quhy reseruit ze the best part thairof vnburnt? Quhou can ze excuse zou nocht to be punissit with Saul,

1 MS. p. 57:.

2 MS. thriffil.

3 MS. barbar.
4 M.C.E. ta.

5 MS. usit.

[blocks in formation]


1 Reg. 13.

Iosue. 7.

O schiris, recant, and saif: ze ar bot men: it is na schame for

sa grete a cause.

Zea, the cailwyfe seis zow heir, bund fute

and hand.

quha sparit Agag with certane of his best guidis contrare
Godis command? Quhow will ze defend certane of the
nobilis and gentlemen in Scotland, quha intromittit
with the saidis idolatricall guidis, nocht to be tane with
the samin geris togiddir with thair sones, dochtiris, horss, 5
cattell, and all thair insprayth,2 and to be burnt in
puldre, be exemple of Achan, quha committit only the
samin cryme (gif the saidis geris wes idolatrical, and
suld hef bene burnt, as ze hef techit), and that mair
lychtlie than thai, sen he committit his cryme quietlie? 10
Bot God forbid, gif it be his plesour, that ze be the
caus of sa seueir iugement aganis our nobilis. Quhow
deliuer ze zow heirfor of this perplexitie, bot othir ze
man confes zour ignorance and errour, or sik seueritie
to be exerceit, as said is?

61. Of the best geris tane away and sauld,
and the worst reseruit.5


The said Achan being sa punissit for the best geris intromittit be him, quhy iuge ze the goldin and siluir chalissis, and wtheris thingis of gold and siluir, welwot," silkis, and wtheris fyne clathis, bellis, sepulturis, of brace, leid, and siklyke, that geuis money, to hef bene 201 pollutit with idolatrie, and thairfor to be destroyit, and nocht the auld and reuin ornamentis, sklate, thak, and grof stanis, rottin tymmir, and siklyke? Gif ze allege the intromissioun and dispositioun of the saidis guidis to hef bene contrare zour will, quhy techit ze nocht 25 vnfentzetlie, contrare sik manifest sacrilege and impietie? Or quhy admittit ze sic oppin sinnaris, without repentance and satisfactioun, to zour communion?

1 MS. gentillis.

2 MS. has a blank space
or this word.

3 MS. p. 58.

4 MS. mann.

5 MS. inserts and brint.

6 MS. velwes.
7 MS. bras.

8 MS. gross.

62. Gif thingis dedicat to God suld be prophanit

in wtheris vseis.

Gif thingis anis dedicat and sanctifiit to God suld nocht be translatit and appropriat in wtheris prophane Leuit. vlt. vseis, as the forsaid historie of Balthazar preuis, bot gif Daniel 5. thai1 be dedicat vngodly to God aucht to be sanctifiit

* Ouer trew. * Because zour awin

belliis forand inwy agains sum.

biddis zou,

5 in a mair godly vse, be exemple of the incensuris of Num. 16. Dathan and Abiron, quhidder cumis it be zour* exhortatioun or nocht that mony desyris the Kirk landis, anis dedicat to God for sustentatioun of godly ministeris, puir studentis, and feble and waik indigentis, to be ap10 propriat to the croun, or to the first fundatouris posteritie? Gif ze exhort thame nocht thairto,* quhy cry ze nocht out vpone thair wickit consait, and als manifest sacrilege of wtheris, and aduertissis 2 that the Prophet incallis the wrayth of God on thame quha says, Lat ws posseid be Psal. 82. 15 hæretage the sanctuarie of God?

63. Of traditionis vnwrittin, and first exemple
of certane solennit days.

2 Thes. 2.

I Cor. 11.

Aug. ad

Ianua. et

ad Casula.

epist. 86.

he is blind, thame nocht

that seis

heir rebellis

Sen the Apostill 4 St. Paull commandit in sindry places his traditionis to be keipet, als weil the vnwrittin as the writtin; and St. Augustine siklyke affirmis that to dispute of thai thingis vniuersalie obseruit, gif thai suld be 20 keipet or nocht to be maist insolent madnes-exemple he geuis of the zierly celebratioun of the Pasche day, of to Godis our Saluiour ascensioun, and douncuming of the Haly Gaist, onlyke manere zierlie to be celebratit-quhy abolise ze the solenniteis of the saidis days with siklyke, 25 and all wthir ordour of that sort vniuersalie obseruit,5 as zuil-day, circumcisioun, epiphanie, lentren?

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


agains thair awin doctrine.

For al thir thingis nocht expreslie

writtin thai


for a tyme

64. Of1 the mixing of the Lordis coup with wattir
and wyne afoir the sanctificatioun.

Ze knawand that our Saluiour sched wattir and bluid
in the mysterie of our redemptioun, and that 2 the
Lordis coup with wattir and wyne to be sanctifiit in
the sacrament is præfigurat in the Auld Testament in
mony places, as Cypriane preuis maist largelie and 5
ernestlie, quho3 affirmis also that the Lord commandit
ws to mixt the samin, quhy detrect ze and rebukis ws
Catholikis for the obseruatioun thairof, and will nocht 4
blaw out zour indignatioun vpone the Martyris, Cypriane,
Irenæus, Fabiane, Euaristus, Alexander, Augustine, and 10
mony wtheris Doctouris, quhome as witnessis of the
veritie we follow in this parte? Bot sen ze do nocht sa,
appere ze nocht to schuit out zour malice contrare ws,
and nocht contrare that quhilk ze had an errour? And ar
ze nocht, contrare the Scriptuir, acceptouris of persones? 15

65. Of the Sounday.5

Gif ze admit na traditioun vnwrittin, quhy ar ze sa bauld contrare zour doctrine, and manifest Scriptuiris apperinglie also, to celebrat zour Sabbath day with ws Catholikis on the Sounday, and nocht with the Iowis on the Saterday?

66. Of the names, persones, and Trinitie.

Mairouer, gif ze will appreue na thing bot expreslie writtin, quhou will ze anssuer contrare an hæretik


always with denyand wickitlie the Father, the Sone, and the Haly

WS. Bot

take tent to thair taill!

Gaist to be callit godly and dewly thre persones and

1 MS. page 60; immix-

2 MS. inserts the mixcing

3 MS. quha.

4 MS. nocht erar.

5 MS. Sonday.

6 MS. apperand.

7 MS. Sabbot; O.E. Sabbaoth.

8 MS. Fader, page 61.



the Haly Trinitie? Alsua, quhidder admitt ze and
appreuis the samin names or nocht?
And gif ze

appreue thame, quhou estabilise ze zour doctrine, sen
thai names ar nocht writtin expreslie in Scriptuiris?

67. Of the forme, Gloir to the Father, etc.,
in end of euery Psalme.

Qvhy vse ze to sing with ws Catholikis at the end of euery psalme, Gloir to the Father, to the Sone, and to the Haly Gaist, as it wes in, &c., sen that godly forme wes only commandit to be soung1 in that place be the Pape Damasus, in the rebuke of heretikis?


68. That infantis suld be baptizit contrare the

Orig. in

Siklyke quhat hef ze for zou expreslie writtin to conuict the Anabaptistis errour, denying 2 that bairnis in thair infancie suld be baptizit? For Origene, Augustine, and also the Lutheranis, lenis 3 in this mater ad Rom. rycht wechty to the Apostolik traditioun, and vniuersal de origine" 15 obseruatioun of the haly Catholik Kirk.

69. Of sa mony euangelis, epistolis, &c., in the

New Testament.

Alsua, quhat Scriptuir hef ze for zou to resaue sa mony euangelis and epistolis in the New Testament as ze do, and nane ma1? Gif ze allege the vniuersall consent of all aiges sen Christe, and the auctoritie of

1 MS. sunge.

3 MS. levis.

2 MS. denyand.

4 MS. mayr.

5 MS. page 62.

caput. 6.

Aug. lib. i.

aiæ. ca. 23.

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