Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt" goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a seacoal fire, on Wednesday in Whitsun-week, when the prince broke thy head for liking his father* to a singing-man of Windsor ; thou didst swear... The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare - Seite 337von William Shakespeare - 1872Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch
 | Lord Henry Home Kames - 1816 - 428 Seiten
...likening him to a singing man of Windsor; thou didst swear to me then, as I was washing thy \vound, to marry me, and make me my Lady thy wife. Canst thou...told thee they were ill for a green wound. And didst not thou, when she was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity with such poor people,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1818 - 426 Seiten
...and the money too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt1 goblet, sitting in my Dolphin" chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon Wednesday...telling us, she had a good dish of prawns ; whereby them didst desire to eat some ; whereby I told thee, they were ill for a green wound ? And didst thou... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1814 - 478 Seiten
...liking his father to a singing-man of Windsor; thou didst swear to me then, as I was washing thy wound, in to borrow a mess of vinegar ; telling us, she had...thee, they were ill for a green wound? And didst thou uot, when she was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity with sucli poor people ;... | |
 | Lord Henry Home Kames - 1819 - 424 Seiten
...(in-, on Wednesday in Whitsun-week, when the Prince broke thy head for likening him to a singing mun of Windsor; thou didst swear to me then, as I was...told thee they were ill for a green wound. And didst not thou, when she was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity with such poor people,... | |
 | Thomas Brown - 1822 - 546 Seiten
...thou deny it 1 Did not Goodwi/e Keech, the butcher's wife, come in then, and call me Gossip Quickly 1 coming in to borrow a mess of vinegar ; telling us...told thee they were ill for a. green wound. And didst not thou, when she was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity with such poor people,... | |
 | Thomas Brown - 1824 - 490 Seiten
...Whitsun-week, when the Prince broke thy head for likening him to a singing man of Windsor, thou didit swear to me then, as I was washing thy wound, to marry...told thee they were ill for a green wound. And didst not thou, when she was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity with such poor people,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1825 - 442 Seiten
...if thou wert an honest man, thyself, and the money too. Thou didst swear to me upon a parcel-gilt 4 goblet, sitting in my Dolphinchamber, at the borrow a mess of vinegar; telling us, she had a jr-ood dish of prawns ; whereby thou didst desire to eat some; whereby I told thee, they were ill for... | |
 | Thomas Brown - 1826 - 548 Seiten, on Wednesday in Whitsun-week, when the prince broke thy head for likening him to a singing man of Windsor, thou didst swear to me then, as I was...told thee they were ill for a green wound. And didst not thou, when she was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity with such poor people,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1826 - 996 Seiten
...thy wound, to marry me, and make me my lady thy wife. Canst thou deny it ? Did not goodwife Kecch, ty in honour. So like a courtier, contempt nor bitterness...minute when Exception bid him speak, and, at this tim wou nd ? And didst thou not, when she was gone down stairs, desire me to be no more so familiarity... | |
 | 1827 - 674 Seiten
...table,; by a sea-coal fire, on Wednesday in Whitsan" week, when the Prince broke thy head for likening his father " to a singing-man of Windsor ; thou didst...coming in to borrow a mess of vinegar, telling us 1 she had a good dish of prawns ; whereby thou didst desire to •' eat some ; whereby J told thee... | |
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