branches, which, being dead many years, shall after revive, be jointed to the old stock, and freshly grow; then shall Posthumus end his miseries, Britain be fortunate, and flourish in peace and plenty. Thou, Leonatus, art the lion's whelp; The piece of tender air, thy virtuous daughter, [To CYM. Is this most constant wife; who even now, Unknown to you, unsought, were clipp'd about This hath some seeming. Sooth. The lofty cedar, royal Cymbeline, Cym. Sooth. The fingers of the powers above do tune PERSONS REPRESENTED. SATURNINUS, Son to the late Emperor of Rome, and afterwards declared Emperor. BASSIANUS, Brother to SATURNINUS, in love with LAVINIA. TITUS ANDRONICUS, a noble Roman, General against the Goths. MARCUS ANDRONICUS, Tribune of the People, and Brother to TITUS. LUCIUS, QUINTUS, Sons to TITUS ANDRONICUS. MARTIUS, MUTIUS, YOUNG LUCIUS, a Boy, Son to LUCIUS. ÆMILIUS, a noble Roman. ALARBUS, DEMETRIUS, Sons to TAMORA. AARON, a Moor, beloved by TAMORA. A Captain, Tribune, Messenger, and Clown,—Romans. Goths and Romans. TAMORA, Queen of the Goths. LAVINIA, Daughter to TITUS ANDRONICUS. A Nurse, and a black Child. Kinsmen of TITUs, Senators, Tribunes, Officers, Soldiers, and Attendants. SCENE,--ROME, and the Country near it. SCENE I.-ROME. Before the Capitol. The Tomb of the ANDRONICI appearing; the Tribunes and Senators aloft. Enter, below, SATURNINUs and his Followers on one side, and BASSIANUS and his Followers on the other, with drums and colours. Sat. Noble patricians, patrons of my right, Bas. Romans, -friends, followers, favourers of my right, If ever Bassianus, Cæsar's son, Were gracious in the eyes of royal Rome, Enter MARCUS ANDRONICUs aloft, with the crown. Marc. Princes, - that strive by factions and by friends Ambitiously for rule and empery, Know that the people of Rome, for whom we stand Lives not this day within the city walls: |