Budget Overview for Fiscal Year 1993: Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, Second Session, Special Hearing, Congressional Budget Office, Council on Economic Advisers, General Accounting Office, Nondepartmental Witnesses, Office of Management and Budget

U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992 - 372 Seiten

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Seite 29 - Unexpected events and policy changes can cause actual events to be substantially different from the forecast, and forecasts are based largely on predictions about human behavior, usually taking previous patterns of behavior as a guide. But human behavior is complex, difficult to predict, and subject to change. People do not always respond the same way, or with the same speed, in what appear to be similar circumstances. Hence, there remains some uncertainty about the outlook for the economy.
Seite 71 - ... Formal programs for ongoing quality assurance and utilization review; and • Significant financial incentives for members to use providers and procedures covered by the plan. Managed care plans employ a variety of techniques to assure quality and appropriateness of care, including utilization review, case management, and the use of primary care physicians as coordinators and managers of care. A variety of managed care models exist today; health care reform and changing markets are expected to...
Seite 31 - Start, protecting the civil rights of all Americans, the strategy to eliminate substance abuse, and measures against violent crime all serve to improve US productivity in the long term. Starting our children off on the right path, providing our children the finest education, and continuing to provide programs that ensure safety are sound economic policies. The President's economic and domestic agenda also includes investing in America's future by improving the Nation's infrastructure, enhancing energy...
Seite 29 - Reserve to keep interest rates low-or cut them further if necessary -to help boost growth with linle immediate concern about reintroducing inflation pressures. A quick shift to a significant rebuilding of inventories alone could add a percentage point or more to the rate of growth over the next year. Alternatively, if the problems are solved very slowly, the economy could perform worse than expected. Tight credit and slow money growth, along with the continuing structural adjustments described earlier...
Seite 78 - Sullivan has pointed out that control of fewer than ten risk factor* could prevent between 40 and 70 percent of all premature deaths, a third of all cases of acute disability and two-thirds of all cases of chronic disability.
Seite 10 - The Budget includes proposals for tax incentives to increase investment in capital assets, R&D, and Enterprise Zones. These should be understood not merely as shortterm economic stimuli They are also part of a longer-term effort to reinvigorate American risk-taking, pioneering, and the entrepreneurial spirit. • Using States as Laboratories.
Seite 5 - ... a fail-safe, to modify the pay-as-yougo system so that any uncorrected breach of the aggregate mandatory cap automatically triggers the sequester provisions for mandatory programs (while exempting Social Security from any such sequester). If enacted, this addition would force legislative action on what is now "uncontrollable".
Seite 1 - One major reason is the carryover effect of rising debt, the associated interest burden, and the coverage of deposit insurance Chart 2-3 shows graphically that interest and deposit insurance alone are almost equal to the entire federal deficit Indeed, if interest and deposit insurance...

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