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ways of God to man. If there be one thing| worse than a pious fraud, it is pious fallacy. Any narrative of the affairs of the world, when not corrupted by the Lying Spirit of unbelief, sufficiently declares the superintending power of the Almighty. Fire and hail, snows and vapors, wind and storm, all the inanimate objects of nature, are seen fulfilling His word: and the simple statement of the vicissitudes and fortunes of the kings and nations of the earth will always declare the terrors of His judgments, and the mercies of His love. But the Deistical philosopher-the foolish and impotent rebel against the Almighty-strives to annul the evidence given by the light of nature.

He would deprive mankind of all the hope, and trust, and joy, which can sustain us in our pilgrimage, seducing us to be his companion in the downward path, conducting to the portals of the shadow of death

Per me si va nella città dolente,
Per ma si va nel eterno dolore,
Per me si va tra la perduta gente—

Lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate'




From the New Monthly Magazine.

Hope, thou hast told me lies from day to day, For more than twenty years.

MRS. HOPE, the Fortune-teller,


Call'd on me when I was young,
"You," she cried," will be a dweller
All the great and wise among.
On your shoulders fortune thrust is-
Honors more than I can tell—”
Mrs. Hope, to do her justice,
Really talks extremely well.

First, she cried, "You're devilish clever,
Push for fame and pocket pelf,
Write a play and lay for ever

Billy Shakspeare on the shelf."
'Twas done-the curtain rose, I nearly
Felt the laurels deck my brow-
Deuce a bit, I wish sincerely

Mrs. Hope had heard the row.

Eloquence, at her suggestion,
Conscious too that I possess'd,
I, on some important question,

Soon the sovereign mob address'd. Strange to say, such storms assail'd me,

Showers of worse than hail or rain,

All my elocution fail'd me,—
Mrs. Hope was out again.

Whisp'ring then my wondrous merit
Claim'd at court a leading place,
I at length contrived to ferret
First my Lord, and then his Grace.
Much they said conceit to soften-
Promises they made a few-
Mrs. Hope, great people often
Humbug fools as well as you.

Oft she vow'd the sex adored me,
Conquering all where'er I chose,
Husbands, lovers, tho' they bored me,
Ne'er could such a smile oppose.
Yet I scored by wives and misses,

When I came to count my game,
Quite as many kicks as kisses-
Mrs. Hope, oh! fie, for shame!
Wedded bliss, she now reported,
I should taste serene and true;
Trusting still, I proudly courted

Quite a stylish black-eyed blue.
Though the fair could not refuse me,
What the sort of wife she made,
If you wish to know, excuse me-
Mrs. Hope's a cursed jade.

Thus with endless tarrididdles,
Still the gipsy wins her way,
Gulls us all, and fondly wheedles
Shallow pates like mine astray.
Fame and Fashion thus allure us,
Lions, lords at routes to meet,
Then blue devils come to cure us-
Mrs. Hope is fairly beat.

Yet, old girl, on recollection,

Why should I your tricks resent, Since I've form'd a new connexionThat sweet, modest maid, Content. Weary now of you and blarney, Snug with her I dwell secure, In my little chambre garnie,Mrs. Hope votre serviteur.

[blocks in formation]

THE ROBERTSES ON THEIR TRAVELS. thoughtless people who have brought this


From the New Monthly Magazine.

A SCORE of reasons, at the very least, might easily be found to prove that it is a sin to make public any of the personal anecdotes and observations which we have all, more or less, the opportunity of making in private; there is a sort of treachery in doing so that can admit of no excuse or defence whatever, and most justly does it deserve the universal reprobation which attends it. Far distant, however, from any such offence is the office performed by the moral satirist, who, looking upon his fellow-mortals with an observant eye, and perceiving such faults or follies, not only in an individual, but in a class, as he thinks within reach of being cured or checked by the wholesome touch of ridicule, exerts all the power he has in applying it. It is true, indeed, that in performing this office, he may occasionally be accused, by those who feel themselves galled, of having been guilty of PERSONALITY. But the answer to this accusation is too obvious to escape the dullest, even if an apt, though homely proverb, were less certain to suggest itself as a reply.

In recently looking over a miscellaneous collection of old travelling notes, made at various times, and in various lands, I found such constantly repeated expressions of regret and vexation at the effect produced on the minds of all foreigners by the strange, and oftentimes offensive, manners of many among the multitudes of English travellers who thronged their cities, that I almost felt remorse at never having made public some of the offences and absurdities which had come under my own observation, and which tended to account for and justify the universal sentence of condemnation which has been passed upon English manners by every nation on the continent. But I well remember that all, or very nearly all, such observations were laid aside at the time they were written, because I feared that some of the sketches, however slightly drawn, might possibly be recognized by any one who happened to know what I had been doing, and where I had been. But my wanderings have now been so various, that this danger can exist no longer; yet, sorry I am to say, that what was truth on this subject several years ago, is truth still, and I think it not impossible that some good may be done by occasionally bringing before the eyes of the


stigma upon us, some of the follies by which it has been occasioned. Did I believe that the English people as a nation, or even the majority of them, merited the odium which has been cast upon them, I should certainly not occupy my pen upon a theme at once so useless and so distasteful; but, knowing as I do, that such is not the fact, I am tempted to make an effort towards the reform of follies, which are not, as I conceive, of so hopeless a nature as to be given up as incurable. The mischief, for the most part arises from mere blunders and mistakes, which there is great reason to believe would be gladly avoided by those who fall into them, did they know a little better what they were about. Those who have travelled much, and still more, perhaps, those who have resided for a time in any of the continental capitals of Europe, must, I think, have observed how very much more conspicuous those English travellers, who are not of the most polished class of society, make themselves, than those who are. Any one residing for a twelvemonth in Paris, for instance, who would direct a little attention to this point, would be sure to find that, whereas hundreds of highly educated and refined people come and go without exciting a remark, or drawing upon themselves any disagreeable attention whatever, persons less educated, or less refined, can scarcely show themselves in any place of public resort, without attracting both eyes and ears, in a manner that cannot fail to establish for the English nation exactly such a reputation for mauvais ton as at this moment attaches to them. And thus it happens, of necessity, that the better specimens of our travelling countrymen form no antidote, in the popular judgment of the countries they visit, to the worse; for while the first pursue the noiseless tenor of their way without drawing upon themselves any popular attention at all, the last, amongst all the amusement they may chance to find, have perhaps no pleasure so great as that of being conscious that they are observedthat they are producing a great sensationand that they are not leaving their gold behind them without the meed of being stared at as rich milors, who were of too much consequence at home to condescend to be decently civil and quiet abroad. Could these persons but hear, as I have done, the observations of those before whom they perform these tricks of noisy and consequential impertinence the evil would soon be cured,

for there are few who would not willingly | which bear upon this subject, and setting submit to some restraint, or at any rate, to them, from time to time, before the eyes of the same discipline of ordinary good breed- my dear compatriots, so many of whom are ing to which they yield themselves at home, daily taking wing to visit foreign lands, in rather than become the subject of remarks which they would find it infinitely more often as good natured as they are acute, and pleasant to be liked than disliked. all tending to prove beyond the hope of a I beg to observe, however, that although doubt, that the only delusion produced by I shall set nothing down which has not a fact their obtrusive swaggering, is that which for a foundation, I shall take especial care causes them to be considered as the fair type to avoid every thing approaching to personof their countrymen, instead of a bad speci-ality. Even my old note-book, as it lies men of a small class. For it is a positive in the original before me, might be read fact, that from the gamin who mutters his from the first page to the last, without "got dem" upon the boulevard, to the in- throwing any light upon the questions dividual of the very highest class, let it be WHO?" and "WHERE?" The anecdotes who it may, whom they have the honor to stand isolated, and although they may recall encounter, there is not one who will blun- to me, freshly enough, places and persons der so egregiously as to mistake them for alike distant, I am quite sure that they could people of education. perform the same office to no one else, unless, indeed, it were the near and dear ones beside me when they occurred.


"I wish you joy, Mrs. Roberts," said a tall, well-looking man of fifty, entering his drawing-room in Baker-street with rather a triumphant step; "I wish you joy, madam. The arangements, respecting the disposal of the banking business are all concluded, and I am now a free man, and at liberty to indulge your long cherished wish to visit the continent.”

But what makes this national judgment, both in France and elsewhere, the more provoking, is, that these very offenders are not a fair specimen even of themselves. How many respectable fathers and mothers, pretty daughters, and learned sons have I seen "at church and market," at the theatre, and in the chamber of peers, at the king's court, and at a restaurant of forty sous, who in all of these scenes, have assumed a sort of tone (mauvais ton, sans contredit), as unlike as possible, from what the very same persons would display in similar scenes at home. That this is a fact, no close observer will deny; but to account for it satis- The lady he thus addressed was his wife; factorily, is not easy. Sometimes I have she was of an age and appearance very suitbeen tempted to believe that it arises from able to his own, being about five years his the unwonted lightness of spirit, produced junior, and having, like himself, the remains by the change of climate. On first breath-of considerable comeliness of feature. It ing the clear bright atmosphere of France, is true that the lady was rather more en bon almost every one seems to enjoy a sensation of bien-ètre from its influence. The animal spirits rise. The customary restraints imposed by the habits and manners of home, and the check produced by the presence of familiar eyes being withdrawn, the gay travellers become fantastic first, and then impertinent, and like children invited out without their governess, appear in the eyes of those they visit to have much worse manners than they ever exhibited at home.

It is impossible to witness this sort of display without mortification and regret, which is only increased by remembering how many amiable qualities, and how much genuine excellence, exist behind this provoking chevaux-de-frise of thoughtless folly. It is said that a warning is better than an example; and if so, there may be use in stringing together some of the recollections

point than she would have wished, and the carnation of her once fine complexion had deepened into a coarser tint; nevertheless, she was still what many people would call a very fine looking woman, and in this judgment both herself and her husband joined.

"You have actually sold your share in the business, and have been permitted to withdraw your share of the capital, Mr. Roberts?" demanded the lady, clasping her large, fair, fat hands in an attitude of thangsgiving.

"I have actually sold my share of the business, and have excellent security for the price, as well as for my capital, and am to receive four per cent for the whole," he replied. "Thank God!" exclaimed his wife very fervently; "and now then for the amount?" Why, my dear, it is a good

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tled blood mounting to his temples and his ears; "don't you intend to let him stay at Oxford till he has taken his degree?"

bit less than it would have been if you could have let me remain a few years longer in the business. However, I dare say we shall do very well, because of what you tell "Most decidedly not, Mr. Roberts," she me about the cheapness of living abroad." replied. "If you knew a little better what "But what is it, Mr. Roberts? Pray don't you were talking about you would not ask beat about the bush in that way; you such a question. Edward, with his extraknow I can't bear it." "I won't beat about ordinary talents, has already had a great the bush, my dear; I have no thought of deal more time than was necessary for acthe kind; but if you don't give me time to quiring as much Greek and Latin as any speak, you know, I can't tell you. I reckon body can want who is not intended for a that we shall have altogether, with your rail-schoolmaster, and I certainly do not mean road shares, and the interest from your broth- that he shall lose any more time at it. er upon the mortgage, just about seven hun- Modern languages, Mr. Roberts, must now dred a-year." "Seven, Mr. Roberts? Up- be added to the accomplishments for which on my life, I expected it would have been nearer seventeen. However, there is no need of your looking so terrified; I'll undertake to make seven hundred a-year abroad, go as far as three times the sum at home. Just let me have the management of it, and you will see that it will do very well. But I hope you have not forgotten my positive injunctions about securing a sufficient sum of ready money to pay the expenses of the journey? Remember, sir, I will have no forestalling of the income. I must have that from the very first, perfectly clear and unincumbered." "You know my dear, that I never forget what you say. Nicholson has promised to advance me three hundred on the furniture of this house," replied Mr. Roberts, " and I only wait for your orders about the time of setting out, in order to speak to an auctioneer about it."

"I would rather the sum had been five hundred, Mr. Roberts, a good deal rather. However, I am not going to find fault: altogether you have done very well; I only regret that I did not tell you to let me speak to Mr. Nicholson myself. But never mind, with my management I dare say I shall make it do."

"And about time, my dear," said her husband, greatly relieved by the degree of approval his statement had met with. "How soon do you think you should like to set off?"

"I must not be hurried, Mr. Roberts. I have a great deal to do, an immense deal to do, and all I can say is, that you may depend upon it I shall get through it all in about half the time that any body else would take. In the first place, you know, I have got to give notice to Edward that he is to leave Oxford immediately."

"God bless my soul, Mrs. Roberts, I never heard you say any thing about that before," exclaimed her husband, the star

he is already so remarkable. Modern languages and waltzing will render him as nearly perfect as it is within the reach of human nature to be. Say no more about his remaining at Oxford, if you please, for I feel it would irritate me."

Thus warned, Mr. Roberts attempted no further remonstrance on the subject, but pulled out his pocket handkerchief, blew his nose, and remained silent. "There, my dear, that will do now," said the lady, waving her hand; "I need not detain you any longer, and I have myself many things to do more profitable than talking."

"I will go this moment, my dear,” replied her husband, "only I should like to know first how soon you think of setting off?"

"My dear Mr. Roberts, I must insist upon it that you do not persecute me any more with that question. Depend upon it you shall know in time to get yourself ready to accompany me. All you have to do at present is to get the money from Mr. Nicholson, and let me have it; and little. enough it will be certainly; but I shall buy nothing till we get to Paris, and I must insist upon it that you implicitly comply with my wishes in this respect; I would not see you in an English coat or hat in Paris, for more than I'll say. There now, go my dear, and let me have leisure to think a little."

This conversation was followed by such a degree of activity on the part of Mrs. Roberts, that in less than a fortnight from the time it took place, herself and her whole family, consisting of her husband, her son, and her two daughters, were all safely stowed on board the Boulogne steamboat, and careering down the Thames. Of the younger branches of the Roberts family it will be necessary to say a few words before they are launched upon the ocean of Parisian gayety, in order to show distinctly

the effect which it produced upon them, out" in Bloomsbury square, they would and to be perfectly grammatical and cor- never afterwards take their proper station rect, we will acknowledge the male to be in society. But Mrs. Roberts was a sanmore worthy than the female, and begin guine, ardent-minded woman, and the prothe family picture with a portrait of the cess of improving her circle of acquaintson. He was a slight, small featured young ance proved slower than she expected. man of twenty, certainly not ugly, for he But who is there from Whitechapel to Belresembled both his parents, and both were grave-square who has not the advantage of well-looking; but in him regularity of fea- having some friends and relations who have ture was almost a defect, for there was a been abroad? Mrs. Roberts had many; preciseness of outline in nose, mouth, and and though she had listened with much inchin, which, together with his carefully difference to all the information they were arranged hair, gave him a strong resem- ready to give as long as London continued blance (though rather upon a small scale) to be the theatre of her hopes, their boastto one of the pretty waxen young gentle- ful narratives became interesting as soon as men exhibited in the window of a hair- those hopes began to fade. No sooner had dresser's shop. The young ladies were the idea of passing a few years abroad sugalso very tolerably pretty; Miss Agatha, gested itself than every other project was the eldest, being light haired, with a pretty mouth and brilliant complexion; and Miss Maria, the youngest, was more fortunate still, from being tall and well made, with a profusion of dark chestnut curls, and a very handsome pair of eyes. In short, the three young people formed a group of which their papa and mamma were exceedingly proud.

From the first hour in which Mrs. Roberts formed the project of taking her family abroad, her mind had been made up as to the tone and style in which they were to travel, and the station they were to hold in society in the different cities which it was her intention to visit. Her active and aspiring spirit had been laboring incessantly for the last two or three years, in endeavoring to improve her set of London acquaintance; she firmly believed that nature had formed her with abilities of so high an order as fully to justify her hopes of taking a place in the highest circles, as soon as her husband's earnest attention to business should have acquired for her an income sufficient to support her pretensions. She saw many bankers' ladies holding a place in society which would have fully satisfied her ambition, and she determined that as soon as her daughters left school, the family should remove from their residence in Bloomsbury square to a good house in a more fashionable part of the town. This she had achieved by means of a domineering temper, and a steadfast will, although her somewhat more prudent husband hinted that he thought they had better wait a little longer before they made a move; but his doubts and scruples were all silenced by the irresistible arguments with which she proved that if her daughters were "brought

forgotten, and so well did she know how to work upon the not unambitious spirit of her husband, that, in less than a year after the idea had first occurred to her, she found herself in the triumphant situation above described.

As Mrs. Roberts' chief object was to ensure for herself and her family the inestimable advantages of superior society, it will readily be imagined that she had not neglected the necessary task of inculcating her views and principles on the minds of her children, and she had for years enjoyed the inexpressible gratification of perceiving that there was not one of them whose young spirit did not kindle at her lessons; so that the path before her, important as it was, seemed really strewed with flowers. She felt, happy mother! that their hearts beat in unison with her own, and that she should only have to say "do this,” or “look thus," in order to insure the most willing and prompt obedience.

As soon as they reached the deck of the steamboat, Mrs. Roberts took the arm of her husband, and walked with great dignity to a seat which she considered to be the best on board, signifying to her son and daughters that they were to place themselves on a bench opposite. Their only travelling attendant was a tall footman in a showy livery, and as soon as the party was seated he was ordered to seek footstools for the three ladies. Just as he had succeeded in obeying this command two quiet-looking girls, in dresses which had nothing to recommend them save their being particularly well adapted for the scene and the season, placed themselves on the same bench with the Miss Roberts' and their brother; but in the next moment they were

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