we all agree in our views; now you know that we three constitute the Supreme Court, and, while I give you the exception with the greatest pleasure, I fear you will not make much by it." He stood in a reflective attitude for a moment, then said: "May it please your Honor, I believe I will take the benefit of the exception, anyhow, for the tenure of office is very uncertain in this territory." I have heard the incident related with this sequel—that he took the case to the Supreme Court, that the Judges mentioned were all off the Bench, and the demurrer was sustained. I cannot vouch for the correctness of this sequel, however. Now, Mr. President, and brothers, I owe you an apology for detaining you so long with this unsubstantial matter, this unwritten poetry of the profession. I am inclined to believe, however, the actual intellectual and moral tone of a given period, as well as the social status, has no truer index than its current anecdotes. Every new and formative community is marked with distinctive individualities. In the onward sweep of development and civilization, and in the largeness of population, individuality becomes. fused in the general mass and loses its distinctive characteristics. INDEX. A. Address, ANNUAL, by President John Arthur.. Standing Committee on Legal Education and.. PAGE. AMENDMENT TO STATE CONSTITUTION. (Election of Judges of To provide for election of Judges when no political officers to Report of Committee on proposed amendment. AMENDMENTS. To Constitution, how made, (Sec. 11.). 7 44 41 49 To By-Laws, how made, (Sec. 13.).. Of Constitution, changing time of annual meeting.. Number of Vice-Presidents three.... 26 List delegates elected to attend session at Milwaukee, Wis- 30 Report of Elwood C. Hughes, delegate session at Milwaukee. 32 Time and place of holding, (Sec. V, Constitution)... 6899 Executive Committee to appoint members to read papers (ibid) 9 Order of busiuess, (Sec. 9, By-Laws). 11 11-12 Amendment of Constitution, changing time of. Of 1890, proceedings. ANNUAL Meeting. What proceedings of, shall be printed, (Sec, 11, By-Laws)... 12 24 25 26 APPENDICES. "A," Community Property Law of State of Washington, Judge R. A. Ballinger, Port Townsend... .52-70 "B," Lawyers in their Relations with the State, Annual Address, Hon. John Arthur, Seattle, President.. .71-85 "C," Non-Partisan Selection of the Judiciary, Frank H. Graves, Spokane .. .86-94 "D," Policy of Redemption Laws, Thomas Carroll, Tacoma. 95-104 "E," Government of Cities, John Watson Pratt, Seattle. 105-113 "F," Evil of the Promiscuous Appointment of Receivers, Charles S. Fogg, Tacoma.... .114-121 "G," Our Exemption Laws, James B. Reavis, No. Yakima. 122-126 "H," Material-man's Lien, Frank T. Post, Spokane.....127-131 "I," Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar of Washington, Orange Jacobs, Seattle..... APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP How made, (Sec. 5, By-Laws).. APPOINTMENT. .133-140 9 Of Executive Committee to fill vacancies... .6-7 7 Of Standing Committees, (Art. X, Constitution). Of Committees by President, duties of, (Sec. 4, By-Laws).... 9 ARTHUR, JOHN. Chairman of Committee to draft Constitution, Washington Vice-President, Washington Bar Association. 22 2333 33 38, 71-85 B. BALLINGER, R. A. Paper read on Community Property Law of State of Washington... BANQUET. ..38, 52-70 Provision for, as part of exercises, Re-union, 1894.. Given by King County Bar Association, July 20, 1894 |