Dr. Franklin; who, notwithstanding the multiplicity of his other engagements and pursuits, at that busy stage of his life, was a constant attendant at the monthly visitations and examinations of the schools, and made it his particular study, by means of his extensive correspondence abroad, to advance the reputation of the seminary, and to draw students and scholars to it from the different parts of America and the West Indies. Through the interposition of his benevolent and learned friend, Peter Collinson, of London, upon the application of the trustees, a charter of incorporation, dated July 13, 1753, was obtained from the honourable proprietors of Pennsylvania, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, Esqrs. accompanied with a liberal benefaction of five hundred pounds sterling; and Dr. Fanklin now began in good earnest to please himself with the hopes of a speedy accomplishment of his original design, viz. the establishment of a perfect in, stitution, upon the plan of the European colleges and universities; for which his academy was intended as a nursery or foundation. To elucidate this fact, is a matter of considerable importance in respect to the memory and character of Dr. Franklin as a philosopher, and as the friend and patron of learning and science; for, notwithstanding what is expressly declared by him in the preamble to the constitutions, viz. that the academy was begun for "teaching the Latin and Greek languages, with all useful branches of the arts and sciences, suitable to the state of an infant country, and laying a foundation for posterity to erect a seminary of learning more extensive, and suitable to their fu ture circumstances," yet it has been suggested of late, as upon Dr. Franklin's authority, that the Latin and Greek, or the dead languages, are an encumbrance upon a scheme of liberal education, and that the ingrafting or founding a college, or more extensive seminary, upon his academy, was with out his approbation or agency, and gave him discontent. If the reverse of this does not already appear from what has been quoted above, the following letters will put the matter beyond dispute They were written by him to a gentleman, who had at that time published the idea of a college, suited to the circumstances of a young country, (meaning New York,) a copy of which having been sent to Dr. Franklin for his opinion, gave rise to that correspondence which terminated about a year afterwards, in erecting the college upon the foundation of the academy, and establishing that gentleman at the head of both, where he still continues, after a period of thirty six years, to preside with distin guished reputation. From these letters also, the state of the academy, at that time will be seen. "SIR, "Philad. April 19, 1753. "I received your favour of the 11th instant, with your new piece* on Education, which I shall carefully peruse, and give you my sentiments ou it, as you desire. by next post. "I believe the young gentlemen, your pupils, may be entertained and instructed here, in mathematics and philosophy, to satisfaction. Mr. Alisont (who was educated at Glasgow) has been long accustomed to teach the latter, and Mr. Grew the former; and I think their pupils make great progress. Mr. Alison has the care of the Latin and Greek school, but as he bas now three good assistants, he can very well af ford some hours every day for the instruction of those who are engaged in higher studies. The mathematical school is pretty well furnished with instruments. The English library is a good one; and we have be Jonging to it a middling apparatus for experimental philosophy, and propose speedily to complete it. The Loganian library, one of the best collections in Ame A general idea of the college of Mirania. The Rev. and learned Mr. Francis Alison, afterwards D. D. and vice-provost of the college. 1 Mr. Theophilus Grew, afterwards professor of mathematics in the college. Those assistants were at that time, Mr Charles Thom son, late secretary of congress, Mr. Paul Jackson, and Mr. Jacob Duche. rica, will shortly be opened; so that neither books for instruments will be wanting; and as we are determined always to give good salaries, we have reason to believe we may have always an opportunity of choosing good masters; upon which, indeed, the success of the whole depends. We are obliged to you for your kind offers in this respect, ard when you are settled in England, we may occasionally make use of your friendship and judgment. "If it suits your convenience to visit Philadelphia before you return to Europe, I shall be extremely glad to see and converse with you here, as well as to correspond with you after your settlement in EngJand; for an acquaintance and communication with men of learning, virtue, and public spirit, is one of my greatest enjoyments "I do not know whether you ever happened to see the first proposals I made for erecting this academy. I send them enclosed. They had (however imperfect) the desired success, being followed by a subscription of four thousand pounds, towards carrying them into execution. And as we are fond of receiving advice, and are daily improving by experience, I am in hopes we shall, in a few years, see a perfect institution. "I am, very respectfully, &c. "B. FRANKLIN. "Mr. W. Smith, Long Island." "SIR, "Philad. May 3, 1753. 'Mr, Peters has just now been with me, and we have compared notes on your new piece. We find nothing in the scheme of education, however excellent, but what is, in our opinion, very practicable. The great difficulty will be to find the Aratus,* and other suitable persons, to carry it into execution : The name given to the principal or head of the ideal college, the system of education in which hath neverthelesa been nearly realized, or followed as a model, in the college and academy of Philadelphia, and some other American seminaries for several years past. but such may be had if proper encouragement be given. We have both received great pleasure in the perusal of it. For my part, I know not when I have read a piece that has more affected me-so noble and just are the sentiments, so warm and animated the language; yet as censure from your friends may be of more use, as well as more agreeable to you than praise, I ought to mention, that I wish you had omitted not only the quotation from the Review,* which you are now justly dissatisfied with, but those expressions of resentment against your adversaries, in pages 65 and 79. In such cases, the noblest victory is obtained by neglect, and by shining on. "Mr. Allen has been out of town these ten days; but before he went he directed me to procure him six copies of your piece. Mr. Peters has taken ten. He proposed to have written to you; but omits it, as he expects so soon to have the pleasure of seeing you here. He desires me to present his affectionate com pliments to you, and to assure you, that you will be very welcome to him. I shall oniy say, that you may depend on my doing all in my power to make your visit to Philadelphia agreeable to you. "Mr. Smith. "DEAR SIR, "I am, &c. "B. FRANKLIN." "Philad. Nov. 27, 1753. "Having written you fully, via Bristol, I have now little to add. Matters relating to the academy remain in statu quo. The trustees would be glad to see a rector established there, but they dread entering into new engagements till they are got out of debt; and I have not yet got them wholly over to my opin ion, that a good professor, or teacher of the higher branches of learning, would draw so many scholars as to pay great part, if not the whole of his salary. * The quotation alluded to (from the London Monthly Review for 1749) was judged to reflect too severely on the discipline and government of the English universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and was expunged from the following editions of this work. Thus, unless the proprietors (of the province) shall think fit to put the finishing hand to our institution, it must, I fear, wait some few years longer before it can arrive at that state of perfection, which to me it seems now capable of; and all the pleasure I promised myself in seeing you settled among us, vanishes into smoke. "But good Mr. Collinson writes me word, that no endeavours of his shall be wanting; and he hopes with the archbishop's assistance, to be able to prevail with our proprietors.* I pray God grant them success, My son presents his affectionate regards, with, "Dear Sir, yours, &c. "B. FRANKLIN. "P. S. I have not been favoured with a line from you since your arrival in England." "DEAR SIR, "Philad. April 18, 1754. "I have had but one letter from you since your arrival in England, which was but a short one, via Boston, dated October 18th. acquainting me that you had written largely by Captain Davis.-Davis was lost, and with him your letters, to my great disappointment.-Mesnard and Gibbon have since arrived here, and I hear nothing from you. My comfort is, an imagination that you only omit writing because you are coming, and propose to tell me every thing riva voce. So not knowing whether this letter will reach you, and hoping either to see or hear from you by the Myrtilla, Captain Budden's ship, which is daily expected, I only add, that I am, with great esteem and affection, "Yours, &c. "Mr. Smith. "B. FRANKLIN." Upon the application of Archbishop Herring and P. ColJinson, Esq. at Dr. Franklin's request, (aided by the letters of Mr. Allen and Mr. Peters the honourable Thomas Penn, Esq. subscribed an annual sum, and afterwards gave at least 50001 to the founding or engrafting the college upon the academy. |