The Honorable Charles H. Taylor A similar request on the broad walkway crossovers for the inaugural ceremony has been sent to the Honorable Robert F. Bennett, Chairman, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, for his approval. I shall, of course, be pleased to provide you with any additional information on this matter you may deem desirable. TECT OF THA The Honorable Charles H. Taylor *1793* Washington, DC 20515 Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations Committee on Appropriations U. S. House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: I am writing to request your approval to reprogram $100,000 to provide funding to complete the installation of the sprinkler system in the basement area of the Longworth House Office Building. "No Year" funding was provided in the Emergency Supplemental Act, 2000 (P. L. 106-246) to replace defective Omega sprinkler heads in the Longworth and Cannon buildings. Because of the high priority given to the replacement of the sprinkler heads, maintenance resources were utilized to perform this work. The Longworth basement sprinkler has been designed and some of the work has been performed using maintenance resources. The requested reprogramming will provide sufficient funds to compete the installation of the sprinklers in a timely manner. I shall, of course, be pleased to provide you with any additional information on this matter you may deem desirable. The Honorable Charles H. Taylor A similar request on the broad walkway crossovers for the inaugural ceremon to the Honorable Robert F. Bennett, Chairman, Subcommittee on Leg Appropriations, Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, for I shall, of course, be pleased to provide you with any additional informati you may deem desirable. Cordially, Alan M. Hantman, AIA Approved: Charles H. Jay Charles H. Taylor, Chairman |