24-564 96-5 Chief Administrative Officer 1995 Training Activities by Office Employee Name Course Title/Description Course Date(s) Condrey Windows NT Server 3.51 25-Sep-29-Sep 28-Sep Condrey Condrey Ms Excel MS Word 26-Sep 22-Sep Jackson Windows NT Server 3.51 25-Sep-29-Sep Heyser Heyser Hill Hill Exchange Client Hill Ms Excel MS Word Design and Develop Training Needs Analysis 26-Sep 22-Sep 14-Dec 28-Mar-31-Mar 8-Dec Hill MS-Word for Windows 29-Sep Hill PageMaker 6-Sep Hill Using the Internet 12-Sep Crawford UNIX Shell 29-Mar-31 Mar Crawford Windows NT Server 3.51 25-Sep-29-Sep Matadial Ms Excel 26-Sep Matadial Wills Wills Wills Wills Blakeny Blakney Blakney Blakney Blankenship MS Word Microsoft Exchange Supporting Windows NT Server 23-Aug 22-Sep 14-Nov-16-Nov 14-Sep-17-Sep 23-Jan-24-Jan 18-Sep-22-Sep 14-Nov-16-Nov 23-Jan-24-Jan 18-Sep-22-Sep 28-Sep Blankenship Ms Excel 26-Sep Blankenship MS Word 22-Sep Blankenship Windows 3.1 20-Sep Sneed Sneed Sneed Design and Develop Exchange Client 14-Dec Sneed Bell Bell Fowlie Electronic Presentations Training Needs Analysis Exchange Client Design and Develop 29-Nov 28-Mar-31-Mar 8-Dec 14-Dec 28-Mar-31-Mar 14-Dec MS Word Windows 3.1 HTML Employee Name Crawford Chief Administrative Officer 1995 Training Activities by Office Course Title/Description Crawford Dorsainvil Dorsainvil Pacic Pacic Ms Excel Pacic Pacic Botelho Course Date(s) 23-Aug 18-Sep-22-Sep 26-Sep 18-Sep-22-Sep 28-Sep 26-Sep 22-Sep 20-Sep 26-Aug Botelho Windows NT Server 3.51 18-Sep-22-Sep Bowman Lotus-1,2,3 28-Sep Bowman Ms Excel 26-Sep Bowman Windows 3.1 20-Sep Williams HTML 26-Aug Williams UNIX Shell 29-Aug-31-Aug Williams Windows NT Server 3.51 25-Sep-29-Sep Wenzel Lotus-1,2,3 28-Sep Oechsner MS Word Wenzel Wenzel Patrick Patrick Patrick Cooper Cooper Ms Excel Cooper MS Word Cooper Windows 3.1 Moore Moore Ms Excel Moore Robert Ms Excel Ms Excel MS Word Windows 3.1 26-Sep 22-Sep 20-Sep 26-Sep 22-Sep 20-Sep 28-Sep 26-Sep 22-Sep 20-Sep Lotus -1,2,3 28-Sep 26-Sep 22-Sep Windows 3.1 20-Sep Windows NT Server 3.51 18-Sep-22-Sep Watkins Windows NT Server 3.51 18-Sep-22-Sep Fowler Lotus-1,2,3 28-Sep Fowler Windows 3.1 20-Sep Brusnick Ms Excel 26-Sep Chief Administrative Officer 1995 Training Activities by Office Employee Name Lotus-1,2,3 Ms Excel Course Title/Description Course Date(s) Cost($) Savercool Savercool Savercool Savercool Spriggs Spriggs Windows NT Server 3.51 Kaeser Kaeser Ms Excel Kaeser MS Word Kaeser Windows 3.1 Kaeser Watkins Atkin Atkin Atkin Atkin Atkin Atkin Hancock Scott Scott Scott Irving Chaney Chaney Chaney 28-Sep 26-Sep MS Word Windows 3.1 Lotus-1,2,3 22-Sep 20-Sep 28-Sep 26-Sep 25-Sep-29-Sep Lotus-1,2,3 28-Sep 26-Sep 22-Sep 20-Sep Windows NT Server 3.51 Inside Windows Seminar 18-Sep-22-Sep 23-Aug Advanced WWW Beginning Photoshop 13-Nov 27-Nov-4 Dec Intro to WWW Thunder Lizard PageMaker Lotus Notes Windows NT Server 3.51 Ms Excel Windows 3.1 9-Nov 2-Oct-4-Oct 21-Mar 26-Apr 25-Oct-29-Oct 28-Sep 26-Sep 22-Sep 20-Sep 26-Sep 22-Sep 20-Sep Chief Administrative Officer 1995 Training Activities by Office Employee Name Course Title/Description Course Date(s) Employee Assistant Prog. Beidel Job Search Seminar 13-Jan Beidel Beidel New Approached: Lessons in Leadership, U.S. Senate 1-Feb 21-Feb Beidel Beidel Beidel Beidel Violence in the Workplace Seminar Sixth Annual EAP Residential School Civil Treatment: Managing in Today's Workplace 15-Mar 3-May 23-Mar 11-May Beidel Seminar on Congressional Accountability Act 9-Jun Beidel Navigating Change: Organizations in Transition 15-Jun Beidel Organizational Community: The Learning Organization 21-Jun Beidel Beidel Crisis Response: Dealing with Trauma in the Workplace 30-Aug 6-Oct Beidel Annual Conference of the EAPA 11-Nov-15-Nov Beidel Compliance Training: Congressional Accountability Act 30-Nov Beidel Moving Forward with Change 6-Dec Beidel Compliance Training: Sexual Harassment 7-Dec Beidel Compliance Training: Title VII 12-Dec Beidel Compliance Training: Americans with Disabilities 20-Dec Frank Defusing Violence in the Workplace 21-Feb Frank Congressional Accountability Act: CRS 7-Mar Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank Frank McBride McBride McBride McBride MP McBride McBride McBride Substance Abuse Seminar Transition and Adjustment to Job Loss Conflict Resolution and Confrontation Skills Total Stress Management Coping with the Grief Response in the Workplace Annual Conference of the EAPA Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Symposium on Employee and Labor Relations Sexuality Issues in Clinical Practice and Case Management Congressional Accountability Act Life Orientations Workplace Intervention Certification District Annual Conference of the EAPA wines of ou Work, Stress and Health '95, APA Conflict Resolution and Confrontation Skills 8-Mar 28-Sep 6-Oct 18-Oct 25-Oct 11-Nov-12-Nov 12-Dec 11-Jan-13-Jan 17-Feb 7-Mar 15-Jun-16-Jun 2-Jul 14-Sep-16-Sep 3-Oct |