Clif. Nor should thy prowess want praise and esteem, 'But that 'tis shown ignobly, and in treason. York. So let it help me now against thy sword, As I in justice and true right express it! Clif. My soul and body on the action both!York. A dreadful lay!-address thee instantly. [They fight, and CLIFFORD falls. Clif. La fin couronne les œuvres. [Dies.2 York. Thus war hath given thee peace, for thou art still. 'Peace with his soul, Heaven, if it be thy will! [Exit. Enter Young CLifford. *Y. Clif. Shame and confusion! all is on the rout: *Fear frames disorder, and disorder wounds * Where it should guard. O war, thou son of hell, * Hath no self-love; nor he, that loves himself, 1 A dreadful wager. 2 The author, in making Clifford fall by the hand of York, has departed from the truth of history, a practice not uncommon with him when he does his utmost to make his characters considerable. This circumstance, however, serves to prepare the reader or spectator for the vengeance afterwards taken by Clifford's son on York and Rutland. At the beginning of the third part of this drama, the Poet has forgot this circumstance, and there represents Clifford's death as it really happened "Lord Clifford, and lord Stafford, all abreast, Charged our main battle's front, and breaking in, These lines were adopted by Shakspeare from The True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York, upon which the Third Part of King Henry VI. is founded. * And the premised' flames of the last day * Knit earth and heaven together! *Now let the general trumpet blow his blast, *To cease! 2-Wast thou ordained, dear father, *And, in thy reverence, and thy chair-days, thus * In cruelty will I seek out my fame. 'Come, thou new ruin of old Clifford's house. [Taking up the body. As did Æneas old Anchises bear, * But then Æneas bare a living load, [Exit. Enter RICHARD PLANTAGENET and SOMERSET, fighting, and SOMERSET is killed. Rich. So, lie thou there; For underneath an alehouse' paltry sign, The castle in Saint Albans, Somerset Hath made the wizard famous in his death.3 1 Premised is sent before their time. 2 To cease is to stop; a verb active. 3 The death of Somerset here accomplishes that equivocal prediction of Jourdain, the witch, in the first act. * Sword, hold thy temper; heart, be wrathful still; * Priests pray for enemies, but princes kill. [Exit. Alarums: Excursions. Enter KING HENRY, QUEEN MARGARET, and others, retreating. 6 Q. Mar. Away, my lord! you are slow; for shame, away! *K. Hen. Can we outrun the heavens? good Margaret, stay. *Q. Mar. What are you made of? you'll not fight, nor fly. * Now is it manhood, wisdom, and defence, [Alarum afar off *If you be ta'en, we then should see the bottom *Of all our fortunes; but if we haply scape, * (As well we may, if not through your neglect,) * We shall to London get, where you are loved; * And where this breach, now in our fortunes made, * May readily be stopped. Enter Young CLIFFORD. *Y. Clif. But that my heart's on future mischief set, *I would speak blasphemy ere bid you fly; * *To see their day, and them our fortune give. Away, my lord, away! * [Exeunt. 1 Parts may stand for parties; it may be also an error for party. |