Abbildungen der Seite

CHAP. 33. An ACT making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-seven.

[SEC. 1.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, viz:


of members of

&c. of Con

For pay and mileage of the members of Congress and dele- Pay and mileage gates, three hundred and forty-eight thousand and forty dollars; Congress. For pay of the officers and clerks of the Senate and House of Pay of officers, Representatives, thirty-three thousand seven hundred dollars; gress. For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other contingent expenses Contingent exof the Senate, forty-nine thousand five hundred and fifty dollars; nate. For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other contingent expenses Contingent exof the House of Representatives, one hundred and fifty thousand House of Reps. dollars;

penses of Se



applicable only

The two sums last mentioned to be applied to the payment of Two last sums the ordinary expenditures of the Senate and House of Representa- to ordinary ex tives, severally, and to no other purpose;


President, and

For compensation to the President and Vice President of the President, Vice United States, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Trea- the heads of dosury, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the partments. Postmaster General, sixty thousand dollars;

For salary of the secretary to sign patents for public lands, per Secretary to siga act of March second, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thou- patents. sand five hundred dollars;

For clerks and messengers in the office of the Secretary of Office of SecreState, twenty thousand three hundred dollars;

tary of State. Clerks, &c.

For the contingent expenses of the Department of State, in- Publication, &c. cluding publishing and distributing the laws, twenty-five thou- of the laws. sand dollars:

For compiling and printing the Biennial Register, one thou- Biennial Regissand eight hundred dollars;


For the superintendent and watchman of the northeast execu- Superint'nt and tive building, one thousand five hundred dollars;

watchman N.E. exec. building.

For contingent expenses of said building, including fuel, labor, Contingent exoil, and repairs, two thousand five hundred dollars;


tary of Treas'y.

For compensation to the clerks, and messengers in the office of Office of Secrethe Secretary of the Treasury, sixteen thousand four hundred Clerks and mes and fifty dollars;



For compensation to the clerks in said office, per act of twenty- Additional third of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand six hundred dollars;


For compensation to the First Comptroller of the Treasury, First Comptrol." three thousand five hundred dollars;

For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of Clerks and mesthe First Comptroller, nineteen thousand three hundred dollars; sengers. For compensation to the Second Comptroller, three thousand Second Compdollars;


For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of Clerks and mesthe Second Comptroller, including two clerkships transferred from senger. the office of the Fourth Auditor, twelve thousand two hundred

and fifty dollars;

1837. First Auditor.

Clerks and messenger.

Second Auditor.

Clerks and mes-

Third Auditor.
Clerks and mes-


Clerk hire.

Fourth Auditor.

Clerks and messenger.

Fifth Auditor.

Clerks and mes.



Clerks and messenger.


Clerks and messengers.

For compensation to the First Auditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollars;

For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the First Auditor, fifteen thousand nine hundred dollars;

For compensation to the Second Auditor of the Treasury, three thousand dollars;

For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Second Auditor, seventeen thousand nine hundred dollars; For compensation to the Third Auditor, three thousand dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Third Auditor, twenty-nine thousand six hundred and fifty dollars, including two thousand four hundred dollars for clerk hire to carry into effect an act of the seventeenth of January last, entitled "An act to provide for the payment of horses and other property lost or destroyed in the military service of the United States;"

For compensation to the Fourth Auditor, three thousand dollars;

For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Fourth Auditor, fifteen thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars;

For compensation to the Fifth Auditor, three thousand dollars; For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Fifth Auditor, nine thousand eight hundred dollars;

For compensation to the Treasurer of the United States three thousand dollars;

For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of the Treasurer of the United States, including a deficiency of appropriation of two hundred and sixty-four dollars and sixtyfour cents, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, eleven thousand and fourteen dollars and sixty-four cents;

For compensation to the Register of the Treasury, three thousand dollars;

For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of the Register of the Treasury, twenty-four thousand two hundred dollars;

Commissioner of For compensation to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, per act of fourth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, three thousand dollars;

the Gen. Land Office.

Other officers.

For compensation of the recorder, solicitor, draughtsman, and assistant draughtsman, clerks, messengers, and packers, in the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, one hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; Salary of Recor- and the annual salary of the Recorder of the General Land Office shall be two thousand dollars; and the sum of nine hunPay to Charles dred dollars shall be paid Charles Gordon for services rendered under the resolution of the Senate of second July eighteen hundred and thirty-six;



Deficiency of sa

For deficiency to be appropriated on account of salaries, for laries for 1836. the year eighteen hundred and thirty-six, to the Commissioner and other officers in the General Land Office, twenty-seven thousand eight hundred and eighty-six dollars and ten cents;

[ocr errors]

For compensation to the Solicitor of the Treasury, three 1837. thousand five hundred dollars;


For compensation to the clerks and messenger in the office of Clerks and mesthe Solicitor of the Treasury, three thousand nine hundred and senger. fifty dollars;

penses of Treasury Dep't.

of Treasury,

For expenses of stationery, printing, and all other contingent Contingent exexpenses of the Treasury Department, viz: For the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, including Office Secretary copying, and expenses incurred in consequence of the burning copying, &c. of the Treasury building, twelve thousand five hundred dollars; For translating foreign languages, and for receiving and trans- Translating, &c. mitting passports and sea-letters, in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury, three hundred dollars;

For stating and printing public accounts, one thousand four Stating and prinhundred dollars;

ting public ac


For the office of the First Comptroller, two thousand dollars; Off. 1st Compt'r. For the office of the Second Comptroller, one thousand five off. 2d Compt'r. hundred dollars;

For the office of the First Auditor, eight hundred dollars;
For the office of the Second Auditor, one thousand dollars;

Off, 1st Auditor.

Off. 2d Auditor.

For the office of the Third Auditor, thirteen hundred dollars; off. 3d Auditor.
For the office of the Fourth Auditor, one thousand dollars;
For the office of the Fifth Auditor, one thousand dollars;

Off. 4th Auditor.

Off. 5th Auditor.

For the office of the Treasurer of the United States, one thou- OfficeTreasurer. sand three hundred dollars;

For the office of the Register of the Treasury, three thousand office Register. dollars;

For the office of the Solicitor of the Treasury, one thousand office Solicitor. dollars;


For the office of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, Office Commisfor one hundred and fifty thousand pieces of parchment for pat- Land sioner General ents; printing the same; and, also, the cost of books, for patent parchments &c. records, twenty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars;

For tract books, other books, and stationery, furniture, expense Books, statione of advertising land sales, and other contingent expenses, includ- "y, &c. ing office rent for an additional building, ten thousand dollars;


For compensation of superintendent and two watchmen for Superint'd't and the additional building for the use of the General Land Office, one thousand and fifty dollars;

missioners of

For salary of the secretary to the Commissioners of the Sec'ry to ComSinking Fund, from eighth February to eleventh April, eighteen Sinking Fund. hundred and thirty-six, forty-three dollars and ninety-five cents;

watchman S.E.

For compensation of the superintendent and watchman of the Superint'nt and southeast executive building, two thousand one hundred dollars; exec. building. For contingent expenses of the building occupied by the Trea- Contingent exsury, including fuel, oil, labor, repairs, furniture, and for rent, sury building. amounting to four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, twelve thousand dollars;

penses of Trea.

Clerks and mes


Arrearage due S.

For compensation to the clerks and messengers in the office of Office Sec. War. the Secretary of War, including sixty-five dollars and seventy-one cents, arrearages due Samuel J. Potts, for clerk hire and for messenger in the Bounty Land Bureau, thirteen thousand one hundred and fifteen dollars and seventy-one cents;


For contingent expenses of the office of the Secretary at War, Contingent ex three thousand dollars;

penses. Books, maps, &c.

Extra clerks.

Commissioner of Ind. Affairs.

Clerks and mes. senger.

Cont, expenses.

of Pensions.

Clerks transfer. red from office

For books, maps, and plans, for the War Department, one thousand dollars;

For compensation of extra clerks, when employed in said office, two thousand five hundred dollars;

For compensation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, three thousand dollars;

For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, sixteen thousand four hundred dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, two thousand dollars; For compensation of the Commissioner of Pensions, two thousand five hundred dollars;

For compensation of clerks transferred from the office of the Sec'ry of War. Secretary of War to the office of the Commissioner of Pensions, four thousand eight hundred dollars;

Clerks and messengers, author

For compensation to clerks and messengers for the office of the ized by act 9th Commissioner of Pensions, authorized by act of ninth of May, eighMay, 1636. teen hundred and thirty-six, thirteen thousand four hundred and fifty dollars;

Clerks and mes.

senger in office

Cont. expenses.

Clerks and messenger in office

For compensation to clerks and messenger in the office of the Paymaster Gen. Paymaster General, four thousand six hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, three hundred dollars; For compensation of clerk and messenger in the office of the Com'g General. Commanding General, one thousand five hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, three hundred dollars; For compensation to clerks and messenger in the office of the Adj. General. Adjutant General, seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand six hun dred dollars;

Cont. expenses.

Clerk and messenger in office

Contingent ex


Clerks and mes

senger in office

Cont. expenses.

For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Quar General. Quartermaster General, seven thousand three hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, six hundred dollars; For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Commissary General of Purchases, four thousand two hundred dollars;

Clerks and mes senger in office

Com'y General of Purchases.

Cont. expenses.

Clerks and mes.

For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars; For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the senger in office Commissary General of Subsistence, four thousand three hunCom'y General of Subsistence. dred dollars;

Contingent ex. penses.

Clerks and mes

senger in office

Cont. expenses.

For contingent expenses of said office, two thousand six hundred dollars;

For compensation of clerks and messenger in the office of the Chief Engineer. Chief Engineer, five thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand dollars; For compensation to clerk and messenger in the office of the Burg, General Surgeon General, one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, five hundred and fifty dollars;

Cleik and messenger in office

Contingent expenses.

Clerks and mes-
Benger in Ord.

For compensation of clerks and messenger in the Ordnance nance Office. Office, eight thousand six hundred and fifty dollars;

For contingent expenses of said office, eight hundred dollars; 1837. For compensation of the clerks and messenger in the Topo- Cont. expenses. graphical Bureau, two thousand five hundred dollars;

Clerks and messenger in Tope

For contingent expenses of said bureau, one thousand two gracal Bureau. hundred and thirty-five dollars;

Cont. expenses. For compensation of the messenger in the Clothing Bureau, Me-senger in per act of July fourth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, five hun- Clothing Bu dred dollars;


For salary of the messenger in the office of the Inspector Gen- Messenger in eral five hundred dollars;

office Inspect or General.

For compensation of superintendent and watchmen of the Sup't and watchnorthwest executive building, two thousand two hundred and men northwest fifty dollars;

exec. building.

For contingent expenses of said building, including rent, fuel, Cont. expenses. furniture, labor, and repairs, three thousand one hundred and eighty-three dollars;

For compensation of the clerks and messengers in the office of office Sec. Nav. the Secretary of the Navy, twelve, thousand eight hundred and Clerks and meefifty dollars;


For contingent expenses of said office, three thousand dollars; Cont. expenses. For compensation of the Commissioners of the Navy Board, Commissioners ten thousand five hundred dollars;

For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy Board, two Secretary. thousand dollars;

Clerks and mes. senger.

For compensation to the clerks and messenger of the Navy Board, eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said office, one thousand eight Contingent exhundred dollars;


and watchman

For salary of superintendent and watchman of the southwest Superintendent executive building, one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; s. W. Execu For contingent expenses of said building, three thousand three contingent exhundred and fifty dollars;

tive building.

penses. Assistant Post

For compensation to three Assistant Postmaster Generals, per masters Gene act third July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, seven thousand ral. five hundred dollars;


For compensation to clerks and messengers in the General Clerks and mesPost Office, forty-eight thousand six hundred dollars;

penses, &c.

For contingent expenses of said office, including expense of Contingent exnew offices and fuel for the Auditor's Office, ten thousand dol


stationery, &a.

For repairs, books, and stationery, already incurred, over and Repairs, books, above the appropriations of former years, in consequence of the re-organization of the Post Office Department, six thousand seven hundred dollars;


or to 3d July,


For compensation to two watchmen, six hundred dollars; For compensation to extra clerks, prior to third July eighteen Extra clerks prihundred and thirty-six, when the act re-organizing the depart ment went into operation, twenty-two thousand four hundred and nineteen dollars and eighty-one cents;


For compensation to the Auditor of the Post Office, three Auditor of Post thousand dollars;

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