► $13.8 million (53 percent of increase) for mandatory pay increases. Major factors driving up the Library's payroll costs are: (1) the 2.6 percent pay raise scheduled for January 1995; (2) the second of nine yearly locality pay adjustments (2.1 percent); (3) three months of the first locality pay increase of 4.23 percent; (4) employee ingrade increases and reallocations; and (5) growing accident compensation costs. The requested mandatory pay increase is equivalent to approximately 244 positions, and it must be funded to prevent another round of staff and service reductions. ► $12 million (46 percent of increase) for price level increases. Roughly a third of the Library's budget is for the purchase ► $1.1 million of transfers among LC S&E accounts. We propose to transfer to Collections Services and the American ► $.5 million to support the transfer of the Copyright Royalty Tribunal (CRT) functions to the Library. The CRT We have limited our request to the minimum necessary to maintain existing services to Congress and the nation. The Library's proposed fiscal 1995 budget would permit increased efficiencies and prudent investments in automation to continue and would provide a year of relative stability in which to adjust to prior staff cuts and to build the public/private partnerships needed xii to bring more of our unique collections in print and electronic form to the American public. Budget stability would permit the Thanks to the foresight of the Congress, the Library of Congress has become the nation's prime resource in the For fiscal 1995, we submit a stay-even budget request that will enable us to continue to make unique contributions that only this Library can make James H. Billington xiii Library of Congress Mission Statement and Values seeks to serve and inspire a free people by: The Library's mission is to sustain, to celebrate, and to preserve for future generations a universal collection of knowledge and creativity. It American people and their libraries; and Encouraging and celebrating free intellectual creativity by all people in all subjects. Library of Congress are: itself. Quality: The Library provides the best quality feasible in every aspect of its activities, no matter how large or how small. Effectiveness: All Library activities are designed to accomplish its mission. Optimal results are achieved through efficient use of Innovation: The Library constantly seeks, tests, and employs new and creative methods of improving its services and the use of its MISSION VALUES resources. resources. and opportunity in all of its activities. evaluation and improvement of its programs and activities. job satisfaction, and opportunities for career development. xiv THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Comparison of Budget with CBO Baseline CBO - 1992 actual budget authority increased by uncapped Congressional Budget Office assumptions FY94 $350.9 $331.9 XV $70 Funding and Service Decline FY95 Projected $204.5 $212.8 $221.2 FY92 $203.2 $202.2 $213.2 Budget Authority $56.6 FY93 T FY95 Projected S&E, Copyright S&E, Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped $60 FY92 FY93 FY94 FY95 Projected CBO-1992 actual budget authority increased by uncapped Congressional Budget Office assumptions xvi |