Abbildungen der Seite

► $13.8 million (53 percent of increase) for mandatory pay increases. Major factors driving up the Library's payroll costs are: (1) the 2.6 percent pay raise scheduled for January 1995; (2) the second of nine yearly locality pay adjustments (2.1 percent); (3) three months of the first locality pay increase of 4.23 percent; (4) employee ingrade increases and reallocations; and (5) growing accident compensation costs. The requested mandatory pay increase is equivalent to approximately 244 positions, and it must be funded to prevent another round of staff and service reductions.

$12 million (46 percent of increase) for price level increases. Roughly a third of the Library's budget is for the purchase
of goods and services. To maintain the current level of services, the Library needs to increase its budget for inflationary
price increases that have occurred or are estimated to occur in fiscal 1995 (e.g., to fund the escalating costs of foreign books)
and for increases necessary to maintain existing services. Price level increases are the largest for the Books for the Blind
and Physically Handicapped appropriation. To maintain the existing level of services without increasing the risk of service
failure, the Library is requesting price level increases totaling $7,123,000 -- primarily to ensure a steady flow of patron
machines and for the initiation of a program to replace worn out machines. Another major price level increase is $2.3
million for the first of two installments necessary to complete the furnishings for the renovated Thomas Jefferson and John
Adams buildings. These two items, amounting to $9,423,100, account for 78 percent of the Library's price level increases.

► $1.1 million of transfers among LC S&E accounts. We propose to transfer to Collections Services and the American
Folklife Center those positions that have been devoted to arrearage reduction within the pilot program for the American
Memory project when this pilot is terminated. A reallocation of $357,000 is also requested (from American Memory base
funds) to provide continuity and focus to the Library's efforts at digitization. A core group is essential for establishing
private sector partnerships and providing internal know-how for expanding the Library's digital collections. A reallocation
of $388,000 is requested to improve the fire protection system at the Library's collections storage facility. The original fire
system was not designed to protect the high rack storage and high risk materials now in place.

► $.5 million to support the transfer of the Copyright Royalty Tribunal (CRT) functions to the Library. The CRT
from royalty fees the resources required to handle these transferred responsibilities.
Reform Act of 1993 transfers a number of CRT responsibilities to the Copyright Office. The law provides for the deduction

We have limited our request to the minimum necessary to maintain existing services to Congress and the nation. The Library's proposed fiscal 1995 budget would permit increased efficiencies and prudent investments in automation to continue and would provide a year of relative stability in which to adjust to prior staff cuts and to build the public/private partnerships needed


to bring more of our unique collections in print and electronic form to the American public. Budget stability would permit the
Library to concentrate on addressing fundamental changes in the information and copyright industry and maintain a leadership
role as the Nation's Library.

Thanks to the foresight of the Congress, the Library of Congress has become the nation's prime resource in the
emerging new Age of Information, with its 102 million items including films, maps, manuscripts, photographs, books, and
periodicals. The Library preserves and celebrates the wonders of the human mind and the creativity of America. As Congress
addresses problems of accumulated deficits and diminished resources, the preservation of our national memory must not become a
casualty. The Library's ability to acquire, organize, preserve, and make increasingly accessible its unique resources is of critical
importance to our knowledge-based democracy and memory-based policy-making in the legislative process. This amazing resource
should not be eroded further. Future generations will not forgive us if we permit the great repository built up over the past 193
years to diminish slowly, slice by slice, until it becomes more like a warehouse of our past than the dynamo for our future that it
can and should be.

For fiscal 1995, we submit a stay-even budget request that will enable us to continue to make unique contributions
-- to the Congress and the American people.

that only this Library can make

James H. Billington


Library of Congress Mission Statement and Values

seeks to serve and inspire a free people by: The Library's mission is to sustain, to celebrate, and to preserve for future generations a universal collection of knowledge and creativity. It

American people and their libraries; and
Making the Library's resources available and useful to the Congress of the United States in ever more efficient ways;
Assembling, organizing, and making a universal collection of human knowledge and expression increasingly accessible and useful to the

Encouraging and celebrating free intellectual creativity by all people in all subjects.

Library of Congress are:
Underlying the operation of any organization are institutional values that define its culture and shape its actions. The seven values of the

Service: The Library provides the best service feasible to its constituents and to the persons and organizations that comprise the Library

Quality: The Library provides the best quality feasible in every aspect of its activities, no matter how large or how small.

Effectiveness: All Library activities are designed to accomplish its mission. Optimal results are achieved through efficient use of

Innovation: The Library constantly seeks, tests, and employs new and creative methods of improving its services and the use of its





and opportunity in all of its activities.
Fairness: The Library is fair in its treatment of staff and users, and it respects all persons and takes measures to ensure equal treatment

evaluation and improvement of its programs and activities.
Participation: The Library encourages and supports widespread staff participation in the planning, implementation, and ongoing

job satisfaction, and opportunities for career development.
Staff Development: The Library ensures that it has the human resources appropriate to conduct its programs by encouraging and
supporting staff excellence, and it takes measures to promote and foster superior performance, leadership development, individual growth,


THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Comparison of Budget with CBO Baseline

[blocks in formation]

CBO - 1992 actual budget authority increased by uncapped Congressional Budget Office assumptions





[graphic][subsumed][merged small][merged small]


[blocks in formation]

Funding and Service Decline

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

FY95 Projected




CBO Baseline $56.6




Budget Authority $56.6



FY95 Projected

[blocks in formation]

S&E, Copyright

S&E, Books for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



FY95 Projected

[blocks in formation]

CBO-1992 actual budget authority increased by uncapped Congressional Budget Office assumptions


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