Abbildungen der Seite
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Postage and Metered Mail increased from $20,000 to $23,000.


This amount is needed for all postage and mail costs incurred by
the Office of the Architect of the Capitol. The increase is based on
current expenditures.

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Rental of warehouse space increased from $784,000 to $831,000.


For fiscal year 1995, an amount of $831,000 is required for the The present lease contract at 1430 South rental of warehouse space. feet of space has Capitol Street, S.E., for 72,287 square inflationary increase factor which will result in an estimated cost of In addition, the present lease contract $587,000, including utilities. at 120 Canal Street, S. E., for 44,860 square feet of space has an inflationary increase factor which will result in an estimated cost of Thus the total estimated requirement $244,000, including utilities. for warehouse costs in fiscal year 1995 is $831,000, a $47,000 increase over the amount appropriated in fiscal year 1994.

General Annual Repairs increased from $105,000 to $151,000.

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This allotment provides for recurring repairs and alterations needed for the general structural care and maintenance of the building such as carpentry, concrete, masonry, machinery, equipment, electrical, sheetmetal work, minor roof and skylight work, and its equipment plumbing, plastering, brickwork and venetian blinds.

This increase is requested to meet rising costs for this work. This allotment was last increased in fiscal year 1989.


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Safety Engineering Operations and Maintenance increased from $98,500 to $108,500........

The Safety Engineering Division is tasked with providing a work
place free from the recognized hazards of exposure to injuries and
illnesses that are most likely to affect the productivity and welfare
of employees in the Capitol Complex. The various regulatory bodies
that affect such matters have issued regulations covering indoor air
pollution, underground storage tanks, hazardous materials and waste,
and general safety matters.

Additional funds in the amount of $10,000 are needed for the administration of the Hazardous Materials and Waste Control and Disposal Program. The removal and proper disposal of all materials meeting the definition of hazardous waste are on the rise. An additional $10,000 is requested to accommodate the existing waste stream. More and more materials are being required to be disposed of in accordance with increasingly stringent regulations and this is reflected in the cost of removing these hazardous wastes."

Training increased from $49,000 to $98,000.

In recent years the Architect's Office has responded to recently amended civil rights legislation by sponsoring training such as prevention of sexual harassment, employee rights and responsibilities, substance abuse, and other subjects. This training is required for all current and new employees." Additionally, the Office requires supervisory development training and sponsors basic educational skills training for reading. Programs to respond to agency training needs such as trade apprenticeships and additional supervisory development, are being prepared.

$ 49,000


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Training (continued)

The limited funding available for training is directed almost entirely toward the required training, leaving few resources available for other organizational training needs. reduced training opportunities.

Cost increases have also As a result, the Office will have to the availability of basic educational skills training and eliminate trade apprenticeship training being developed. Without an



increase in this allotment there will be no monies available for work
technical skills training.
improvement training,
training necessary for implementing or maintaining new programs or

Because of the unique and high profile environment within which the Office operates, employees must possess a combination of technical and to be effective and productive in communications skills in order Employees must have supporting the activities of the Congress. sufficient technical skills to operate and maintain the equipment the Office is responsible for, and they must have sufficient communications skills to perform their work within the Congressional community in an expedient and appropriate manner.

These funds are requested to enable the Office to continue its efforts to permit all employees to be trained in their legal rights and to maintain and improve their work responsibilities. well as


performance efficiency.


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Contractual Support, Safety Engineering and Indoor Air Quality (new).

Funds in the amount of $150,000 are requested for a new annual
Engineering Division as well as
recurring allotment for contractual services to support the Safety
the Air Conditioning Engineering
as well as
These funds are needed to provide contractual services to
supplement the existing Safety Engineering
Division and Air Conditioning Engineering Division responsibilities.

The Safety Engineering Division was established in fiscal year 1991
to ensure that the Capitol complex was a work place free of recognized
hazards from exposure to injuries and illnesses. Increased concerns
over indoor air quality and the increased classification and regulation
of various commonly used materials as hazardous led to the need to
address these matters in a comprehensive, planned and proactive manner.

has grown.
Since fiscal year 1991, the role of the Safety Engineering Division
experienced an expansion in
Divisions with related responsibilities have also
and indoor environmental
Funds are requested to provide for contractual support
the Safety Engineering Division in the following areas.



Services of an Environmental Health and Safety Specialist are
required for asbestos sampling; other hygiene and air sampling:
supporting hazard assessments such as lead and asbestos abatement
occupational health and safety issues.
programs; and assisting with other general industrial hygiene and

Services of an Industrial Hygienist are required for:
r: protecting
the occupational health of all employees, visitors, staff and Members
of Congress; maintaining an objective approach toward the recognition,
evaluation and control of health hazards; conducting tests and samples
employees regarding occupational health
and interpreting results; supporting Office staff in counseling
hazards and necessary
precautions to avoid adverse health effects; investigating concerns and


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Contractual Support, Safety Engineering and Indoor Air Quality (new) (continued)
suggesting engineering and administrative controls and/or solutions;
developing and presenting policies and/or programs; and sensitizing
building occupants to emotional environmental issues. No member of the
current Safety Engineering Division has the training, education,
experience or certification to address some of the more complicated
occupational health issues, and therefore contractual support is

Services of a Safety Training Specialist are required to research
and implement the beginnings of a formalized safety training program
for the Safety Engineering Division and for portions of the general
work force. The Federal OSHA Program requires that staff responsible
for Safety Engineering receive continuing specialized training so they
remain cognizant of the most current regulations and technology.
Portions of the general work force should be receiving periodic
training such as, but not limited to: asbestos management, planning and
removal techniques, scaffold erection and operation, fork lift drivers
operation, commercial drivers license requirements, hazard
communication, blood borne pathogens, and electrical engineering
safety, just to name a few of the required topics. Voluntary training
in CPR, fire extinguishers and back injury prevention could help keep
costs such as the Workers' Compensation cost manageable, or
even help provide reductions beginning several years from now.
Contractual support to provide these services is requested.

With respect to Indoor Air Quality support, a directive in the
Senate Report accompanying the Legislative Branch Appropriations Bill,
Fiscal Year 1991, directed the Architect of the Capitol to conduct a
comprehensive indoor air evaluation in all of the buildings in the
Capitol Complex and submit a Report to the Senate Rules Committee with
plans for possible remediation of problems. Accordingly such a survey
was undertaken during the fall of 1992. Following the initial survey,
which was performed by existing personnel, it is necessary to perform


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