Abbildungen der Seite
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Regular salaries and wages paid or to be paid to civilian full-time permanent employees and other payments that are part of the employees basic rate of pay.

These funds will be used to fund the ceiling of 226 full-time positions and an estimated 219 work-years. The increase of $722,000 includes, $295,000 for budget-year merit pay increases, $149,000 for the annualization of the current-year pay increases, and $278,000 for a 2.6% ECI adjustment on 1/1/95.

11.3 Other Than Full-time Permanent ($75,000)

This category covers positions not designated as full-time permanent and includes part-time, intermittent, and temporary employment.

CBO will use this type of employee for its Panel of Economic Advisors ($10,000), and temporary assignments ($65,000).

11.5 Other Personnel Compensation ($10,000)

This category includes overtime payments to CBO support staff who are eligible under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

12.1 Personnel Benefits ($4,052,000)

These funds will be used to cover CBO's share of the costs of employee health and life insurance, retirement, Federal Insurance Contribution Act taxes, Medicare, death benefits, public transportation subsidy, and workers' compensation.

13.0 Benefits for Former Personnel ($20,000)

These funds will be used for unemployment compensation.

21.0 Travel and Transportation of Persons ($90,000)

These funds will be used to cover the travel costs for full-time staff, the CBO Panel of Economic Advisors and other


22.0 Transportation of Things ($1,000)

These funds will be used for freight charges usually associated with the shipment of equipment for repair.

23.2 Communications, Utilities and Miscellaneous Charges ($485,000)

This category covers the cost of postal and courier services ($369,700), telephone and telecommunications services ($104,000), and miscellaneous Leasing ($11,300).

24.0 Printing and Reproduction ($392,000)

These funds will cover the reimbursement to GPO for printing CBO reports, studies, and miscellaneous forms.

25.0 Other Services ($2,435,000)

This category includes charges for contractual services not otherwise classifed. These funds will pay for commercial ADP timesharing services ($311,000), interagency ADP timesharing ($1,419,000), interagency administrative agreements ($142,000), systems, data and model development contracts ($270,000), miscellaneous services ($248,000), and training ($45,000).

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Funds in this category will pay for office supplies ($107,000), subscriptions ($128,000), and ADP software ($171,000).

31.0 Equipment ($469,000)

This category includes charges for property having a period of service of more than a year. These funds are for books and microfilm for the permanent collection of the CBO Library ($58,000), office equipment ($56,000), and microcomputer

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The Congressional Budget Office was created by Title II of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 (2 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) to provide assistance to Congress in fulfilling its responsibilities to ensure effective congressional control over the budgetary process; to determine each year the appropriate level of Federal revenues and expenditures; and to establish national budget priorities.

Object Classification (in thousands of dollars)

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[Clerk's Note-The Program and Finance and Object Class tables reflect the budget justifications as submitted to the Subcommittee. Please check Appendix to the President's FY95 Budget for any changes that may be made

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Justification of Appropriations Estimates


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1 Excludes $3,200.0 of estimated reimbursements for furnishing of steam and chilled water.






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