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Office of Technology Assessment Fiscal Year 1995 Budget in Brief

to the Subcommittees on Legislative Branch Appropriations

The funds requested represent the best estimate of the Technology Assessment Board of what is required to meet the needs for the first session of the 104th Congress.

FY 95 Budget Request:



$2,000 for the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission authorized in

42 U.S.C. 1395ww

$2,000 for the Physician Payment Review Commission authorized in

42 U.S.C. 1395w-1

$10,000 for monitoring of Mandated Veterans Studies authorized in

P.L. 96-151, P.L.98-160, and P.L. 99-272

$2,000 for the Advisory Panel on Alzheimer's Disease authorized in

P.L. 99-660 and P.L. 102-507

$3,000 for Review of DOE's study of its role in support of graduate education
authorized by P.L. 102-325

FY 94 Budget Request:

FY 94 Appropriation:

Estimated Increase in FY 95 Request

Over FY 94 Budget Base





Salaries and Expenses

For salaries and expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Technology Assessment Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-484), including official reception and representation expenses (not to exceed $5,500 from the Trust Fund), and expenses incurred in administering an employee incentive awards program (not to exceed $2,500), and rental of space in the District of Columbia [$21,315,000] $22,030,000: Provided, That none of the funds in this Act shall be available for salaries or expenses of any employee of the Office of Technology Assessment in excess of 143 staff employees: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be available for assessments or activities not initiated and approved in accordance with section 3(d) of Public Law 92-484: Provided further, That none of the funds in this Act shall be available for salaries and expenses of employees of the Office of Technology Assessment in connection with any reimbursable study for which funds are provided from sources other than appropriations made under this Act, or shall be available for any other administrative expenses incurred by the Office of Technology Assessment in

[blocks in formation]

1/ This mandate imposes a potential annual burden of $30,000 on OTA's flexibility


1. Schedules A, B, and C: Agency Request and Analysis of Change

Schedule A: Office of Technology Assessment Summary by Organization and by Object Class

[blocks in formation]

32 Land and Structures

42 Insurance Claims and Indemnities


Schedule A-a: Office of Technology Assessment Summary by Organization and by Object Class
Actual FY 1993 Under Old Organization Structure

[blocks in formation]

32 Land and Structures

42 Insurance Claims and Indemnities


Schedule B: Office of Technology Assessment Analysis of Change to Budget Base
by Organization and by Object Class

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